So lonely and alone...

So sorry to hear of your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I lost my wife last June aged 66 on our grandsons birthday unexpectantly. She had just retired in the April after working 40 years and we were 48 years together. I feel exactly how you feel and the pain of loss is immeasurable.
As much as I receive the kindest and loving words of friends and family I feel very lonely and empty without her. Not one day goes without tears. Certain music and moments bring memories back that set me off emotionally.
I know its hard for you and will never reall yunderstand your grief. Keep those wonderful memories of your dear wife close to your heart and in your quiet moments speak to her as her spirit is with you. I try also to do this which brings me some comfort. Until the day I join her my precious wife will remain in my heart. Take care my friend and make sure you get the support you deserve.

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Thank you for you love, kind words.

So very sorry for your loss, nobody can possibly know what this is like without experiencing it in person and on this site there are many who have an idea what you are going through although obviously it’ is different for us all. A few weeks after losing my dear husband I had to go out into the town and ended up in tears seeing all the couples walking along holding hands and knowing that I’ll never again experience that feeling of love and security again. It’s been two and a half years for me but I still shed tears every morning when I wake up alone and again when I go to bed alone. I can only say that although the heartache remains it does get easier to cope with most of the time. Take care dear man.


@Legoman im so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband 3 weeks today.
I also found it difficult over the Christmas and new year period seeing couples smiling and laughing & im feeling so so alone and lonely.
Im sick of hearing time is a great healer as well!
Im trying but am struggling - life is so cruel.
Sending love


Time isn’t a healer, not at all. All time does is put some distance between the hurt and you. I don’t think it’ll ever get better, we just get better at dealing with it. It’ll be three weeks this Thursday since my beautiful brave lady went to sleep with the angels, but it feels like yesterday. I’m sure you’re feeling exactly the same. Have you got family and friends to support you? Xx

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I hope the pain does lessen over time as its awful. I have family & friends but when im with them i long to be alone, but when im alone, i long to be with them.

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I know exactly how you feel… Sending love xx

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Can I just say to everyone, please don’t make the same mistake I made this morning… Looking through old photos is hard enough, but please, I beg of you, don’t watch your wedding video… I did and I’ll tell you I was ready to pull the pin on this hand grenade we call life, I really was. Had a complete breakdown and what I can only describe as a panic attack… I’m feeling a bit more normal now, but it was so incredibly painful not only seeing Tess, but hearing her voice as well… Xx


Oh sending you hugs xxx

I have many moments like that - it’s so scary. Just stay strong and you will get through. X

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I can understand your feelings of being frightened by being alone as that is exactly how I feel. It has been 8 months since my husband died and the loneliness is just as bad.

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The loneliness is crippling and for me not relieved by company! Its a longing for the 1 I have lost


8 months for me too and I often wake feeling very anxious.

I hate the night time. The unbearable feeling of loneliness is crippling… Xx


Yes the night times are the loneliest, but I find that even in company I feel so alone. I feel I’ve no purpose in life anymore and am so tired now of waking up every morning to the same living nightmare and just wishing the day away.

Wishing the day away and my life sometimes. Don’t want to be here anymore, I really really don’t. The day I go to be with my beautiful brave lady will be the happiest day of my life…