
What happened with the medium that mentioned the hot flushes you get at one side of your cheek? Are you still on a waiting list for that one?

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Yes, Iā€™m booked in for an in person reading in January. Iā€™m still hopeful for that onešŸ¤ž
Who was the one you had a letter from heaven from?

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Iā€™ve booked one too :rofl: My Facebook shows nothing at all.
Most people will have old profile or cover photos that have care reactions on to show that the person in that photo has died. I donā€™t even have that so it will be interesting to see what I recieve :crossed_fingers:

If you know how you can go to your Facebook and ā€œview asā€ then select public and it will show you everything you have visible to the public :slight_smile:

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My view is you have to be careful dabbling with mediums - theyā€™re capitalizing on peoples grief and emotions.
If it helps you deal with things, I suppose no harm no foul, but have to keep perspective.

I was looking into Project December, but decided to park that for now

No Iā€™m not sure about it - why I put a pin in it.
Not sure itā€™s healthy, but thereā€™s a certain attraction to idea of resurrection, even though I know itā€™s not her
Way of future I guess, donā€™t think itā€™s too far off to have a near perfect digital clone, if you have enough info to feed the AI

Be careful dabbling. We all want to know, but I wouldnā€™t mess because I want to believe that I will see my loved ones and donā€™t want to sin against the Lord.
Psychic activity is forbidden by God. Every time you break a law of God you are sinning, and you suffer the consequences.

ā€œDo not defile yourselves by turning to mediums or to those who consult the spirits of the dead. I am the Lord your God. " Leviticus 19:31


Itā€™s a personal decision and no right or wrong answer.
If it helps you get through and deal with things, itā€™s your prerogative. Not one shoe fits all.
Unfortunately there will always be someone trying to capitalise on your situation, so have to keep perspective


Whilst Iā€™m not sure if there is any way ā€œmediumsā€ can really contact the dead Iā€™m sorry to say I couldnā€™t care less about ā€œGodsā€ consequences.
Even if he was real he seems to like watching us suffer. If he would actually chose to punish us for not believing or worshipping him or for actually trying to find peace in the fact weā€™ll see our loved ones again then frankly heā€™s an extremely sick individual!


Iā€™m not religious either, but I have found that since I have lost a loved one recently, Iā€™ve found comfort in prayer. Maybe you will find that in time things alter and you seek out prayer too. Itā€™s surprising how a death changes us. Hugs. xx


Find it very harsh to find people saying ā€œI couldnā€™t care less about Godā€. Maybe this is why you are suffering. I really donā€™t know. Everyone has their own opinion. But at the end of the day you are all looking for hope that youā€™ll see your loved ones again and if that is through Jesus, then in my opinion, you need to have a bit of faith.


Which of the many Godā€™s is that?

Itā€™s again a personal journey and everyone has their own way of dealing with things.

To say itā€™s someoneā€™s fault they are suffering because they donā€™t believe in whatever you believe is unnecessary.
Same can be said that, because you donā€™t believe in Allah or Budah is why you are suffering.
Weā€™re all here because weā€™ve suffered a devastating loss and are looking for a way to deal with it.


I didnā€™t say that. I was saying that if you have lost someone close i.e. a partner (which you havenā€™t yet), if you find prayer, you may find help in this. When you lose your partner, you may find solace in prayer. xx


Well I find it very harsh that weā€™ve lost the loves of our lives, parents have lost their children, children have lost parents and children have had to endure painful deaths ā€œGodā€ doesnā€™t give a damn about them or us for wanting to find comfort. No, all he cares about apparantly is being worshipped and adored. Imagine what youā€™d think of him if he was a real man with that attitude instead of a made up guy in a made up book.

And my attitude towards ā€œGodā€ has only been since my OH died. The reason Iā€™m suffering is because heā€™s died not because of my disbelief in something that can never be proven.

Personally I believe the bible was written to keep people in check and to stop them doing awful things but thatā€™s just my opinion :person_shrugging:


I am not religious. All I am saying is that since I lost someone very close, my life is improving and I believe it is prayer that is helping me. x

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I fully understand. I am hurting as much as everyone else on here. I wonā€™t mention religion again, as I know itā€™s a tough one! And I do send you my best wishes. I know how tough everything must be for you with your partner. xx

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I agree totally


Religion, Atheism, ghosts, abyss, believe what you want. Theyā€™re all just stories after all. Weā€™re all just making it up as we go along. And thatā€™s the best thing about it. Life.


:rofl::rofl: It was only Ā£25 and tbh Iā€™m just curious as to who she draws. I know how daft it sounds :rofl::rofl:
Obviously Iā€™ve seen Jessicas and another lady called Susanā€™s letters on her Facebook page but Iā€™m just curious as to what my drawing would be like considering Iā€™ve got absolutely no information on my Facebook. Iā€™m definitely not going down that path again and Iā€™m not really expecting anything from the letter in all honesty.

I donā€™t know what I believe happens after death but one thing I do think is if people really can communicate with the dead then there would be absolutely no doubt about life after death by now.


I believe in the spirit world i believe we will see our loved ones when its our time it gives me comfort believing that this cant be the end :heart:


You need to do whatever gives you comfort and gets you through - regardless what anyone else thinks or says