So sad

Well, the gutters have been done.

She was in and out of the garden like it was her garden.

She was obviously getting on the man’s nerves.

He got on my nerves as all he was interested in when I went out to do some pruning. all he was interested in was my husband’s car and if I was selling it. I explained it had associations with my husband and I was not ready to deal with it. He kept on and then went and got his card for me (unasked) ‘just in case’.

What is wrong with people!

Well that card is going in the bin!

Rose x


At least they have gone now ! Good riddance hey!! X


Playing on you while you are vulnerable… i sold Nicks car to the garage he bought it from.
Ok, only got half he paid but its better than being completely ripped off by a stranger. Be careful xx



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I will be careful.

I have been saddened by people who try to take advantage.

There was no way I would sell the car to that man.

Take care,

Rose x


People never cease to amaze me . They can be so thoughtless and so cruel.
If this grief has taught me anything its to be kinder to everyone. You don’t know if they’re suffering. And we all know what thats like

Love and hugs
Liz x x


I am so sorry for your loss @Heartbroken9 I lost my wife just over 2 years ago but it’s still very hard. I miss her so much. It’s taken me ages to finally do something with her clothes. Today I took 1 last bag to a Hospice charity shop and was basically balled at for not having made an appt to drop them off. I had no idea, it has affected me more than I thought. It was a hospice charity who I had donated substantial sums, let alone clothing etc as a thank you for the care support they gave my late wife. It has made me feel so upset. I have written an email to complain but pretty sure nothing will happen. It has really set me back :face_holding_back_tears:


So very sorry this happened…
it is totally unacceptable.

I volunteered in a hospice charity for a few years. I was lucky to work with a great team of volunteers but I was aware of other volunteers and managers who were total nightmares!

I hope your email is taken seriously and you receive an apology and the person is spoken to.

Take care,



Thats so sad :cry: people are so insensitive sometimes x

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Thanks @RoseGarden, the volunteers are amazing, I think the man who spoke to me was the paid employee. Google reviews say much the same, so sad.

I am a strapping chap but feel so feeble over this :smiling_face_with_tear:


That is awful … so sorry for you xx

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Not feeble at all.

It shows how much you loved your wife and how much supporting the hospice means to you.
I have to say the fact that it was the paid employee does not surprise me.



That was inexcusable and thoughtless of the person in the charity shop.

You were being brave and generous.

So very sorry you experienced that.

Big hug,

Rose x


Hi @RoseGarden are you up like me. Feeling so sad at the moment … arent people horrible these days. Theres no empathy or caring anymore … i dunno whats happened to the world … what a state its in !! Since i lost my husband i just look at people and i think really ? Thats best you can do is it ? He was the most caring generous man… i miss that so much X


I know exactly how you feel!

My husband was also a kind mind.
He would help anyone if he could.
He was polite and would treat people with respect.
He very, very rarely was cross with people.

So I believe it really shocks and hurts us when we meet and encounter people so unlike them.

We were so lucky to have such special people as partners. Of course, that also means we miss them so much and find the outside world so challenging.

I’m so sorry you are having a sad time.

Sending you a really big hug!

Rose x


Thank you for the hug xx


You are welcome.

Thinking of you.

The downs are so, so distressing.

You can have another hug if you want one.
Sending it now,

Rose xx


Aw … bless you :slight_smile: they really are hard aren’t they … we lost so much xc


Yes we did.

I just went up to the bedroom for something and became tearful when I thought of him. Reality started creeping in again.

It then dawned on me that my ‘better’ moments are when I don’t really think about what has actually happened.

11 weeks on, a short time I know, I find thinking of him and acknowledging he’s not here is too painful.

Rose x


I totally agree the downs are awful and much too often.

And people, well they just amaze me. Some of them have no sense at all. Unfortunately for them they’ll only find out when they’re grieving themselves. And i wouldn’t wish that on anybody.

Big hugs to everyone