
I feel like my mum leaves signs for me and my family …do you believe or are we just holding on to coincidence

Hi Collywobbles,
A part of me, the scienecy side, tells me that I am a bit irrational thinking about an afterlife, which we will be reunited with out loved ones. My heart alternatively says otherwise. I am a believer but not a devout one. there is a scepticism that is there but I do believe that our loved ones watch over us in our hour of despair. Unfortunately the only signs I have is an ominous silence. Don’t let my pessimism dissuade you otherwise. I hope and pray that one day I will be reunited with my family…I dearly hope so. its only been 4 weeks and I am already going under with grief an guilt.

My loss of my mum is 10 weeks tommorow and I can’t go a day without a breakdown some days it feels so raw and I think Xmas round the corner isn’t helping and you being 4 weeks in is I found still not accepting she was gone even now it’s so unreal

I wake up sometimes in the early hours thinking I can hear her calling me. I find that I rush into her room (now empty) and then it hits me–again. I am also going through guilt. I was not with her when she passed away, in the early hours of a Siunday morning. She was on her own. I was with her on a Saturday until 2PM but she was sleeping. I told her I loved her but I don’t know if she heard me? She had to go to hospital in an ambulance on her own…she would have been frightened! I was too emotional and exhausted to go…I was also angry with her at times, especially when tired…and I feel even more raw about that. I am trying to think of the good times, but the negatives over rule them.

I wish I could have some sign or message…if I am I am not noticing them.
Take good care and try to have a good night.
I have been told that crying is a healthy and stress relieving action…if that is the case then I am the healthiest stress free neurotic on the planet…

Sorry, part of my earlier message has been cut off…its this computer…like me old and useless.
What I was saying originally was that I hope that you are feeling, eating and sleeping well?

I am actually over eating it’s a comfort I guess but no I’m not sleeping properly…but I’m trying to remember the good times me and mum were very close

My wife passed away a month ago. I looked for signs she was with me. I’m a cab driver and I was really struggling so asking please show me your OK help me through this. I picked up an American chap from Heathrow and as we were driving back to Cambridge it transpired he had lost his wife a year ago. We discussed our feelings coping methods and tears. When I dropped him off we had made a strong connection what are the chances of that.
On the day of her funeral the Hurst with us behind were going to the cemetery on a quiet road. A chap was cycling on a path to our right. He stopped and started waving at the Hurst. As we passed I said to my daughter. That’s disco Kenny, a well known character in Cambridge and someone my wife served all the time in th coop she worked at. She really liked him.
Next I was doing the house work when I looked out of the window and a green Ford escort estate drove past just like the one I bought my wife years ago how she hated that car. I smiled her sense of humour hasn’t change.
Yesterday I stared out of the back door window. I said come on baby girl show me your OK. I waited a minute or two hoping for a Robin to appear. No Robin. Then about ten sparrows flew in to one of our tiny trees fluttered around for a few minutes then as quickly as they appeared they disappeared coincidence maybe but I think she is with me xxxxx

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Good morning everyone. The signs are there but you have to look for them. I was complaining of feeling really hungry at work one day. I work as a receptionist and suddenly out of nowhere this person appeared and gave me a banana. On my husband’s 66th birthday a car pulled out in front of me and I had to brake hard - the registration plate was DG66 - my husband’s initials along with his age. Other things have happened too and yes you could put it all down to coincidence but really, what are the chances?
About 6 months after my husband had passed I visited a medium out of desperation really. Some of the things she told me she simply couldn’t have known or guessed. I came out an emotional wreck but with a strange calmness and peace.

So yes, I do believe our loved ones are with us. I’ve said on other threads that I carry my husband around on my shoulder, it’s where I feel he is, always my right shoulder (not sure if that’s significant). I hope he stays there forever until we meet again.

For any sceptics out there, try reading ‘Proof of Heaven’ written by Eban Alexander, a neurosurgeon - a scientist so you would think a non-believer but has first hand experience which tells him otherwise…


I absolutely do believe in signs, while I know that many bereaved people don’t feel as if they get them. I think there’s a lot of stuff that can make those of us who are sceptics more so - for example, people who believe that every butterfly, feather or coin is a sign. I know that after my Ken died, I was absolutely desperate to know that he still exists in some form, and I definitely worried that I would easily cave into wishful thinking.

Three weeks after he died, I had a reading with a medium whose reputation I trusted. She told me that Ken would leave a white feather by my side of our bed, as a sign of his survival. My sceptical brain thought this was ridiculous; I looked for that feather the next morning, didn’t find it and felt sheepish for even looking. But that evening when I flipped the light on in our bedroom, there that tiny little feather was, by my side of the bed. I do not have feather bedding. The fact that she told me not only what I would find, but WHERE I would find it, was pretty convincing.

On our 29th wedding anniversary, four months after Ken died, I was crying and combing my hair, and the bathroom lights fizzed and flickered over my head. They did the same when I walked through the dining room. Could my wiring have been faulty? Maybe, but it had never happened before, and hasn’t since. And then a picture of Ken, which leans backwards, fell forward. I take these things as signs. I don’t get them as often as I would like, but am still grateful for the ones I’ve had.

I think that even if we think we don’t get signs or we don’t percieve them, doesn’t mean our loved ones aren’t around.


I believe in have received signs from my husband that died January 5th.

Sign 1- before he died, we had started the process of purchasing a new home. After he died I struggled with the decision to move or not. The night I decided to move forward with the process, I was listening to music and came across a Stevie Wonder song that I had never heard before. The name of the song was I never dreamed you would leave in spring time. I listened to the song over and over and cried until I gave myself a migraine. The next day when I was at the realtors office, I was signing papers when all of a sudden, that exact same song came on the radio. I almost passed out because I knew it was James telling me I was making the right decision.

Sign 2- after moving to this brand new city/neighborhood, a little voice told me to turn down a certain street. I was on my way home and only knew 1 route, but I decided to listen to the voice. I drove for a couple of miles and started getting a little nervous because I wasnt sure where I was going. When the road was about to merge into the highway the voice said “look up now!”…I looked up and saw a street sign…the name of the street was “James St”. My husbands name.

Sign 3- I dreamt that we were riding in 2 blue cars. He was on my right side and we were chatting through the windows…we came to a fork in the road and he smiled at me and said that I should look forward and be happy. He waved to me and went away

Sign 4 - on October 10, the day we reconnected, on my bedroom ceiling, at 10:10 am, a rainbow appeared. The shape was that of angel wings (I wish I could share the picture I took)

Final but not last sign, I woke around 3:30 in the morning and started having a conversation with him. I shared updates about my job, told him the kids were doing good, etc. About 3 minutes after I stopped talking to him, my doorbell rang…3:45 in the morning. There was no one at my door.

I wanted to share my experiences to give others hope that you will see and receive signs. I have seen butterfly on my bedroom and kitchen windows, feathers, etc.

Just keep looking and expecting.

Thank you for sharing. I’m not on my own in smiling at these signs that our loved ones are still looking out for us xx

There’s nobody more sceptical than me but I did have to question things recently. One of my wife’s best friends died 3 years ago and since we were teenagers we had seen a lot of her and her husband, Keith.
My wife died 15 weeks ago and Keith came to the funeral. Although we had kept in touch by phone we hadn’t seen Keith for nearly a year. A couple of weeks after the funeral I went to Scarborough for a few days and couldn’t believe it when I bumped into Keith who had come on a steam train excursion for the day
About 6 weeks later I went on a U3A trip to Liverpool to the Terracotta warriors exhibition and we were visiting on a timed ticket. I was stood looking at a display and someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Keith. He was away on a short coach tour. We went and had a coffee together in the cafe and compared notes. As I’d known my wife was dying for four years I had found it useful to talk to Keith over the years and I told him many times he was like a mentor or role model to me. His wife had lived for eight years after diagnosis.

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It’s seems to much of a coincidence. But why would our loved choose such random ways to tell us they are with us. Why not just tell us

The belief in such signs is very widespread indeed, and the whole raisin d’être of this forum means that it is almost inevitable that there will be a concentration of accounts of such experiences, as all contributors are in a state of susceptibility.
I am not denying that our loved ones send signs. I have experienced such apparent phenomena in the case of other deaths over the years, and have been sufficiently impressed as to feel unselfconscious when relating them.
However, over the eleven weeks since my wife died I have not felt any compelling sense of having received signs, even though I would dearly like to.
Yes, one or two little odd things have happened which I could believe to be a sign, but I have not been wholly convinced in my mind. For example, I have asked Eileen for help in finding missing things: one thing then turns up in an unexpected place and I see it as her paranormal intervention to help me, and that is a great comfort. Then I manage to break an ornament, a present from me which I know was a mistake and which she didn’t really like.
On the other hand, a missing favourite photograph remains missing despite all my entreaties. I do wish that it would turn up - she was 28 and so, so attractive.

Throughout life I have experienced occasional astonishing coincidences which, having no connection with bereavement, I have not had any inclination, or subconscious desire, to perceive as supernatural. I guess we all have, so you have to accept that such things just happen and that we desperate bereaved are disposed to put a gloss on them when they happen to us in our grief-ridden states of mind.
I go on looking and hoping for signs though, and I wouldn’t mind approaching a medium.

I kept finding white feathers in the lounge and the conservatory. It took a while until my brain kicked in… Cushions. Some were quite big and hard to believe they could find a way out.

I understand it, and I am no expert on the subject, but it seems that communicating with loved one once you have passed over is not easy. But signs can be made and suggestions put forward that resonate in the world we live in although they are in a different dimension. lese don’t take my word for this because I have been as sceptical as the next man. It’s about feelings! Oh yes, I know, feelings can be misleading, but are often true. Sorting out true feelings from emotion is often difficult. My wife passed away two weeks ago, but I still feel her presence. I can’t possibly describe the feeling, but it does bring a small amount of comfort. Wishful thinking? I just don’t know, but there must be something more to this existence on Earth. Well, maybe; but there is a lot of documented evidence for it. But one must beware of charlatans who will play on grief. It’s very difficult when we are so vulnerable and often unable to decide for ourselves. Take care.

I almost convinced myself today that I received a sign on 3 separate occasions. I was walking on the lakeshore near Bowness on Windermere and as my pack was heavy I sat in the sun for a while. A robin came and sat on the same seat and didn’t seen in any great rush to move on. Eventually it crossed the path on to a holly bush and then came back to the seat. Later I was walking up to Orrest Head and another robin followed me up the path and then got in front of me and waited until I caught up and then moved on again. I don’t suppose it was anything remarkable. It put me in mind of things I’ve read on the forum and it brought a smile to me. I admit to feeling some comfort as I’ve been walking in a place my wife adored. Later in the day a white feather fell to earth slowly. I think it fell out of a tree. I suppose my mind has the capacity to read something into these things and maybe it did. I’ve been in the Lakes for four days and not had a drop of rain. In itself that could be deemed to be remarkable as well. It was certainly appreciated.

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Your a brave chap I can’t seem to go anywhere we used to go together and these signs make me feel warm and I’m sure that’s our loved ones keeping just a little contact with us. The lakes without rain your in heaven x

I started doing things, or putting myself through things, very slowly and was very aware of what I was doing and very careful, having had a virtual experience in my mind first. Small steps and a sense of achievement. I couldn’t face being paralysed by grief. I know she would want me to keep on doing what we did. It’s almost like a homage to her if that makes sense. I smiled many times yesterday walking at the side of Rydal Water and Grasmere. We walked there so many times and I could pinpoint the exact locations where I stood guard so many times, on lookout duty as she disappeared behind a wall or tree. I had a real sense of her in my memories. It was very powerful at times. In recent years she struggled so hard to keep walking but she had massive motivation to keep going.

I hope to be able to do the same. My passion was music but I can’t listen to any I get to upset but I realise I have to tackle it otherwise such a big part of both our lives will be lost