Solo holidays

I am in my room on this break on my second night at the Warners Leisure at Heyford Park.
I have tried to pack a lot in. Thought would let you know at least I got a break. At best I have felt it is a start. At times I felt alone but I enjoyed the show tonight; got in hot zaccusi in rain; swam a little both days; walked more than I thought; had a ceroc archery lesson; had a go on the gym equipment; played crocket and bowls with myself; and sampled different food. And chatted to different people. Yes missed my late husband being on my tod but it was much better than being stuck in a rut.


So pleased you got it booked and it sounds like a lot has been crammed into 2 days. Relax as well but enjoy x

I like trying the riffle shooting when I go to Warner, it’s slightly easier than the archery. xx

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Wow, sounds so much fun!

There wasn’t rifle shooting on offer at the time.
I did relax in my room.
It was hard to completely relax on my own amongst everyone else there.


Where are you going to go to next?

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hi, I started by going on day trips with our local bus company. at first I felt guilty because I was enjoying myself. my Andy would never have undertook coach tours, he was more of a railway man and loved organising trips away. especially if it involved his wonderful Fulham, I am arsenal.

I was the entertainment officer and he was the travel consultant. however I realised that I have to live as it would be so easy to sit and vegetate. I have also joined the u3a and the national trust and have been on a short break to the Isle of Wight where we used to go every year on a pub crawl with friends. it was sad that. that he was not with me as we passed some of the pubs we visited. I really enjoyed it and am going on a trip to Kent in October.

I’ve also been on a river cruise on the seine which was gorgeous. and I go to my sister-in-laws in Spain for my birthday. I went to Germany in December. my ancestors came from that area so I felt as. though I was walking in their footsteps. I have quite a few day trips booked and am looking forward to them. but I wish he could be with me as I know he would have enjoyed them.


Hi @Camille58, I’m just letting you know I merged your thread with this one as I think you meant to reply rather than start a new thread.

Take care

Fantastic. Your living your life. It isn’t easy I know but life does go on and I know my husband would not want me grieving but I am it’s just to soon for me. Only 3/5 months but I’ve booked a holiday for next year and also getting out and about. Sadly life doesn’t stop for grieving. Well :+1: done


thank you I’d like to join this chat group

This thread is so inspiring, you’re all being so brave and grabbing life, still grieving but finding light in the darkness.

I’m lucky that we have a family holiday each year (previously Lincolnshire but Norfolk this time) although this will be my first one without John and my daughter likes us to holiday with her and her children so I’m doing that again this year although again it will be the first time without John. I’ve never been a great traveller but you’re definitely making me think of venturing further afield next year.


Baby Steps.


Well I finally got booked up and am going to Cornwall this Saturday at short notice. My son taking me and two young grandsons for weekend to caravan near beach I stay alone there doing painting and use bus.
Then my son comes end of week to go on trek and take me back. Means don’t have stress can’t take self catering stuff on public transport and have freedom to do my art in hotel alone.
I have been here before with my husband and other son years ago. So I iw it is nice. There is shop and entertainment on site. Outdoor pool.
Now trying to get ready as leaving very early. Last year was same plan only a different place. So then do same thing after rush if school holidays some other place. Otherwise it is the old coach holiday route for me hard as not my scene. Guess could get on a train and travel light stay on sea front somewhere. But going in a train with bags I find stressful.
It is about building up confidence slowly.


Have a lovely time, the weather should be nice for you as well.

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You’ve done really well choosing to live and not just get by.

Hopefully in the future I can take a leaf from your book :hugs:xx

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My husband knew he wouldn’t be long on this earth and made me promise to carry on living my life. It’s hard and lonely, but I need to live my life the best I can and I’m sure you will be able to do this one day.


It is hard isnt it @Punto but we have to do best we can ! Some things are easier than others …i reckon we get by with a little help from our friends … i dunno what my future looks like but i hope its not too sad and i can live a bit and find some happiness … because as my dentist who known my husband for years said … he would want you to be happy … he would because he made the very best of life … my lovely, kind, generous man ! I miss him so much … he was my rock … x


My husband also knew he did not have long left. He also knew that he was the dominant force in what we did. He nade me promise that I would build a life for myself without him.

Today I have done 6 hour drive from home to South Wales. It was booked before Jim passed away, and i decided to come anyway. I’m pleased that i have managed the drive alone, but sad that he was not with me to enjoy all the beautiful scenery en route. Despite Sat Nav, I got lost a couple of times - dratted thing does not give directions i understand :grinning: Still I plan to try and enjoy my week. We have to carry on.


Well done for going all the way to wales ! I applaud you !! Brave lady !!! My husband was the dominent force too ! Hard isnt it ;( i love wales ! Have a really nice time !! Xx

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Well done. You will have a lovely time. Make some new memories to share with your famoly and hopefully one day with our partners when we meet them again.

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