So difficult this Christmas

Like everyone else I’m dreading this Christmas. Last Christmas was strange as my Dad passed away July 19 and my Mum’s Alzheimer’s had progressed quite a bit. I did everything I could so she enjoyed it and we had the best Christmas we could. Now having lost Mum suddenly in February I’ve now got to try and ‘deal’ with Christmas without them both. I’ve always loved Christmas but this year I’m dreading it. Just my partner of 18months, who I love dearly, and myself. He has to work Christmas Eve and possibly Boxing Day and will only be able to spend the day with me as we both have pets we can’t leave. Sitting here sobbing just thinking about it!!! Neither of us have children and my family live hundreds of miles away so I am anticipating a very quiet and sad Christmas. Can anyone suggest how to cope this year?

Hi. Weemee. Welcome back. I wish I knew the answer to your question. This will be my third Christmas and it still hurts to think I shall be alone. Not entirely alone because I live in a community of caring people, but who knows what will happen after this lockdown. The one person who was so wanted won’t be there. I am so sorry you lost two loved ones in such a short time. My wife had dementia and I know what it’s like trying to cope with that awful disease.
All we can do is not make any plans but to take it a day at a time. To me Christmas will just be another few days of memories which will pass. Bless you and take care. John.

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I too am dreading Christmas as I have no relatives living near and I am fairly isolated where I live. Mike and I shared everything all through our lives and it has been difficult to enjoy anything since that he would have loved. However, I have decided that as we shared everything we can go on doing that. It will not be the same but I will have a Christmas lunch (of sorts) and mentally share it with him. I hope he will be around me somewhere to help me through the day. I love your positive attitude John as dementia is a cruel disease and it must have left you so sad. As you say, we can’t really make plans but we can at least support each other through this extra lonely Christmas due to Covid restrictions.

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