
I’d like to know what you got up to on that back row!!! Yes we was lucky to grow up in a good time. YOU playing up, I can’t believe that. My Mum gave up on me. She wanted a nice little girl and she got me. Very much the independent tomboy. I suppose your right we mustn’t live in the past but today I was using my grandson’s ‘Alexa’ for the very first time and was playing all the old Rock and Roll numbers that I jived to as a teenager (and older) and dancing around the kitchen, couldn’t resist.

Hi. Pat. You never sat in the back row with a boy!!? Don’t believe it!! It was called ‘smooching’ if you remember. Just being with someone of the opposite sex was really something, and considered by us boys as a real achievement. I have not been to a cinema in years. Do they still have ice cream girls walking up and down during breaks?
My neighbour has ‘Alexa’ and it beats me how all that information is available. Wonders of modern science.
I was going to my neighbour for Christmas day but she went to her daughters and the two lovely girl twins aged 4. I was invited but declined. It would have been all day and that would have been too much. I love the kids but it’s non stop.
I will surely talk to you again before the New Year. I can’t wait. I feel like a new start, never forgetting, of course not, but maybe as the days get longer it may help. Blessings and love. XX

You bet I remember!!! Smooching, that was it. I can remember my first boyfriend taking me to the village cinema. He became a BBC commentator and I can still pick him up on google but we was two innocent kids in those days. And I do mean innocent!!!.. I haven’t been to the cinema for years either. Wait long enough and they come on TV or Netflix. Don’t think there is ice cream girls now but can’t swear to that. I think your expected to take overpriced nibbles in with you.
I can’t fathom out how this Alexa works either. It can switch on the lights and TV. What a lazy lot we will become.
By the way ‘Girls a complete mystery’ how do you work that one out. We was lovely, not in the least bit complicated… Do you take a look at some of the young girls today. Frightening or what!!!
I couldn’t stay too long with my family either yesterday as much as I love them. I left straight after dinner. We seem to be torn between wanting company and wanting to be alone at home, a safe place.
They all visited me today but the kids went into the living room and had a film on Netflix, so I saw little of them and the adults were on their phones. My grandson was watching a football match. I suppose this is what we have to get used to now. I’m beginning to feel like a nuisance to them.
Pat xxx

Hi. Pat. What I meant about girls being frightening was that I could never work out what to say. Oh yes, you were a sweet enough lot and that was the problem. ‘Sugar and spice and all things nice’. Confusing!!!They seemed a different species when it came to having a conversation. Oh yes, innocent is right. We didn’t have all the temptations young people have now like all the stuff we get on TV which I think encourages youngsters to behave badly.
I think it’s sad that the innocence goes as we get older. That childlike view of life is soon lost. There is a big difference from being ‘childlike’ to being ‘childish’. Grown men and women can often be childish whereas some people, more often women, maintain that childlike innocence which has little to do with physical activity. It’s a state of mind that allows them to see things as they are and not what they want or expect them to be.
I think that in the situation we are in that innocence is acceptance. Accepting what is rather than what should be. Sorry, going all philosophical on you.
Take care. You are all lovely really and us guys are lucky to have you. :heart_eyes:
Blessings and a hug. XX

Hello, Jonathan,
I can remember my cousins taking me to see, “She wore a Yellow Ribbon” and Apache, I am quite an old lady.:heart_eyes:
All the best for the New year.

Brian said to me last year that he found me so easy to have a conversation with that this was why he liked me from the beginning. He was a quiet man that didn’t converse easily but he said it wasn’t hard work for him with me. Was he trying to tell me something, I wonder…
Yes we were innocent, we didn’t know that much. Your correct there wasn’t the temptations and I don;t think it did us any harm.
Pat xxx

Well, believe it or not. ‘Willy Wonker and the Chocolate Factory’ were on yesterday and, wait for it, ‘She wore a yellow Ribbon’. Honest.!!!: :grin:
You would think it was all worn out by now. If John Wayne was still with us he would be a millionaire with all the repeat fees.
Take care Pat. XX

Hi there, Never liked the Willy Wonker film but a great fan of John Wayne. We went to the cinema and watched all the cowboy films when I was a kid. But my favourite, and don’t laugh, was Roy Rogers and Trigger. I watched them at the matinees and was taken to Birmingham Hippodrome to see them live. My father took me to the Hotel RR was staying at. There was crowds of people. I was very small and my father lifted me up and stood me on the back of the car RR got into and he waved. I was in love!!! and he did own Trigger which was a bonus. Oh happy days.
Pat xxxxx

Hello everyone,
I don’t think it is a good idea surrounding yourself with family, especially at Christmas,
I had a very peaceful time, it was a joy seeing my great-grandson, he is such a delightful little boy, however, since my return to my lonely life I have cracked, my family is brilliant in their support. Yet, I have realised how much I have lost in my beloved Stan, I feel worse now than when he first died.
I have realised that I need help from my GP, your thoughts would be very welcome, please. I wish all of you a contented and peaceful New Year.

Hello Mary, I too found the same thing, I focused on making Christmas great for my daughter and was fine but the days following I have found me missing him more than ever to the point it’s painful. It’s like reality sinking in again.

I get help from my GP, I see no shame in it, he gave me some pills and is speeding up counselling. Do whatever you need to to help it’s what they are there for and I found them more understanding than expected.

Hope to help. Rosie.

I went to my neighbour and her Mum and stayed for 3 hours but I just wanted to get home again.It’s becoming an effort to go out now but I must.I think I need to see the doc for help with sleeping.I’m 7 weeks down the line now but with the way I feel,it might as well be yesterday.

Dear Jill and Rosie,
Thank you very much for your replies, both of them have made me feel much better. I have been taking anti-depressants for a very long time, unfortunately, the inherited blood disorder which I have stops my brain from making seratonin. I take the anti-depressants as a supplement, I also make too much iron or my liver does and I have to have a pint of blood removed every so often. There is no cure for my blood condition only control. Thank you once again,
MaryL x

You’re more than welcome Mary.It’s really knocked my confidence for 6 and that’s probably why I don’t want to go out anywhere.I am hoping to visit my daughter next year but it’s 200 miles and 2 trains,in and out of London but the thought terrifies me.I suppose I’ll know when I am ready.x

Oh Mary I’m so sorry your visit had this effect on you. I was hoping to hear that you brought some of that peace home with you. But I do understand, and I wish I had the right words that could offer you solace. Talk to your GP, perhaps he can offer some medical support. I know your options are limited, due to your health, but hopefully something can be done to help alleviate your sadness. I sincerely hope you can find some peace and comfort.

Dear Paula3,
I also lost my husband very suddenly. A month from diagnosis and apparently good health to death. The trauma and shock of a sudden diagnosis is immense - my husband was 57- We shared your feelings of total disbelief that it was happening. Grief aside, I think it takes a long while for the actual shock of what has just happened to wear off… my husband died 6 months ago and since then I have spent so much time going back over what happened, what was said by doctors, what if ‘s, and should I have noticed something sooner etc. I think it is only now that I am actually beginning to realise he is not coming back. I am told it is normal to go back over traumatic events, it is the brains way of processing events. There are a few things that have helped and may help you in the months to come when the actual numbing shock has receded just a little. Firstly talking about what has happened- I went to a bereavement group that had people designated as ‘ listeners’ and just being able to talk through what happened with somebody not connected really helped. Secondly - don’t make any big decisions - people said this to me - I did anyway- and I made some really stupid decisions that I regret now. This site is so helpful as people understand what you have been through.
You are in my thoughts

Thank you, Heather_

Diane, I was hoping the same but it was not to be. Seeing our great grandson was an absolute joy, he is such a happy little boy, he kept all of us entertained.

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Hello Sue 2
You are so right, it is 4 months since my husband passed away, over Christmas it has hit me as if it had only just happened. Our daughter and family made me so very welcome and couldn’ t do enough for me, yet on Sunday, I cried and cried for my Stan. It was just as if he had only died the day before, I know that Christmas is a very poignant time and that we suffer all over again, but never did I dream it was going to be this bad.
I wish all of you, my new friends, a Peaceful and Contented 2020.

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How are you doing Paula?
I lost my husband suddenly just after new year, total shock and in a daze, know that feeling too much and he was my world x


My husband too was diagnosed with the flu it took 3months before scans where done and lung cancer diagnosed.He had 2 weeks of radiotherapy and seemed to be improving.Then after 1 month chemo after his send chemo he was really sick and has third one and deteriorated.I was in shock when he passed as i always had hope his life would be extended if only by a year.