Wow that is amazing
Hi Deborah
It was a year yesterday since I lost my Phil. I spent most of the day going over & over all the bad memories of that day & how horrible it was. I had no signs all day & when it got to evening I thought I need to try & think about happy times. I lit some candles & put our bottle lights on just like we used to do. I reclined the sofa at his side & I got him a bottle of Cider & I put his favourite film on. It would have been a perfect evening for him. I still had no signs & I didnât dream about him either. This morning my Dad came to pick my daughter up & he pulled up in the car & waited for her. My Dad is a non believer but when I saw him later this morning he said to me you know how I donât believe in signs & afterlife well this morning as I pulled up at your house Throw your curtains wide by Elbow came on the radio & I got this overwhelming sense of Philâs presence. He said I have no explanation for it & I think it must be a sign. That song was Philâs song for me he said that was how he felt about me. He wanted the song playing at his funeral & I always used to say you canât have that the words are inappropriate because you want cremating. He said he didnât care because of how that song said what he thought about me. As I have been struggling for the last couple of weeks & my grief is really deep I think that sign was for me to let me know that he was with me last night. He knew I would believe it because my Dad is such a non believer & doesnât know how significant the song is to the two of us. Sorry for the long message but just wanted to share my sign on here for others to see.
Net xx
Hi Net65,
Thank you for posting and sharing that It was certainly a sign. I have found when i have looked and looked for signs nothing happens Then all of a sudden out of the blue i see a sign.I have had so many. Most have been to do with light bulbs but I have found white feathers and even a butterfly in the house of all places. I know it is my mum . One night about 2 weeks after she passed I was very depressed and said some awful things whilst crying I was out of control with my crying and we were at mums house. I went to bed sobbing and when my husband came up I was almost hysterical with grief so he went down to fetch me a glass of water On his way down the lightbulb above his head smashed. In the morn we realised it wasnât just the light bulb it was the whole light fitting . My husband does not believe in things like signs but is now a believer because he said my mum was trying to help me as I was in such a state. It certainly did help me as I jumped out of bed instantly and felt she was there with me .
I havenât had a sign for a while now but hope I will have one soon
Deborah x
Hi seychelles and net65. I lost my husband 15 months ago. I have had a couple of signs, first was a robin that sat on the road sign looking at me. I had had a bad night as i was due to exchange both mine and his car for a newer one. I had felt so guilty about this but the day i was going to the dealership was the day the robin came by me. I felt it was Keith telling me its ok. Then on the anniversary i felt his presence, i swear he was touching me as i felt a hand on my arm while lying in bed. It was scary, then ladt week i was having a bad day, all i could think about was him and i was crying when i went to bed, i hadnt felt this low for a while, i must have drifted off to sleep when i felt a presence. It was if someone was lying next to me, you know when someone is lying close to your back. I could feel something as if he was breathing. I swear he was there comforting me, i was scared to move incase the feeling went away. I know in my heart he was looking out for me especially on the bad days.
Hi Beachgirl,
I believe in signs and I am sure he was comforting you. Things happen and there is no explanation for it.
I love hearing about other peopleâs signs Make me realise I am not going bonkers. Please post if you have any more
Deborah x
Hi Deborah, . When i first had one i wouldnt say anything to anyone incase they thought i was mad, but your right things happen when you least expect them., and there is no explanation for it. Daft as it seems it can feel a bit scary but comforting at the same time. Its good to be able to post on here as i cant talk to the children about it or they would think their moms bonkers and my daughter would be really upset as she cant talk about her dad yet. Its been 15 months when he went suddenly but somedays it feels like yesterday
Take care
Denise xxx
Hi Denise,
Aww its heartbreaking for you with children also. How old are your children? I have one son aged 27who was very close to my mum and he was devastated when she passed last Dec and got himself into a terrible state. I have had to be brave for him . How are your girls coping ?
Post anytime or pm me whenever you want I usually check every night
Deborah x
Hi Deborah & Denise
Thank you for replying. It really helps sharing on here because sometimes I do think I am going bonkers with all the signs I get. I have had Phil cuddle me in bed twice & I was scared to move as well in case he went away. I met with a friend for coffee one day & I told her about it & she said I believe you because my mum cuddled me & I could smell her perfume after she passed. She said nobody believed her & told her she had imagined it. It was a comfort to us both to be able to share a similar experience. I have also had experience with lights being on when I know I turned them off but never had one smash. Your Mum really wanted you to know she was there Deborah. I hope we all get some more signs soon.
Take care
Net xx
Hi Net,
My mum passed at 6.50pm and after she did a few electrical things happened which made us all think We were at her house and the oven light didnt work the next day Also I had bought her an electrical wax burner and my husband had changed the small bulb in it approx 3 days before but the next day after mum passed the bulb did not work. The previous one lasted 4 years. Then the same day a tracker bulb on my sons camera stopped working and that had just been replaced and usually lasts years . Lights flickered in her house and when we came home a few days later lights in out house flickered and some stopped working for a few days then worked. My mothers next door neighbours told me that their standard lamp kept flickering all week after mum passed It was placed alongside the detached wall to my mums house. They also heard light switches being turned on throughout the first week and socket switches being turned on . They were adamant there was someone in the house so much that they knocked on the door thinking we were staying there.
My son who was working away filming a show was on his big camera equipment and couldnât get off it as he was halfway through the show suddenly saw his phone light up. When he managed to reach it it had nan calling on it. There was no way that could have happened.
Also all her garden lights used to come on every night and her neighbours told us they hadnât come on for ages after she passed. The night before her funeral we stayed at her house and when my son arrived there with his girlfriend he was telling her how much she loved her lights and how she would ask him to go and check if particular ones were on . As he said this one light came on so he was so shocked . He kept on about the lights as he walked up to the back door and each time he mentioned the lights another one came on. It was like she was telling us she was with us still.
I have found lots of feathers and some in strange places. One was halfway up a hedge as I was reversing the car and only spotted it as I checked reversing If I had placed the car in a different place I wouldnât have seen it. I also saw a white feather in the distance high up on another hedge in my garden at 6am in the morn when i looked out of the window It is still there and it has been there over a week now and hasnât moved despite the stormy weather we have had.
Also my husband and I went to mums house approx 2 weeks ago and on the floor by the chair in the dining room was a butterfly. I couldnât believe it as it was right by the leg of her chair. It was dead but I couldnât understand how it had got there as I had been at her house the day before and hadnât seen it. My husband said it wasnât the time of year for butterflies so it couldnât have come in whilst the door was open.
Also a black cat a stray I think has been sitting on the mat outside my mums back door. Years ago my mum had a black cat with a red collar but sadly it passed away almost 15 yrs ago This cat has a red collar can you believe.
I feel sure mum is trying to come through to me as I think she sees how upset I have been and when i am very very upset the signs seem to be more dramatic like the light bulb smashing. She promised me she would send me a sign and I know she believed in signs especially white feathers as we talked so much about them
I have actually written all the signs down so in time I can look back on them
Hope you are ok today
Deborah x
Hi Deborah
Thatâs some amazing signs you have had. I write mine down & if Iâm feeling really low I read them back.
Have you ever been to see a medium? I was desperate when I first lost Phil & quite quickly made an appointment to have a reading over whatâs app. The guy was really nice he started the reading & gave me a few names that meant nothing too me. He then stopped the reading & said the energy wasnât right & didnât charge me. The next one was a lovely lady who spent so much time with me & was better than any councillor but didnât really tell me anything that could only be Phil. The 3rd one was a very up & coming medium who I was lucky to get a reading with but again he didnât actually tell my anything that could only have been Phil. Just wondered if it was something you have done or considered?
Net xx
Hi Nett65,
No I havent as yet seen a medium but it is something I plan to do. I dont want a private reading though as in the age of google I would always think the medium may have found out things to do with me .
There is a very good medium that I know from friends is very good and she holds public meetings so i shall go along to one of hers when i feel a bit stronger.
She does a lot of meetings in Wales .
I would love to have a sign through a medium
Deborah x
I didnât believe in signs but it has happened again. Tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary of Viv passing away. I went down the garden to put some old wood in the garage and noticed a couple of white bluebells in full bloom where I never put them, Viv loved white bluebells. No other bluebells even have a bud yet and we had a garden full. Then, later, I was doing some cleaning up and came across a small box of very old photos of her and her mother and father (long before we got together) and her Mother. Never seen them before.
Wow Johnch,
That is wonderful. Yes certainly signs.
They appear when you least expect them to .
Deborah x
Thanks all for sharing your experiences, they are so fascinating to read
Hi Emz
Last night I had a sign again.
Mums ashes are in my spare bedroom and I was alone in the house last night for a few hours. I was in another bedroom next to the one where her ashes are and i was actually writing a post on this site and things about her in fact. The house was quiet . No TV on and no music.
Suddenly I heard a sound and one I had heard before but couldnât remember where. I thought my husband had come home as it sounded a bit like keys jingling. No he wasnât home. I didnât leave my seat as I thought nothing of it so carried on typing. Approx a minute later I heard the sound again and it startled me so much I got up and walked to the landing and called my husband s name but nothing. It was then that I realised what the noise was . My mums casket with her ashes in has handles on the side to pick it up and they are metal ones. When I brought them home here I put them in a holdall and as I carried the bag I heard that noise of clinking.
Anyway I forgot about it and even thought I had imagined it.
In bed later I was going to tell my husband but thought no because he doesnât believe in signs but after a while I told him. By the side of my bed I had a light with artificial flames in it. My husband had fixed it as it hadnât been working and had put it there earlier to show me and had left it on to see if it was working. Anyway as soon as I had finished saying the story about the noise and before my husband could say anything the light by the bed started flicking and it was going crazy. At one point the whole bedroom lit up light a bolt of lightening had struck and the room became white. My husband jumped out of bed with the shock of it all. The light by the bed was red flames so this could never have happened as it gives off a red glow. It continued going crazy flickering non stop for quite a few seconds then nothing . Even my husband said it was my mum.
I honestly feel she was trying to tell me something . Maybe she wants her ashes laid now as i know she didnât approve of people keeping ashes so maybe she is telling me to get on with it . I really donât know what to make of it .
Wow such strong signs Deborah. I think your Mum just really wants you to know she is there. Iâm sure your Mum would want you to scatter her ashes when you are ready to. Itâs a very emotional thing to do & she would want you to do it at a time that was right for you. I say that because I have still got Philâs ashes & I think he would want me to keep them until I was strong enough to let them go. On 27th it was a year for me & I took a small amount of his ashes & put them amongst some flowers in one of our favourite places. I hadnât planned to do it I just felt that morning that it was the right thing to do.
Take care
Net xx
I have just text this in a similar post, but relevant here tooâŚAbsolutely I believe! Days after mum passed, my son chose a random book (Fing, David Williams) out of a bookshelf full, and rather then start at the beginning, flicked, stopped on a chapter titled âMORE, MORE, MOREâ and said it over, and again. Those three words were among the last words mum said, wanting more water in hospital. When I broke the news to dad, through his tears thatâs what he said when remembering her last words.
I know it was mum telling me all was ok.
Iâm seeing a medium in may, so will hopefully have a message. I feel mum is very close to me, at most times which is a comfort x
Further to my last, what I didnât mention is that AT THAT EXACT TIME as my son chose g that page and reading MORE MORE MORE over and over again, I was texting an old work colleague about mumâs passing, and he was telling me I will notice signs sheâs with me⌠It was unbelievable and I took a screenshot to show himâŚhe said, yes, there you go.
Has anyone seen a hawk. A couple 9f days after my partner died a hawk landed on a branch and just watched me through the window. He was big and looked like he was surveying me and our two close friends.
When I went to see where he passed with his best friend, a hawk flew in low above us and circled twice over our heads then flew off, this happened a couple of times afterwards too on our next visits.
When I got the call about his autopsy result, a hawk flew low across the road in front and I could clearly see it.
When I went to see him at the funeral home there was a hawk perched on the railway bridge above me, clear for me to see.
Iâm not sure if these are signs or coincidence.
I should add that Rich was 6ft and big rugby man so coming back as a robin no ot really his style