Good Morning Bubba,
I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I know all too well how desperate and all consuming the need to receive a sign from your loved one can be. Sometimes it’s not that the signs aren’t there it’s that our overwhelming need creates a barrier that blocks our openness to receive said/sign that we are in such great need of. Then of course we get saddened further and even angry in thinking that those we love have not come back our way or aren’t by our side.
I can assure you that he is there, always.
I know it can be difficult to close your mind completely to everyday thoughts, stresses, and noises but you could try and practice some simple meditation for just a few short minutes per day. The more you do it the easier it becomes and the longer you are able to maintain it.
Carve out just a few minutes each day to sit or lay somewhere comfortable and quite. Concentrate on relaxing and regulating your breathing, imagine yourself relaxing every part of your body bit by bit, first your toes, then your ankles, lower legs etc until you’ve done all the way up to your head. Try to clear your mind completely by focusing on your breathing and if you do get distracted by a noise, acknowledge it for what it is and then immediately let it go. It takes some practice to get to the point where you can clear your mind completely but you will get there with practice.
By practicing mindfulness such as this it not only allows you to become more in tune with yourself and your body, it allows you to escape from everyday life and really relax. When we are completely relaxed and our minds are free from every day noise and stresses we then become much more open and receptive to any signs that spirit wish to convey, be it sounds, smells, physical touch and/or words.
I hope that this can help you in some way and provide not only a small escape but hopefully the signs that you so desperately need and want right now.
Take care
Leanne x
@AJSO912 hi my soulnate pauline passed 3 months ago I’m broken without her she is my heart and soul I just want to be with her I love her so much and I’m so lost and empty without her we were together for almost 21years I keep asking her for signs but I’m not seeing any I just want to know that she is OK and at peace she was my world
Thankyou so much Leanne. I will try this. 8 miss him so much and wS hoping we would reconnect in spirit. We have been together 49 years. We did everything together. We had no need for friends as we had each other. I lost mel in january but it still feels like yesterday. He would still be alive if i hadnt taken him to hospital, especially as he didnt want to go and i made him. I talk to him everyday and apologise for this. I am so alone and would love to know he is here with me. . Thankyou Leanne. I am most grateful and will give relaxation a go.
Good Morning,
Please please don’t blame yourself for your partners passing. I know it’s all too easy for us to fall into the depths of guilt and feeling as though we’ve failed our loved ones and should of, could of done things differently. However, the majority of the time if we were able to think rationally and logically, and weren’t completely consumed with grief we would actually be able to see that this isn’t the case and is very far from it. I’m sure that neither your husband nor anyone else is placing blame upon you.
I understand all too well how strong the need for that connection is and how it’s hoped for constantly. As I said, grief closes us off. It closes our minds from our own selves but also to that of the spirit world.
As I said in my earlier reply, mindfulness can and will have benefits regarding yourself and your mental health can but also quieten our minds enough to let those messages/signs through. They may be extremely subtle such as seeing significant dates within numbers say on a clock, expiry dates on packaging that seem to jump out at you. Smells, sounds - particularly significant music/songs. It can be animals, colours, feathers, pennies etc. It’s very normal for these signs to be personal to you and your loved one, things that would mean absolutely nothing to others but that you are able to pick up in and understand the significance off relating to your relationship and/or partner.
Don’t try and force the mindfulness, let it evolve in its own time without pressuring yourself as this will defeat the point. Simply try a few minutes every day, a couple of times daily of you wish but don’t fixate on it and feel that it needs to be done numerous times throughout the day as this can be counterproductive. I usually do it when having a relaxing bath, during quiet times in the day when I’m not concentrating on daily tasks and can just sit and be for a few minutes and sometimes spend a few minutes when I get into bed as I find this helps me to relax and also to fall asleep which is a bonus, but it is also usually the quietest time of the day and you are able to focus more. Gradually you will become more adept at stilling your mind and will be able to maintain it for longer periods and feel calmer each time. Maybe play some soft music, light candles if you wish. Close the blinds and light some incense, anything that creates a calming and peaceful environment that you can enjoy. Also remember that it isn’t just about receiving signs, it is also about you, finding yourself again and taking some time out. Signs will come in time but only on their terms, you cannot force it. Create the right environment, calm yourself, relax and just enjoy the stillness that it offers.
You can find many calming guided meditations on YouTube, sites such as Spotify etc but I would advice sticking to the ones that focus on grounding yourself and your emotions and not the more spiritual focused ones as like I said, mindfulness is about you and anything else that comes along is a bonus. Focussing too deeply on the spiritual can also prevent our minds from allowing our loved ones in.
You’ll get there with it, be patient and don’t pressurise yourself. In those moments just be.
Take care, Leanne x
I’ve replied to your message my lovely. X
Thankyou. That is so kind of you x
You’re more than welcome. I hope the mindfulness works even if only a little. I can send you a couple of really good guided meditations that are suitable for beginners if you’re interested?
Just let me know. X
Yes please. Will try anything x
I’ll message them to you privately now. They are only short and you may not be able to complete them 100% effectively at the beginning, but stick with them. As I said just a few minutes each day and you will soon build upon the time span I’m which you are able to completely clear your mind and focus on the meditation fully. They have been written and are narrated by one of the best. He has many many more but they are far more advanced than what is needed right now and to try them before you have mastered your own meditation techniques makes me fear that you will be disappointed. Stick to the ones I send and maybe search relaxation meditation on YouTube, Spotify etc that are purely aimed at relaxing and doing away with stress. There are literally hundreds but meditation is a personal thing and we don’t all like or are able to connect with the same thing. It’s trial and error until you come across one or a couple that resonates with you, but you will. It would be good to incorporate some that focus solely on you in with the ones I send. X
I’ve only had 1 sign and it was the day after my Grandma died. I missed her passing the night before and couldn’t bring myself to go in to her room to see her. I went to clear out her room (nursing home) the day after and, as I was packing her clothes, one of the final items left on her chest of drawers was a merry-go-round ornament that her sister had brought her a few months prior. We’d commented quite a lot on how lovely it was and I’d often set it off for her (one of those twisty ornaments that plays music like a jewellery box would have).
I’d already emptied the drawers so they hadn’t been knocked in the few minutes before it started playing by itself. It was just me and my partner in the room and the music went on for 4 minutes. We just stood and stared at each other, tears streaming down our faces.
I don’t believe in life after death and neither does my partner, but that was something that neither of us could explain (could have passed it off as coincidence if it had just been 30 seconds or so, but 4 minutes was just inexplicable).
It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life and I’ve never experienced anything like it before or since.
That truly is a beautiful experience and one that I’ve no doubt was her letting you know that she was okay and, that given time you will be okay too.
Cherish that experience and her memoro always (I’m sure you will) x
I believe it was him you saw i had the same experience i know i was awake i spoke to my husband lasted no time at tall but felt so real when i was telling my daughter she saix she had seen her dad and he just said 'look after mum 'and then was gone .iv also sat up suddenly in bed as it felt like someone had sat on the end oc the bed and surprised to see no one these things comfort me for a while but you want it to keep happening i think if it was in our heads we could make it happen all the time but it doesnt so it has to be real thats how i what to think anyhow x
Hi Joey, I lost my dad on 12th October last year and he always said to me if there is life after death I will come back and let you know, I keep waiting for that one thing that lets me know hes ok, so far nothing has convinced me as yet x
Last night I couldn’t find my glasses case after reading in the spare bedroom.
So I just took my glasses into my bedroom and put them on the side.
This morning I said to a photo of my parents, where is my case?
I went downstairs to check there, and then came up up again.
The glasses case was sitting on the bed covers at the end of the bed. It’s
It definitely wasn’t there last night, as I pulled my covers on and off me several times in the night.
I had to pull the covers out of a bundle in the middle of the bed when I went to the loo early, and then got back into bed, to try to sleep for a bit.
Mum and I used to say ‘come on Gremlins where is it ?’ when we lost things. Then they would using just be sitting where we looked.
As it’s the anniversary of her death on Saturday, and her birthday on Sunday I’ve been especially upset. But this felt like a little ‘hello’, from my parents. Even if I’m nuts!!!