
@Ali29 I think these coincidences do sometimes give comfort but your comment is priceless :joy: Made me think what Iā€™d like to appear as my spirit guide. Maybe a house sparrow? Both Di and I were home birds and I spend a lot of time in my loft! xx


Well that is definitely a sign, they say white light is the colour of the spirit energy so no doubting that for sure, glad your husband as been somewhat converted with that experience!!
Thank you so much for sharing these experiences itā€™s so wonderful to read them & know there is no death as such, just a different existence xx :heart::heart:

They say there are no coincidences!! xxā€‹:heart::heart:

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Hey everyone new to wondering if thereā€™s such a thing as signs, would love to know more experiences. Iā€™m not too sure Iā€™ve been receiving signs but Iā€™d like to think that I was

Recently Iā€™ve taken to lying in the middle of our bed - -
I stretched out the other night, but felt a " barrier" from hubbyā€™s side - Iā€™m thinking he was telling me off for encroaching his space!!
I lay there with my eyes closed - donā€™t ask me why - what did I expect to see???

G. X


I often wake up in the early hours thinking Viv is next to me but then realise itā€™s one of the dogs, she sends them to look after me and they do, take care and love it for what ever it means to you because it does help.

I kept seeing a robin in my grans garden today, and my gran said its been visiting all week and its the first time shes seen a robin that keeps coming back and it was such a chirpy happy little thing that it reminded me of my mums bubbly personality.

Later on i shared a taxi with my auntie and the song i chose for my mums funeral played on the radio and finished just before my auntie had to get out.

Also tonight, I have the free version of prime music and it only allows me to shuffle songs and searched the artist that made the song i chose for the funeral and said out loud ā€˜mum if youre here play that song firstā€™ almost floored me when i got what i asked for!


I strongly feel as in life, everyone is different. Some are subtle, some outrageous etcā€¦ This is the same for signs. My mindā€™s open now, Iā€™m a believer so we will see. These past few days, just as I received mums ashes in a necklace I had made, combined with her internment, Iā€™ve had a robin appear In the garden on the washing line. Never had him before. Coincidence, maybeā€¦ But I donā€™t really believe in coincidence x


Iā€™ve just had another sign, me and my mum used to dance to madonna hung up and i shuffed madonna and hung up played what is going on :flushed:

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No such thing as a coincidence , coincidence us a sign . I was walking up out front steps yesterday and felt a hand tap my bum ( just what mart always did ) !! Changed an area to by his shed last week , planted hundreds of wild flowers , a white feather floated down to my feet . It gets easier to notice signs when your relaxed for awhile xxx

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I do now accept I have signs.
I love hawk buzzards, I love their call and watch them loads and always remarked that I would love them to come close.
Since my partner has died, Iā€™ve had two robins come close and tweet at me, I see feathers everywhere but one was right by the door of my car and felt different. (I had always brushed it off)
Two days after he died a hawk landed across the road and look huge and empowering, looking like it puffed itself up as if to say it was protecting me. I have seen loads of buzzards coming in low and circling me and these have been observed by close friends and family too, not just me.
Last night I was about to go home and had a flat tyre, after getting to van to my sonā€™s and swapping cars etc, I began the drive home. As I was driving a buzzard flew out of the bushes flapped in front of my car and disappeared into the hedge. He was huge!
Iā€™ve been doing this journey for four years and never seen a buzzard on my journey before.
I felt my partners presence this time, he was letting me know he sees me and sees what Iā€™m dealing with. I have to start accepting the signs. His best friend also has a buzzard join him on some of his bike rides. It canā€™t be all a coincidence, not all of them.


Iā€™m very skeptical on the subject, I know I wrote about the signs I had the other week but unfortunately I have had the time to think and have put it down to logic and coincidence and thinking my brain is trying to comfort me.

I wish I could truly accept these as a sign from my mum but what if it is just a coincidence :woman_shrugging:

I do keep swinging between believing and disbelieving, I wish I could make up my mind.

I was really thinking about her last night and was preying for a sign and when I went to go bed I heard a knocking sound on the wall upstairs, had to wake my other half up to help me look around the house cause it freaked me out and out of instinct I said ā€œMum if thatā€™s you, please donā€™t fo that again cause it scared meā€.

Now today I wonder if it was my dog wagging his tail or something, argh i do want to believe though x

:rofl::rofl: Pervy signs :rofl::rofl: Iā€™m joking!
My OH would squeeze my boobs and if I felt him touch them I would love it! At least Iā€™d know it was him :rofl:

Iā€™d probably just say aloud ā€œlove you perveā€ :rofl:

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Hi has anyone had any signs lately?
Deborah x

Hello @seychelles - yes! Me! I was in bed, in the dark, late last night. Awake. Thinking about Tom. When I thought about our magical, beautiful first meeting, in a pub in Highgate, the lights outside, on the drive, came on. It was like he was saying, I remember! I remember! And when I thought of the moment he died, the lights went out. He remains with me, and will be, always. Sending loads of love you and to all our friends on here who are seeking signs of love and connection x


Me today lol I was having a can of pop at home in my living room and I went to take another drink and they were a white feather on my coaster, the funny thing is the ones Iā€™ve been finding have been outside and I said to my Mum sheā€™s going to have to put one in a less obvious place next time so I canā€™t put it down to coincidence, haha is she serious though under my can of pop :sweat_smile:


Hi all, Iā€™ve just been to the local tip this morning to take rubbish and as I was driving listening to the radio I said out loud, ā€˜Ok, Terry if you are with me I need you to show me so play that song I like in the next couple of songs the one by Miley Cyrus.ā€™ I couldnā€™t remember the name of it so I sang a bit of it. The next song that came in the radio after they had finished talking was just that! I was in bits, my skin was all prickly. I donā€™t know if it was just coincidence but I have taken it as a sign. It also made me smile and I continued to talk to him in the car x


Definitely a sign and so lovely. We had a power outage in the area last week and when the power came back on both my bedside lights were on, i know that was my beloveds husbands doing. Just keep them coming i say, makes them feel closer. Take care


It really does x

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How wonderful.
It is so comforting
Deborah x