Remember me!

Beautiful roses and even more beautiful words x


Dear Kate
The community are great to share their thought with you and be of a support even though it has been two years since your husband died. Even though there are up’s and down’s in marriage the pleasant memories are always comforting but they highlight that life is too short. for the happy times fly past quickly. But this was not the original purpose. God intended this Earth to be a very pleasant home for the human family without the old age and pain we have at present. But the wonderful hope in the Bible is, that God will restore the Earth to what he wanted it to be and raise our loved one with fresh bodied and install their memories so that we can be reunited. Even a rose if cut right back will blossom again in its due time. [edited by moderator] Much Christian love, Allen

Oh Kare!!! xxx

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My colleagues at work sent me the same rose after Joyce passed away in 2013. I carefully looked after it every year except last year when I couldn’t buy fertilzer for it. I also forgot to prune it until it was too late. Last year was also the year that it bloomed and bloomed again, I’ve never seen so many roses from the bush. It’s a really nice rose and a very thoughtful gift.

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