Signs from loved ones

That’s okay. Yes some voices really grate on you and make it nearly impossible to relax and concentrate. They are both well worth taking a look at x


Thanks for your response - it means a lot. I don’t think I’m spiritual but I’ve also recently experienced strange events with a certain object in my house. I’m convinced it kept moving and felt it was my husband’s work for reasons I won’t go into. Although I felt somewhat comforted by it, it also upset me because I wanted it to keep happening and now it’s stopped.

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I really pray that what you are experiencing is true. I only lost my wife 3 weeks ago but I’ve been looking for a way to know that she is ok… Any sign anything at all but so far nothing. My whole being is looking for ways to be with her again. I hope that my life will end soon to save this pain and heartache. Just a sign that we can be together again would help so much

Hello Leanne.

I’m worried Megan is scared. Is she scared tgat she isn’t with us anymore as we are. Is she ok and with others who love her. Dies she know I tried to save her life and that I’m sorry I didn’t find her earlier? I’m worried I failed her, I’m worried that she’s sad. I miss her so much and no idea how we’re going to live without her. I know there are no answers, I want her to know we miss her every minute of every day of every day xx

If the soul, spirit, call it as you will, survives death then it seems to be the consensus that they are in a better, happy place. They somehow know what is going on, and can communicate by sign to let us know that they are all right.

But how can they be happy, knowing that the one they loved more than anything is frantic with grief ?

I would like to share something with you all. I lost my dear dad to the cruel disease Alzheimer’s. I so believe he is watching over me. One day I was sat at my table with the door only very slightly open. I would say about an inch. I was sat just staring into space and noticed a small white feather drifting back and forth. At that time in thought that was a sign and then this pretty feather drifted towards me and floated though the inch gap and landed right in front of me and gently fell on the table. I couldn’t believe that it even managed to get through the small gap. I believe that was my dad saying he was ok . I miss him so much I’m heart broken.

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I’m the most sceptical person in the whole world and the last thing I want to do is add to the heartbreak you are going through
by giving false hope. I can only go by my own experiences and it is really early days for you to come to terms with the trauma of losing your beloved wife. My husband died suddenly a year ago so I have had some time to come to accept it has happened and I can’t change it. There’s never a day goes by when I dont miss him, yearn to touch him or speak with him again.

I posted only last Sunday - Remeberance Day, a day he always, always honoured. He died on 11/11/2017 but I think if he could have chose a day to die then it would have been that day so I always felt i would find some comfort in that.

11/11/2018 - difficult day that I’d been dreading for weeks - how would I feel, how would I cope?

Lit two tealight candles when I got up and put them each side of a photograph of John. One went out around 9.45 a.m and expected the other to go out soon after. It was still going around 10.45a.m and I noticed it as I was watching the Rememberance Service. The flame went out at the first gun salute after the 2 minutes silence. It may not mean much to anyone else but it meant the world to me. It was probably coincidence but I felt it meant something to me. Take care and I wish I could take away your pain.

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Please take comfort in knowing that there will be more. Sometimes we miss the most simplest of signs as we are looking too hard. You are not in your own. We all watch, wait and hope. If this occurrence was significant and personal to you then I am sure that there will be more signs coming your way. Don’t be afraid to ask for them but just be patient and give them time. They will send you what you need xxx

By letting us know that they are okay they are hoping to aid our grief and to help us to heal. They understand that we are going to be grieving and that our hearts are breaking. Sending signs is their way of offering comfort and reassurance in the hope that it will help you just as they would has they still have been here and therefore aid their own happiness. Naturally they would not wish us to be hurting nor would they want to watch what we are going through but at the same time they know that it is a process that we must go through and a path that we must follow. I hope that you find some comfort soon in a way that is significant and therapeutic to you.
I still struggle daily on an immense level even theee years after losing my Dad but he promised me that he would always be there and I take comfort in knowing that he was a man of his word and that he is with me with every step I take x

By letting us know that they are okay they are hoping to aid our grief and to help us to heal. They understand that we are going to be grieving and that our hearts are breaking. Sending signs is their way of offering comfort and reassurance in the hope that it will help you just as they would has they still have been here and therefore aid their own happiness. Naturally they would not wish us to be hurting nor would they want to watch what we are going through but at the same time they know that it is a process that we must go through and a path that we must follow. I hope that you find some comfort soon in a way that is significant and therapeutic to you.
I still struggle daily on an immense level even theee years after losing my Dad but he promised me that he would always be there and I take comfort in knowing that he was a man of his word and that he is with me with every step I take x

Theresa my darling I hate that you are worrying yourself so so much and trying to deal with that worry alongside the very difficult grief process that we are all trying to navigate the best that we can.
I truly believe that she knows everything that you tried/did for her and that you never let go without fighting for her with every fibre of your being. She would not want you to be torturing yourself with guilt. What happened was not your fault and she will not be blaming you. She won’t see a mother that didn’t find her sooner she will see a mother that fought tooth and nail for her. She sees a mother that loves her like no other love she could ever feel from another.
I believe that you don’t enter the spirit world on your own and I have had many many experiences as a nurse that have cemented this belief whilst being part of people’s end of life care. She’s not alone. She still has you albeit in a different way. I’m sure I’m correct in saying that you still talk to her, include her in your day to day life and she will know that and she too will take comfort in that knowledge just as you can in knowing that she is there with you. Big hugs to you and I know it’s easy to say as I do it too but you must try to stop beating yourself up and adding to your already overwhelming pain by blaming yourself.
I’m always here if you need to chat whether it be in here or via private message. Xxx

AJS0912 I note you say that as a nurse you have experienced things that confirm your belief in the spiritual. Are you able to explain a little more? I am really struggling with the loss of my daughter 12 weeks ago. I just don’t understand how she can be nowhere when she was texting an hour before.
Thank you x

Hi Matella, when experiencing death through my career and also when I lost my dad it was extremely common for people to say that other loved ones who had already passed were there or that they could see them. In my dad’s case he kept on mentioning his mom and would describe what she was wearing, telling me and his brother that she was there and had come to fetch him. I did 10 years of elderly care before I trained as a paediatric nurse and elderly patients always seemed to mention a lost relative. Usually one or both of their parents, their spouse etc. It’s due to this that I truly believe that you do not cross over alone. There is always a loved one there to take you by the hand and walk with you on that final journey.
I’m so so sorry to hear that you have lost your daughter. I know that I am extremely lucky to be able to say that I’ve never had to and hopefully never will experience the loss of my own child however I have nursed many children in my time and have been there with families trying my best to offer any support I can. Therefore I have witnessed the total devastation and destruction that the death of a child has in a family especially his/her parents. It’s not an experience that ever got any easier to witness or to deal with and I have to say that each and every time was a horrific as the last. As a nurse you feel completely helpless and know that all you can offer in terms of comfort is the knowledge that you did your utmost to help them and that you fought as hard as you possibly could to keep them here and to keep that family together.
As for how someone can be there one minute and gone the next I honestly have to say that even with years of nursing experience it’s still not a question that I can answer in any other way other than scientific. Even armed with the scientific knowledge and the anatomy and physiology of the human body it makes that question no easier to understand. I still have that same disbelief with my dad because even though I know and understand he the body ceases to be I just can’t get my head around the fact that he suddenly just ceased to be. I like to think (personally not professionally) that the human body and it’s workings are just a means of enabling our souls to be here on this side and that once that body is no longer viable it is then that our souls which is the very essence of our being pass on to the other side. I know this isn’t much of an explanation but I feel that like myself and the loss of my dad scientific answers are not the ones you seek and they certainly aren’t the ones that will comfort you or help you understand. Scientifically as a nurse I can only explain the loss of that physical body. The body to me is a machine it’s not the person. The person is an essence deep inside within that body beyond any physical sense and something that I feel we will never fully understand. That is one of the things that underpins my personal belief that who we are does not cease to be we just pass to the other side of a thin veil and continue to exist and live but in a differing form.
I feel I’ve not done this explanation much justice and that I’ve not been able to give you the comfort or the answers that you are searching for and for that I am truly sorry. My profession is based onscience and science doesn’t explain what neither you or I understand.
Sending you big hugs and my sincerest sympathy. X

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Thank you so much. That does help to think of things that way.
The whole experience is such a shock and as the shock subsides a little the reality of what it means in the long term kicks in.
There are so many aspects to grief including the spiritual question.
It is exhausting working through all the questions.
Thank you and best wishes. X

Stevie I am so so sorry for your loss. It worries me that you are seeking ways to be with your beloved wife that you are hoping that your reunion will come soon.
Sometimes our sheer pain and grief acts as a block to the spirit world and messages and signs simply cannot get through. In other instances the timing is just off and those in spirit feel that we are not yet ready emotionally or mentally for what they have for us. Even though every fibre of our being is screaming out for something no matter how small. We just crave that sign that those we love are still with us and that is perfectly normal. Even though I have experienced signs from my dad as have other daily members there are still times that I am so broken that I find myself literally begging him to show me something, do something to let me know he’s still here.
It is extremely early days for youand although I cannot tell you that The pain and grief will stop you do somehow find a way to walk beside that grief. I don’t know how I just know that grief doesn’t go away or become any less painful but more of a case that we ourselves find ways to cope better.
I am a firm believer that our loved ones are not gone. Just because we don’t see it does not mean it’s no longer there. I strongly feel for now that you need to focus on grieving and I am sure that when the time is right and you are emotionally and mentally strong enough those signs will come. They most likely already have but grief clouds our vision and keeps us from seeing what it is that we are desperately seeking.
I am always here to chat, to listen and to support in any way that I am able. Hang in in there, use this group for support and maybe consider some grief counselling but know that we are all in the same dark place and just trying to find our way through the darkness in any way that we can. I’m sure all on here will agree with me when I say that we are here to support each other. The care of yourself and know that you are not alone even tough I know that it certainly feels like we are. X

I understand its pure desperation. I need something to cling on to. I just can’t see me making it through this pain. X

Looks like this is an old thread but maybe it will catch others’ attention now again.

I’ve had signs from my mum too. Sometimes, it was when I was at my absolute lowest not long after she died - I was crying out for help and I am certain that my mum sent people to me. Sometimes even a text (and then a visit) from someone at 4am when I was most feeling like I couldn’t cope.

More recently I’ve seen robins. I was in the park the other day and found myself crying on a bench. A robin hopped out from a nearby bench, and was on the path near me. It flew from a bench on one side of me to a bench on the other side, then eventually back into the hedge.

Once I’d gathered myself a bit, I said thanks to my mum under my breath and said goodbye. Just as I went to stand up to leave, the robin flew out from the hedge and away.

I really do believe these things are signs that my mum is still with me. I’m grateful for them but it still breaks my heart to think this is the closest to her that I’m ever going to get now.


What lucky people tou are to have a sign from your loved ones. I have wished for that everyday, just to know my husband is still with me in spirit and watching ovwr me. Its 6 months now and nothing. I am heart broken since he left.

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I have been reading with somewhat sceptical interest the experiences you have posted.
I had a really strange but to me a very real experience a few days after my lovely husband passed away suddenly from a heart attack in November last year.
I was in bed early one morning and was on his side of the bed. I felt really warm all of a sudden and turned to my side to get the cooler part of the bed. I am sure my eyes were open and I was suddenly aware of an image on the wall opposite the bed. As I focussed I saw that the image was my husband. It was so clear that I actually called to him and told him I wasn’t scared. It was like looking at a reflection of his face and shoulders and was in colour. He looked very serious and as though he was trying to concentrate. I will never forget it. I know I was awake and not dreaming. I can’t offer a logical explanation for it.
I have had no further signs or images and am still sceptical but I can’t explain it.
Keep an open mind.
I miss him more than words can say. Life is draining now but I need keep going.
Take care all.


Firstly, Please accept my sincere condolences on your loss.
Secondly, this certainly sounds as if your dear husband came back to check that you were safe. The concentration on his face may have been due to the sheer amounts of energy that spirit have to utilise in order to get through to is. In the early days especially this can be very difficult and draining for them.
Keep an open mind and I’m sure that you will receive many more signs that he is by your side always. Sometimes these signs may not be huge, jump out at you signs and may simply be subtle occurrences that only mean something to you or connect you both on a personal level.
Take care
Leanne x