Solo holidays

Our last holiday was Bruges, and then we drove to Portsmouth to complete his bucket list. It’s hard to believe 4 weeks later he had gone. I’m determined to visit as many places as I can that we never got to see but wanted to go.


Well back home now and reading responses. I never did trudge up the hill to the bus stop at Holywell Bay. I thought about it then just chilled out instead and painted a sea gull who kept me company. He had my left over sardines in the end. I never did go down the long water slide again like I did ten years ago. I did climb slowly up a few sand dunes and up the National Trust trail to the look out point take a photo and paint that afterwards. Also when the tide went out walked round the outcrop of rock to more caves to admire


Finally, arrived at Nice last night after such a palaver yesterday at the City airport - flight cancelled first thing after I checked in then the replacement flights (via Luxembourg) were delayed twice so didn’t arrive until 10 p.m. when it was supposed to be 4.30 p.m. I could have sworn my angel didn’t want me to travel alone - me being superstitious! Glad I got here in the end :smiling_face:
I’m hoping to celebrate our anniversary today for both of us doing all things used to do together - exploring the beautiful city of Nice & hopefully there won’t be any more palaver until I get home tomorrow :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:
Best wishes & take care everyone x


Good morning @Enorac

Your paintings are really good.
We never did get up the National Trust trail or the sand dunes.
I guess I should have realised Roger wasn’t feeling right, normally he’d have done that like a shot.
When we went to Holywell Bay for a day about 10 years ago, we walked back along the cliff path to our camp in Perranporth. It took 3 hours.
Its nice to look at your paintings and recognise the sbject. And I love the seagull.
Thankyou for evoking good memories for me

Big hugs
Liz x


Glad you finally arrived have a nice time, are you travelling solo?

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Looks lovely. I love the photos and painting. So glad you had a relaxed time.

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All airports are currently a nightmare at the minute. Glad you eventually got there ok. Hope today goes well, what a lovely way to honour your man and anniversary. New memories for you too. Safe travels

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What a talented lady you are! Such lovely paintings and gorgeous scenery. Hope you had a relaxing holiday and well done for going

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Thanks for feedback and memories shared. Back to normal now with all the catching up. Lots weeds grown up. The people in caravan next to me walked to Perranporth and back and were very tired. My son went along path other way before he took me home and took some nice photos. I have all the washing to get done now.

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Wow, if they walked to Perranporth and back, I’m not surprised they were tired.

Glad you had a good break
X x

Yes, me too so glad to have arrived after all the interruptions yesterday, and yes I am travelling solo! Felt a little apprehensive at first but today has been good so far, did a lot of walking and talking to my husband at the same time people must have been thinking this woman was crazy talking to herself :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
but I enjoyed talking to him as if he was by my side so did not feel lonely most of the time although the sadness kept creeping up now and then but it was not as intense as it used to be. I must say I am now feeling more positive about travelling solo & will definitely do more in the coming months - thanks to your encouraging post :+1:


Just got back from a Norwegian Fjords cruise and loved it. Everyone on board the ship were really friendly and met an amazing group of people. There were daily solo group meet ups so people could get to know one another and not feel alone. Visiting Norway was nice and the scenery was beautiful. Sad to be back home.



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Wow! That looks amazing.

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So glad you enjoyed your solo trip, I’m still trying to pluck up enough courage to go on a solo holiday. Interested to know which cruise line you went with. Take care x

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Wow ! Looks lovely xx

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My passport runs out next spring. Didn’t think I would use it
Can’t imagine going on a cruise in my own.
I have only been on one 13 years ago with double lots controls to go through with airport then ship. We found it very tricky and stressful then because of crowds and hassle of it.
I can’t imagine how I would cope at my age.
I guess it takes lots of courage unless you are used to it.
Think would have to do door to door.

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I went with Saga. They were great, I had booked to go with my mum but she died in January. Saga waived the solo supplement for me.

My cruise started at Dover and included being picked up from home and driven to the ship. No airports :slightly_smiling_face:
Only 999 people on the ship, all cabins have a balcony. Met lots of friendly people at the solo get togethers. As it’s Saga everyone is over 50.