
@seychelles - it was beautiful, it was tender, it was very Tom. He is with me. Our loved ones, although we cannot see or touch them, are with us - for Love keeps us connected, until we meet again. Go well, Deborah x


I havnt had a sign for awhile unless Iā€™m just not seeing them , Iā€™m so sick of crying itā€™s doing my head in !!! When do you feel a little bit like you again ??? Xx I miss him so so much xx

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I have never had a sign! Lost my husband 6 months ago today. I asked him to send me a sign but nothing :pensive:

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My wife told me before she passed that if I upset her she will sit at the top of the stairs singing ā€™ I know a song that will get on your nervesā€™.
That hasnā€™t happened yet, so I must be doing something right, but I did get grabbed by the arm and turned around one day in the very spot my wife said she would sit.
To be honest it totally spooked me and I didnā€™t tell anybody until my wifeā€™s best friend told me about an experience she had with my wife.
Iā€™ve now told my son (heā€™s 18) about what happened to me and he told me his mum knocked his earpods onto the floor in his bedroom one morning when he had stayed up late not being able to sleep. He told me he saw it as mums sign for him to turn everything off and get some sleep.
Iā€™m not a believer in God at this moment. Never been religious. I do believe there is something after this physical life but I donā€™t know what.
I hope to see my loved ones again sometime, but if not I hope they can see me and are happy with the things Iā€™m doing.


Wow you just cant explain it
Everyone has such wonderful signs and all comforting

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Your sign will come when you least expect it. You may have already had one but it was so subtle you didnā€™t notice.


Hi Kingo,
I agree. I have had many signs when i havenā€™t been looking for them.Mainly lights flickering or coming on on their own or bulbs shattering or not working despite them being new bulbs just days ago. Also have had white feathers even appear in the house as well as outside.
All so lovely
Deborah x


Has anyone had any signs to do with lights ?

I had a very strange experience a couple of years ago on my dads anniversary. My husband and I were laying in bed and suddenly our walk in wardrobe light came on which is set off by motion. We had been laying in bed in the darkness, hadnt gone in to the wardrobe and the doors were shut. I was thinking of dad at the time and suddenly the light came on. We hadnā€™t heard anything drop or move in the wardrobe and hadnā€™t been in there. Both my husband and I thought it was very weird, but thought immediately it was dad saying hello. Since my mum has passed a few weeks ago, I have had lots of signs including white feathers, kept having a robin visit our garden (never seen before), had a butterfly land on our window and two different birds fly into our house on two separate occasions. All very strange and just in the past few weeks, but it has given me some comfort. I still feel like my heart has been ripped out, and still feel numb but I hope that they continue. Xxx


Hi Emotional,

Similar thing happened to me a few weeks ago. In the middle of the night some fairy lights suddenly came on in my bedroom They had never been used and i had found them and thought I would use them in the garden. I put them on the windowsill for approx 3 weeks and had forgotten to take them downstairs I was feeling very low one night thinking of mum and suddenly they came on . No explanation to it except it must have been mum
Have had light bulbs smash, not working after lasting 2 days from being bought, lights flicker

Have had loads of white feathers also
Deborah x


Hi Deborah,

I agree its so unusual that you literally cant explain it. I know for a fact that both me and my husband witnessed the light that night and both thought thats unusual. It only happened the once, but I was grateful for it especially when I needed it.

I think its lovely to think that your mum gave you signs with the lights and feathers, and Im sure she is with you trying to comfort you.

I can imagine my parents dancing around trying to get my attention ā€œsaying weā€™re fine, dont worryā€. I think we rush around normally in our busy lives that we miss little signs. Its only when you actually slow down (and really contemplate life and mortality) that you start to notice things.

Its still massively painful, but I have no doubt that they are both with me. I have had too many weird things happen, that I cant just put it down to coincidence.

Lets hope our little signs continue.

Big hugs,



After my boyfriend Allan died I was very low and staying quiet in my room at home, it was a few months after he died , I could here some music in the flat and thought maybe I left the radio on in the kitchen, I slowly over time recognised the music, ā€˜amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, I once was lost but now Iā€™m foundā€™ Allan loved music, later I went round the flat but nothing was on, I remembered the words for the music, whenever I was deeply sad and on my own the music would come , it is now the second year and I am getting back into my life and focusing on my son and his wife and now a baby girl will be born in September, still in quiet moments the music comes wherever I am, it grounds me and brings peace, he is still here but also there in a place of peace and grace, I let him in to be part of my life.


Thats beautiful, sorry for your loss too. Music can be a huge comfort for us, and Im sure he will be right with you all when your little one arrives. Sending hugs. Xxxx

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Yes Iā€™ve had quite a few
and had a beautiful sign from my husband recently

To give a bit context Iā€™ll first say that although he wasnā€™t as into music me, heā€™d commented over the years how he liked the band ā€˜Sparksā€™.

The day after his 1st yr memory, I visited my sis-in-law and we spoke about how fond my husband and my late brother were of each other and I had a few tears.

I was going to my sons for a BBQ at 6pm and I left hers later than planned

Driving down the motorway I wondered ā€˜if I drive as fast as I can legally I might make it for 6pmā€™ā€¦as I thought this I switched from CD to radio and the song playing wasā€¦

ā€˜Beat the clockā€™ by Sparks

Honestly you couldnā€™t make it up!!
I was smiling like a Cheshire Cat :grin:



He was with you for sure
Just wonderful
Deborah x


I had a day of white feathers.

I asked my wife Monday night to show me something to say she was around.
Tuesday I went to work as usual but during my day had to call at a friendā€™s house, when I arrived as I pressed the door bell a white feather dropped in front of me. I thought nothing of it. Went in and whilst my friend was making a drink a white feather blew across the floor in front of me ( inside the house).
Later that day went to my sisters sat outside clear blue skies no birds about, started telling my sister about the feathers and another white feather dropped and landed at my feet. My sister told me to pick it up and keep it. Sat there for about 1 hour chatting having a drink then my niece said whatā€™s that above my head. Another white feather. As I said clear blue skies no birds about.
The 2 white feathers I picked up are now underneath my wifeā€™s alarm clock at the side of our bed.

These things happen when you least expect. :heart:


I have loads of white feathers in my collection now lol. At first I thought I was only noticing them cause maybe I was looking for them and they exist but how are they always in my path lol

I asked for a sign whilst I was at work the other day and found one on the floor whilst mopping up.

I should also add that they are pure white with no dirt on them so it canā€™t be like theyā€™ve been sat there waiting, itā€™s almost like theyā€™ve arrived at the right time just for me :thinking:


Mine were pure white also. No marks on them, as if theyā€™ve come straight from an angel or a dove.

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Oh definitely Deborah
Receiving signs really helps me and I love hearing about other peoples signs too x

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Proper fluffy as well, I donā€™t see many full white birds in my area either, the best one I found was the one that appeared suddenly under my can of pop lol I tried to think of a way it appeared and I couldnā€™t, Iā€™ve had that many signs that even my partner who was a unbeliever turn into believer now and he was telling me off for trying to think of a logical answer to how that feather appeared lol he was like oh come on itā€™s impossible thereā€™s an answer, it literally appeared out of thin air x