
I hope so ! But can we close this conversation down now … im finding it a bit upsetting … nobody knows do they for sure … believer or non believer and end of the day were all trying to cope the best we can … Thanks …


Yes let’s end this upsetting and very uncomfortable now let’s lighten our conversations up a bit now xxx

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@Deb5 @Cadge Long before he died my husband used to say I believe there is a creator somewhere and that we will all meet again.I hold onto that .
He was the light of my life it went out and I’m left in this dark world.
I’m crying my eyes out again this horrible grief
Hugs and love


Hey @LostLil
I’ve been told off about the letter from heaven saying I am belittling your belief. Honestly you know I never meant to just wanted to make sure you were open minded about it. Anyway I’ve shared with Grandma and we’re both off to the naughty step.

Best love
Georgina x


Told off by who?
I wasn’t at all offended by it. To be honest when you said “can you hear yourself?” you actually made me LOL because I know how it sounds :rofl::rofl:

I’m just curious. I’m aware that the lady doing them knows more about the girl who originally mentioned them and knows absolutely nothing about me so I’m just curious as to who she’ll draw for me.

To do that blind if you actually have no spiritual ability is pretty bold to be fair and if she does have spiritual ability I’m expecting her to mention names of his family members that are still here.
We shall see :rofl:

Sorry if you got told off by Sue Ryder. I’ve had my comments reported lots of times in the past too :rofl::see_no_evil:

Rest assured I’m not bothered at all. Help and support come in all shapes and sizes and I think just because I question sometimes I’m seen as a negative person when they couldn’t be more wrong. Anyway you do what you want my love you know I’m here if you want some genuine advice and not fluffy words that mean sod all.

Much love


Yeh indeed … this horrible grief ! Never seems to end does it :frowning: and yeh this world is darker … i know exactly what you mean ! I talk to other people but really i just want to talk to him and i cant ! Some people are better than others ( thank god for them !) but theres a lot of plonkers out there who really dont get it at all !!! Or dont try ! People are so bad at dealing with death/ loss ! Cliff richard was on loose women today and he said that and i agree xx