Saturday again

It helps me to talk about how i feel. I feel very alone as cant go out the house. It was the first time i went out with my son to my daughters and broke down in tears. :hugs:


I know ive got to go back to work at some point as been off 4 weeks nearly but i cant face it. :face_exhaling:


Yes you do right ! Its good you can talk to others st this stage … i was just an emotional mess im afraid. Hit me hard !! Much harder than i thought it would x

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4 weeks is not a lot of time off when your whole world as collapsed, I had 4mths off as like Deb I was an emotional and physical wreck. I guess it’s also about whether or not you get paid when you are off. I was fortunate as I was on full pay but it’s important you go back only when you are able to and not until. I know people who take 2 weeks off for a cold so put in perspective 4 wks is not a lot. Be kind to yourself


I know but unfortunately i work in the private sector and dont get paid , only SSP. Financially I’m in a mess. My husband didnt make provision for me, he only left me the house and all hos other assets go to his son. Which has made it very hard to understand . :face_exhaling:


Are you getting bereavment benefit btw ? You know youre entitled to it ? x

Weekends are so hard… sending hugs xx


I lost my husband just over a year ago. I have lived through one summer without him and am not looking forward to the next one. However I have a great family who do their best to help me so it’s not all doom and gloom. I try and get out and about as much as I can because moping in the house is pointless. Hope everyone is coping better.


I know exactly how you feel. I lost my husband 19 months ago & instead of feeling better I feel worse. You are so right my family with the excepion of my Daughter all think I am ok but I really am not. I have been on Antidepressants but not working and the Anxiety is through the roof so I am in the process of coming off of them. I dont drive & and need two knee replacements ,so unless my Daughter takes me out, stay in all the time. I was with my Husband since I was 15 & I am now 76. I just hope time will heal but not banking on it. You are not Negative just sad x


Hi Deb , no im not getting any benefit. How do you apply for it ? :hugs:

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Can look online DWP or Citizen Advice Bureau should have an advisor x

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Yrh through DWP as @RoseGarden said … definately worth getting. You get £100 a month for 18 months xx

Hello orbit black I know how you feel. I lost my husband 20 months ago and have found the second year harder than the first I have anxiety and depression and am about to start a course of medication. No children or other family so spend most of my time on my own with dog and cat. When I do meet friends always feel the odd one out as they still have husbands and then am upset when get home. People think I am ok as I keep my sadness and grief to myself. Take care xx


Ahh, that is so sad that you cant tell anyone how your feeling. I feel like you , although nobody im my family seems to care except for my kids. :face_exhaling:


Aw … bless you. Can you find a bereavment group near you so you can make friends ? Honestly the best medicine is having friends. I made a few dog walker friends who are just great ! Think world of them ! And then i got some allotment friends too … hope you can sort something ? Do you know sue ryder has set up some groups called grief kind and if you google it there may be one near you ? Xx


A similar timescale to when I lost my husband, 4 weeks on Tuesday and I just feel like I’m existing from one day to the next, it’s not living. We always lived very full lives and I just don’t have the interest anymore, Sunday is the worst day as we always went out walking and friends are busy with there own families. I am glad for the support on here though.


It’s not negative to me.I feel the same.

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Hi, know just how you’re feeling. I lost the most precious thing in my life just over 3 years ago and I miss her terribly Strange really, I’ve got a few jobs on the go at home but never seem to get round to them . When Val was here I was always doing something round the home, I was a DIY’er and always on the go with some improvement or other, but now I hardly do anything in the house, there just dont seem any point anymore. I keep hoping that I might wake one morning and feel differently about my new situation, but cant imagine it will be any time soon unfortunately. Hope you’ll feel better too , we’re all in the same boat and need to support each other . Take care


Aw … sad for you :frowning: had any bereavment counselling … its so hard to move on from this ya know. We need all the help we can get. Do u know sue ryder do online counselling - might be worth thinking about ? Its hard for us all on here anyway so youre in the right place xx

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It’s been 3 months since my husband died. I’ve just had two tearful days just feel so sad. My husband loved his gardening and I’m trying to keep it looking good but sometimes think what’s the point. I find sunshine makes it worse and sitting on your own in the garden is unbearable.
I have friends good neighbour and a brilliant daughter but it’s not enough. I miss him more than words can say. We were married 57 years. People say you have to make a new life but I’m 76 it’s hard.