So sad

Yeh youre at beginning of this and i used to switch off by just watching t.v. just easy programmes where you didnt need to think too much. The good memories will come … eventually xx


True they will find out one day ! :frowning:


Thinking of you.

Sending a big hug x


Thank you @RoseGarden thats kind :slight_smile: xxx


Ya know i just mentioned my husband to my daughter and apparently she doesnt want me talking about him because it reminds her he’s not here ! Theyre absolutely ridiculous my kids are with this stupid attitude ! It comforts me to talk about him to remember he was here, that he was important and i did love him very much ! Ive never heard anything so ridiculous in all my life ! X


My son actually said… you have to get over it!
What?? Never!
Im trying to be strong and positive. Im going back to work 3rd june.
Ive also just arranged an art exhibition of Nicks artwork… all proceeds to go to his charities. So, im glad thats booked.
But, i still go to bed and cry my eyes out.
The smallest things set me off.

You keep talking about your loved one xx


People can be so thoughtless.
But your own kids? You’d think theyd realise how hard it is for you.

Sending big hugs to you all


They just dont get it… they want the life that was before.
It will never be the same again for any of us xx


But they dont get it ! Thats the trouble ! They make me so angry ! Xx


What was it we said other day about people taking advantage of widows … im fuming with my so called next door neighbour supposedly friend ! So young couple … leant them my strimmer and hedge trimmers last weekend. Asked her one favour yeaterday … to take a pic of me cos selfies look rubbish dont they ? Need it for something :slight_smile: That was yesterday ! She made 3 excuses why she cant do it in last few days , busy , babysitting , going back to bed ! Huh . No show ! Right thats it ! She neednt bother asking me for anything in future ! Im fuming !! Its a self centred works for sure and with some people it only works one way - their way or the high way !! X


Hi RoseGarden,
That is so true about yr better moments.
Thinking about the reality of losing yr beloved partner/husband is heart-breaking.
I am feeling sad s and teary tonight as those everyday little moments of routine stuff that we enjoyed doing together and which we now cherish, keep popping into my head .
Again the shock and reality of him not being here is so awful and you feel like you are going mad :sleepy::sleepy::sleepy:.
Thinking of others feeling this and living it. Xx


Would it take her a minute to take your photo??
How selfish!


Feel exactly the same :sob:
Im trying to keep busy every day, then waves of sadness wash over me… so alone :pensive:

But, the only person i want is Nick.
We had a lovely little life… there for eachother.
My kids have grown up. It was me & Nick against the world. My love and best mate x


I know rxactly ! So selfish ! She can bog off of she wants to borrow my strimmer or hedge trimmer. She can borrow somebody elses next time ! Huh !! X


I’m going away tomorrow for a week, so took my dog to a friend’s to stay with her. On the way back tonight I cried, thinking I was going back to an empty house. It’s awful. My dog is old and quiet, but she is always with me and never lets me out of her sight. No idea how I’ll cope when she goes for good.


I have two Norfies so I totally get what you say @SadGirlfriend. I need a break but the dogs have to come first. Although I’d love a holiday, the thought of going on my own feels me with dread, so maybe I am using the dogs as an excuse🥹



Wow your brave going alone! Go you :hugs: were are you going?

I’m the same with my dog, I’m dreading loosing him he’s 9 in October he’s a shar pei his life span according to Google is 9-11 years . I’m thinking of getting another so that when he goes I’ll have another.

Have a lovely holiday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Aww i know. Ive been thinking of that. One of our dogs is 14 and not getting any younger!
They become family… it will be hard losing someone again :sleepy: xx


Yes, well done making the effort to go away.
I hope you have a rested time. Im not going to write good and i know you will still have sad times.
So i hope you are restful xx

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Thanks, everyone. I’m going down to Exmoor to stay with my oldest friend, haven’t been for over 3 years. She’s the friend who literally dropped everything to come and stay right after Steve died suddenly. And we’re meeting up with another school friend next week to have a couple of nights at Weston-super-Mare to celebrate our big birthdays.
Still can’t get enthusiastic though, nothing stops this sad feeling in my heart.