Saturday again

I agree … best to bring them home where they belong … really comforting actually … wasnt sure it would be but it really is xx


Yes i haven’t moved anything of Nicks. Dont plan to.

Ive looked into getting a council bench. Its a lot but i want it were we walk our dogs on the prom 7pm every evening.

Nothing is going to bring them back though is it :sob:


Not me… Nick was buried with his mum in her family plot… that was quite traumatic. Id never been to a burial before x


No its not gonna sadly ;( life sucks dunnit x


Its @RoseGarden who hasnt been to get ashes yet. Bless her x


Hi rose I was the same the minute i got tina ashes home tina home made a little cornor always say good morning an good night. An still say sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite xx


It is so bad, we all know on here how you are feeling, the pain is endless, I have family and friends but notmy lovely husband, we were together 39 years, i pretend i am ok but inside I am every emotion, sad angry, unless you are going through this, nobody can understand, life will never ever be the same again, he lit up the room. I will have to get through, just an existence now till I can join him, I am worried I will never be happy again, its horrid. send all my love to you all and hope we can find something good from the heartache.


I feel the same nobody do understand how we feel. At the moment I am alone in the house that is quite and feels so empty. Just myself wondering what do I do next I guess it will be sitting in silence.


I’m sure it will get easier. As I said before it was 3 months yesterday that my husband passed and the heartbreak is endless. It’s not nice being alone but I feel in my heart that my husband is with me when I’m down and him telling me to shape up. I do then go on with my day sad as it is I believe my husband would not want me sad. I’m trying to get on but sadness comes at suddenly times and the tears fall. Be kind to yourself :heart:


Very sorry to hear that Leslie. It’s hard but you have to try and think positively. It’s incredibly hard I know but your life still goes on along with happy memories of your loved one.


Hi, I’m with you on this one. I lost the love of my life just over 3 years ago and I’ve hardly moved a thing of hers. Val’s makeup bag, hairbrush and things are where she left them, now quite dusty, but I cant bring myself to do anything with them. Still wish her good morning and good night. I open her wardrobe before getting in bed and hug her clothes as if they were her. So hard to move on, I dont want to feel as though I’m leaving her behind. Try to stay strong,


Horrendous isn’t it and it doesn’t seem to be getting any easier.
I have a good day usually followed be a few bad ones. Or a day like yesterday where I can’t stop crying, even in company, luckily they were all good friends of ours and really looked after me. But its 3 months tomorrow. I can’t help but wonder how long before they get fed up with me.
I do try to keep up an act but on days like yesterday it feels impossible.
I do have plenty of support, but inside I’m dying. Alone and heartbroken. I know on here everyone understands

Love and hugs to everyone


Like all 5 months now good a bad when I’m out brave face all well. When I turn the key to go in shut all out an I just talk to Tina picture saying all sorts of stuff thinking to my self how would Tina of coped if it was me. Telling myself it should have been. Me not Tina xx can’t change that now just the empty home x


Just keep talking, crying it doesn’t matter it will get you through tough times. The sun will eventually shine I’m sure for you


Blimey this week gone so quick . Hopefully tomorrow nice get out in to garden keep posting nice to read been an got more tattoos today