Solo holidays

Gosh I couldn’t drive all that way now like I used to be able to do 20 years ago.
I did drive to Wales when my father died but I remember getting lost lots of times.
But I am here now. Today I went in the pool on my own. Walked to coast from caravan.


Looks great, whereabouts are you?

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Looks stunning and you have the lovely weather. Enjoy. Start of a new chapter.

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That’s amazing, well done! Have a wonderful time xx


Good morning @Enorac
It looks like Holywell Bay,
but you’re in Wales aren’t you?

Hi @Enorac

Are you in Holywell bay at the Parkdean site?
Thats where we had our last ever holiday last year.
It brings back such memories.

I hope you enjoy it. We did

Love and hugs
X x

Looks nice. Where are you?

Looks really nice.
Hope you having a good time as you are able to

Looks so peaceful have a wonderful time.

Is that in wales or scotland ? Not england is it ? X

I have also been thinking about trying a solo holiday but haven’t been brave enough to book anything yet. It’s encouraging to hear that you found it a positive experience.
Thanks for sharing this.

I am considering a solo holiday, I have no children to go away with.
My sister has already had her holiday this year.
I am worried that I will be just as miserable in a different place, but I am also aware that just having others around to chat with could ease my loneliness and I might make new friends, as I do love travelling and meeting people.
It would make me tearful maybe to travel without my loved one, so I am still unsure.
I’d love a city tour around Europe, I have a draw to visit Budapest for some reason.
Any advice?


I lost my husband 2 years ago and we always travelled a great deal, even living in different countries for a number of years. Now I feel like a shadow of my former self and although I’ve thought about one of these singles holidays I just don’t have the nerve to do it. I did think about maybe trying a couple of days in London first to see how I’d manage on my own. A big problem for me is that I really do not have any sense of direction and never know where I am, I used to just rely on my husband to know which way back to the hotel or wherever. I even get lost in department stores so would not trust myself in a new place.

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To both of you i would say do it. Im currently on my first solo holiday in Wales. Granted the cottage was booked before my husband passed away, but its not been too bad.

I did a lit of research before i left home and worked out a list of places to visit. Ive planned my week, and am working down my list. The evenings are a bit lonely, but no more than at home. I certainly wont worry about doing it again.

Do the solo holiday.
Once on them, plenty of people to talk to, if you want to.
Enjoy, it’s a new chapter.
Good luck with choosing where to go.
I’m off to Scotland again on coach trip next year.
Hoping to go to America later this year.

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I would love to visit Budapest. Look at newmarket holidays they do fly then coach holidays so lots of excursions included. I am looking at sicily for next year with them.

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Oh nice ! Sicily :slight_smile: xx

My advice would be to just do it. What have you got to lose? The worst thing in life that can happen to you has already happened. I have just come back from a cruise and it was just what I needed to have a respite from all the grief and heartbreak. It was fun, relaxing and met lots of people. I did go with a friend but realise I can’t wait for others to be available to help me live my life so I am already thinking of a solo cruise next year. You meet loads of people, it’s safe and plenty of choices as to what you choose to do. Sometimes we have to step away from the grief. We are still here for a reason and have our lives. Life stops for nobody and life is so short as we all know only too well. It builds confidence too, knowing you don’t have to depend anyone for your own happiness. It’s also about creating new memories that are not full of sadness


I will be booking mine soon, I’m waiting on some test results from the hospital before I book. Ive already done a ciach holiday this year and you meet other people.


The thing is life and people don’t come to you, you have to get out there make new friends, visit new places and make new memories. Hope test results are all good