So sad

Hope all goes well for you today. I will be thinking of you. Hope life will get more bearable for you in the future xx

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Thinking of you x

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Thinking of you Mandy hope all goes well for you today.

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So sorry for your loss I feel your pain,I lost my lovely wife over 4 years ago after 40 wonderful years together it is difficult I have good and bad days but I try to take each day as it comes your love ones will want you to get through this awful time take care


I have been trying to join things, but i feel too sad to get involved. I am now trying university of age whuch is not a bereavement site, but for retired educated people, maybe that will help ?

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Im the exact same lost my husband 7 weeks ago just gone back to work only 3 days for now! I actuallly can’t be bothered at all no concentration. Just want to go home but when I am at home I stare at the walls

When does it get better.

I know I have to learn to live without him but I also don’t want to!


So sorry.

Lack of concentration, wanting to be at home , so familiar.

As for your last line, that certainly holds true for me.

Big hug,

Rose x


So sorry for your loss,you are doing the right thing going back to work this will help you get through this awful time
I just try to stay positive each day take care


Awww love, I feel your pain too😞 my husband passed away on 2nd April! He was my soul mate I’ll never get over him I just have to learn to live again.

He restored my faith too never had any luck before him strange how we lived parallel lives for 20 years then 10 years ago we decided to get together! I feel like we had our happiness stolen way too soon!

Thinking of you today stay strong and we can only take each day as it comes don’t think too far ahead we can’t process that as yet!

Take care



Yes you will feel better again.

The depth of your love is equalled in your pain.

You will get through this and one day, a glimmer of light and hope will come your way.

Feel your feelings for they are there to remind us of what it is to be human.

Sending you an ocean of love and kindness to help you on your way.



Thank you for your kind words ,you will get through this awful loss.
Take care X


Will we ? I hope youre right ? You know i can honestly say i have never been through so many emotions in all my life … it seems to shine a light on every weak area in your life doesnt it ? ;( before we could turn to our partner for comfort - now i feel so exposed to the everything … doing my best x


So true. feeling very vulnerable and alone at the moment


Yes, I feel very vulnerable. People either avoid or look at you with pity :confused:

Feeling nervous too. Ive been invited into work Wednesday to see all the staff… gosh!!
I dont want to cry :cry:
So maybe its best to see them all before 3rd june :thinking:


Aw … good luck. Be kind to yourself xx


Yeh you seem to go through phases like that :frowning: when it all just hits you and you realise its just you against the world and not the two of you ;( keep talking to friends on here cos they understand, it really does help you know to make you stronger xx


A newish neighbour came round this evening, she knows my husband died 11 weeks ago. She came round on the pretence of seeing how I was. Then said she needed access to my drive for a builder who’s coming round 9 a.m. tomorrow morning. There are many potted plants on the drive, some quite large. Then started making claims that a feature of our house is illegal.

My husband would have dealt with this.
It was totally unexpected and really upset me. I felt so vulnerable.

I was in tears afterwards. I felt so alone


Tell her to do one!! Youve got to be strong. Even if you go in and cry, alone.

We all need genuine people in our lives right now. Big hugs xx


We had problems with our neighbours over parking. Nick would go mad… not because he wanted to park right outside the house but the fact they HAD to park outside theirs or they would knock and go mad. There is No residence parking in our avenue.

The wife tried to catch my eye. I think she was going to say sorry Nick had passed away.
I deliberately ignored her. Far too late for sorry! They saw me struggling for months holding Nick and trying to get him into my car. Or pushing his wheelchair to the car… and still they had to have their place :roll_eyes:


Well said xx