Just want to say I have had loads of white feathers appear over the time since mum has passed. Mostly outside but some I’m very odd places Last Feb I was out shopping for something to wear to mum’s funeral and felt very depressed .I needed to find something in my bag so was fumbling around but couldn’t find it.I walked over to a large flower display sort of thing in a very busy shopping centre and put my bag on the wall part of the display and as I put my bag down there was a white feather It was like mum was with me just before her funeral.
Another time my son’s car broke down He was extremely close to his nan.The steering had failed so we called the AA out.When the man took the wheel off there was a pure white feather next to it but completely out of view until the wheel has been taken off It was like my mum was keeping my son safe as the steering on his car had failed as he was driving off our driveway
Another time approx the s after mum passed I went to use a hot we l swimming pool as part of a spa day deal with a friend I really didn’t want to go but couldn’t let my friend down.I felt very down.Went into the individual changing room got changed and went out but my friend wasn’t ready so I told her I would see her in the pool and off o went As I was walking towards the door to the pool room I noticed a white feather on the floor
I couldn’t believe it
I do hope that our love ones can hear and see us but I have had nothing from my husband who suddenly died at Christmas. It makes me wonder if he has just gone to sleep forever
Your time will come for a sign Hazel. My wife just went to sleep forever.
A sign could be anything, and you may be looking too hard.
My sister gets scents of my dad, which nobody else in the family gets.
I hope your sign comes soon.
Hi Hazel,
I have noticed that I get a sign when it is totally unexpected.It happens when I am not even thinking of signs
You will get a sign so don’t worry.Only you will know the sign when you see or hear it.
I hope one day to see a medium and wow if I was told it was your mum who sent the feather to the swimming pool changing room then wouldn’t that be wonderful.
Keep looking
Deborah x
@seychelles thank you I just hope one day that I will. I went to work on the Saturday and Sunday my son rang me to say that dad has collapsed. Time I got home he was gone. Just 53. No closure or a chance to say I love you
My wife died 52 years young. Just like your husband she will be forever young.
@Kingo it is so hard isn’t it and to especially lose a love one at a younger age though any age is hard. My husband still had a mop of dark hair and still working until the end. Never got a chance to retire. I really dread the future without him as you are with your wife. Big hugs xx
Look up
Jealous of the angels by Jenn Bostic
on YouTube. Christmas edition where she gives the context as to why she wrote the song.
It might help. I don’t know.
I have days where I struggle constantly, try to keep away from people but don’t want to be alone. Trying to balance everything and seeming OK to the outside world is so hard.
Yes Very moving… read the lyrics as can’t listen to music yet as a massive trigger. Xx
Thank you Kingo. The words are beautiful x
I did the same with my wife’s song. I had never heard the song that she asked me to have at her funeral. When she told me the song and the context behind it I watched the YouTube video with no sound on. I listened to the song and watched the video 2 days before the funeral and it totally broke me. So I understand not being able to listen to music at the moment.
Keep posting and talking to people and something at some time will click for a while. You’ll be ok
@Kingo yes music can be such a trigger. That must have been so hard for you both with your wife choosing her own music. Very brave lady and so young.
I live with my 22 year old son who is my rock so I need to keep going through very hard as miss my husband so much.
Take care and big hugs xx
Our son is 18. He’s been incredible. I know he’s had his moments and always will but he told his mum he would make her proud.
So so sad when you can’t say goodbye x
@Kingo that is good to hear… must be so hard for you both. So young for your son to lose his mum. My husband died suddenly and unexpectedly so we didn’t get a chance to say goodbye or that we love you.
My son said that his dad will never see his milestones in life. So very sad. Xx
That song is so lovely I cry every time I hear it.
Also listed to where are you now by enya and Pointless by Lewis capsldi omg the lyrics are incredible
My wife’s song is
FOREVER YOUNG by Becky hill. It was the macdonalds Christmas advert the year my wife was diagnosed. The video is my wife and my son to a T.
I believe that we are all being watched over. Your husband will see his sons milestones. He may not be there in body but in spirit.
Don’t forget your son carries part of your husband within him as he does you too.
The legacy lives on, it’s just too early to have lost him, but no time would be right❤️
Hi Kingo,
I believe also we are being watched over.There are so many things like signs that cannot be explained. I know my mum believed in angels guarding over her and also in white feathers.Before she passed away I asked her if at all possible could she send me a sign and I have had loads so I am sure it’s her.
Just before mum passed she said she could see people looking down on her and smiling I sat with her and told her I thought they were angels and for her not to be afraid.She wasn’t afraid at all and every time she saw them we used to wave to them It was so lovely
Deborah x