So lonely and alone...

My beautiful brave lady went to sleep with the angels nearly two weeks ago. Slowly getting used to the new way of doing things. Not ok, but coping, just about…
You know what’s one of the hardest things I’ve found at the moment. Seeing other people laughing and having quality time with their husbands, wives or partners and knowing I’ll never have that feeling again. I’ll never walk down the road holding someone’s hand again, or steal a quick kiss when someone says something nice. I’ll never snuggle up in bed with someone or feel the warmth and softness of their skin next to mine. The night times are the worst. I so badly just need a hug sometimes. Not necessarily anything else, I just long to feel the warmth and comfort of someone next to me… Miss it so much. Don’t think I’ve ever felt this alone and lonely…


So sorry for your loss. I understand what you are going through.
Although It’s already been 19 months for me - I still feel deeply sad and lonely when seeing other couples lovingly together and I will never have that again :broken_heart: Just wish I could have my angel back to love and to hold :heart:
Take care :hugs: :hugs:


I’mUnderstand, even though we can get a hug from family etc… it’s not the same & I can be surrounded by family/friends but still feel alone.


You’re right, it’s not the same. We were always a very tactile couple. We loved being close, holding hands, cuddling up watching telly, snuggling in bed on a Sunday morning when we’d got no need or reason to get up. I miss that so much.


I feel so sad for you and for all of us who are alone for the first time in many years on this new years eve, no longer able to snuggle up with our loved ones.


Im so sorry for your lose. I lost my love of my life 2 months ago. Id been with him since i was 18 and now im 40. Ive missed him so much. Ive recently started feeling lonely i mean really lomely and like you i miss his cuddles and kisses and secrets we shared i just want him here with me. I see my daughter all loved up with her boyfriend and it makes me feel so jealous of her. I lay in bed at night just wishing he was beside me. Lifes so evil he was such a lovely man he worship the ground i walk on and all i have left of him is memorys


So sorry you feel like this. It’s exactly how I feel. So incredibly alone and lonely. Missing the touch of my beautiful brave lady, the softness of her skin, the smell of her hair, the taste of her kiss. Missing the touch of her hands on my body. Gentle, intimate moments of love. I don’t know how anyone gets past this point, I really don’t. There won’t - couldn’t - ever be anyone in her place. It just wouldn’t feel or be right. I realise I’m destined for a life alone from now on, just don’t know how. Part of me wishes for it to be a short life now, so we can be back together, but I know that would just cause even more hurt, pain and suffering. We’ve had enough of that. They say time heals, but how long is time? I can’t see a way forward sometimes, and that’s when the dark thoughts start creeping back into my head… Tell you the truth, I’m so scared of being alone. I’m 57 in a few days time and I’ve never been alone or lived alone. Don’t know how… Xx


People keep saying you learn to live with the pain. I really dont believe that at the moment. But you never stop loving or missing them. My fella died the day before his 57th birthday. Me and my children at to take all his birthday gifts back. He was such a healthy man and his death was so sudden leaving me and my two children. The worse bit was that he was watching our son play a football match and he just went The pain is unbearable. It hurts just thinking of him. He was my first and only love. I never got the chance to be his wife. We planned to get married next year. I never had chance to say a proper good bye. I just
wish i told him more how much i did loved him. Thank you fir the reply because i feel like its just me going through this terrible pain


It’s not, and you’re not alone. Sometimes being able to talk to someone you don’t know, have never met and more than likely will never meet, that helps. I sat for an hour yesterday morning before going to register my wife’s death in Greggs, talking to some random guy who asked if he could share the table. Not got a clue he was, never even asked him his name, but he just sat and listened. It really helped. If you need to talk, do it on here or if you’d rather, send me a private message. Think you can do it here somehow… I feel so sad that you never had the chance to say goodbye. My wife passed away peacefully in my arms, and that gave me such comfort. I can only imagine the pain you’re in… We’re all here to help and support you, remember that. Take care xxx


Thank you. You take care of yourself. And same if you ever need to message im always here. Im not sure how to private message you but if you get a ramdom message it will only be me xx

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So sorry for your loss, I understand totally. I lost my husband in September 2024 and cannot bear to be without him.


Sorry for your loss

Sorry for your loss -

Nothing can change the way you feel, its naturel to feel the way you do. Most posting on this site will agree with that and experience the pain of losing a partner. Its been 17 months for me now (wife died when i was 56, she was 57) and i miss my wife with every passing day and night, she is probably the last person I think of and night and the 1st person i think of when i wake up - that will never change, and i love her so much. For me i started going out a bit more and joining a few clubs in a bid to be busy doing something. Long story short I met someone at this club and have been seeing her for the last 6 months. Life goes on my freind and yours will too. When your ready that is,take care…

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Thank you. You take care too. Remember to hold your new lady close and cherish every single moment… Life is too short and to fragile…

My heart goes out to you. I am over two years on and it’s just as raw as the first week. I feel sick with envy seeing other couples - many older than me, still enjoying each others company. I feel lonely every day, despite supportive friends. No one can replace the comfort and love of your life partner. The only advice I can give is to try to note what things - no matter how small - give you moments of joy and try to do more of them. For me these are things connected to nature - walks in green places, gardening, sitting out in the sun, which makes winter harder. And, importantly, look after yourself. X


Legoman. I feel for you, really I do. I know this feeling all too well (as we all do). My husband left me 16th October 2023 and where has time gone. It’s a blur. This Christmas however reality set in and I’ve struggled big time. We have a life to live and must endeavour to do so. I’m sure our loved ones would want this for us as hard as it is. Time will never heal me (the saying times a great healer) but we learn to adapt to a different way of life. Seeing couples together really hurts me also. You take good care. We are all here for each other.


It is so hard carrying on with life, I lost my husband of 59 years on 27 Aug 2023 he had been suffering for a long time and I was happy that he was not suffering anymore and grief took a long time to kick in we had been together 66 years and now I just hate being without him. I have considered going to join him but we have two daughters and three grandchildren and I can’t deliberately put them through the pain. I spend most days in my PJs and am not self caring either, I am just existing


That’s me… Just don’t want to be here. The day I go to join my beautiful brave lady will be the 2nd happiest day of my life. The first being the day I met her… Xxx


I am sorry for your loss- please carry on. I know how you feel- same consultancies for me. Lost wife of 30 years on 31 August 2023. I thought the same - but would not allow cancer to destroy the rest of us. It made us stronger- more determined and more active. I now do a bit of charity work- always say yes to going out- do lots of walking with freinds and gym classes a lot. Met lots of new people (but never forget my wife) do it for her and to show cancer it hasn’t bested us- it may have taken my wife but it failed to destroy us…big f### off to cancer….keep positive and don’t you dare give in😁


I felt exactly the same when seeing couples doing what we did, having a meal in a pub, walking by the river and on the beach … heartbreaking! And the nights are still awful 9 months on. Loss of a partner is sooo lonely, its a hole in life that can’t be filled by anyone else@