@Dawnmarie74 please ramble on, this is what this thread is for, we’d love to hear all your experiences & thank you for sharing them so far with us!!
Peace & love xx
wow that is really a sign or signs rather. Take comfort from them knowing he is near and trying to get in touch
Deborah x
I losf my husband suddenly dec 2021. I have always believedcin signs, when icwas a young girl my mother allowed mecto come home from school on my own, bearing in mind that the school was a five minute walk away and on the same side of the road where we lived. I cane through the door and saw a man watching me over the rail at the top of the stairs. It scared me as i had never seen him before , my nan whose house it was (my dad was away in the army so we were living there) got out the photo albums and there were pictures in there of him. It was my grandad who i had never met as he died in the war. To this day i believe he was makingvsurexi got home safe. Then when my father-in-law passed away i could never sit in his chair as i could see him as clear as day.
I never thought about any of this till recently. I had to get rid of my husbands car and felt really guilty about it. Had a sleepless night as was due to go to car dealership to trade in mine and his for another, i had taken the dog for a walk on the morning i was going and stopped at the road sign where i live when a robin came down and sat there staring at me. Im sure it was him letting me know thatcit was ok. I havent seen it since but thecother night i had a funny experience. It had been a year since we said goodbye to him and i went to bed and suddenly started crying, then all of a sudden i felt something touch my back. My dog was lying on the bed and his paw touched me, but the funny thing was it was a hand i felt on my arm. I waxnt afraid as i was sure he was telling me he was ok and was comforting me. People may think i am imagining this but in my heart i know he is with me and looking out for me always
Hi,I am sure you are not imagining it and they were indeed signs How lovely
Deborah x
I was just climbing the stairs to bed and I was tracing my hand over some handprints he’d made on the wall (which I haven’t brought myself to wipe off yet) and the words “chin up love” sprang into my head. That was just so him, so I’m praying that was another sign
Wow fantastic
@Beachgirl fantastic experiences. Nobody thinks you’re imaging it as we’ve all come to this thread with our own experiences & an open mind. Thanks for sharing xx
Jasminejelly this has happened to me a few times. One of the times was when I was on the beach. I walk on there every morning .A few times when I have aske Phil for a sign there has been a heart shaped pebble all on its own as if they are waiting for me. I always carry one of my pebbles in the back pocket of my jeans. One morning I walked on the beach & there was a heart pebble so I bent down & picked it up & said thanks love. Straight away in my head came the reply that’s because you forgot yours today. I immediately felt my back pocket & there was no pebble there. I hadn’t realised that I had left it at home. It’s a good job the beach was empty because it made me cry because I just couldn’t believe it.
Net xx
Not sure if this was a sign but it surely freaked me out. Got on the bus a couple of weeks ago and sitting opposite was the spitting image of my late wife. Same hair style and colour, in profile the same shape of nose and chin, same build, glasses with slight tint. I couldn’t stop staring, I hope she didn’t notice and think I was some sort of weirdo!
That is certainly a sign
I had a similar one many many yrs ag. I went for a job interview and my gran had just passed. I was very nervous so got there super early Too early in fact way before even the people doing the interview had arrived. On the reception desk was a lady the spitting image of my gran . She das the same hair petite everything about her was the same. She was very very kind to em showed me where to sit to relax offered me coffee showed me where the toilets were etc. Eventually it was my turn to go in for the interview and she wished me luck. On the way out the lady was still there and smiled at me . I got the job and it was like she was my gran .I went straight to my grans grave to thank her .
Hope this resonates with you
Deborah x
Oh it does. I thought I was losing it! Haven’t seen her since but I just didn’t know what to do about it. I nearly cried and wanted to talk to her but did not even go there in case I got arrested
I don’t believe in signs myself but I know others do and that robins seem to be quite commonly taken as one. So I include the photo below of a robin who joined me for coffee and Eccles cake to cheer you up. He sang me a song so I whistled back and he stayed for a while singing on. Luckily only me and my brother there so no one to think I’d lost it having a conversation with a bird.
Hope you believe now
What a fab photo
Deborah x
Little robin been visiting me almost every day. Know its not unusual for birds only to have one foot but my husband was an amputee so lightens my mood for the day.
Thats a sign for sure
Fantastic pictures, a joy to see.
Hi everyone
Has anyone had any recent signs?
Amazing photo How often do you see the robin
Deborah x