Solo holidays

Pam 14
You said about getting there. Yes.
When I was staying over night last night at Warners I drove myself the ten miles.
I spoke to other people and asked them and was told went on the train which was three miles away. Admittedly not alone but still could be do able.
Others said went on train too.
Another idea go on a spa day with crem tea and treatment when half price with use of facilities.
Quite easy alone if can do at local.
Wouldn’t pay full price not worth it.
Some people said they booked day trip to seaside but put off really all squoshed together catching COVID in heat and all the in and out crush.
Ok if in front seat.
And can do and if spare seats so can have seat to self.


Oh did you ! I was born in Horsforth - just up the road !! X

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I am thinking about going to Bath for a few days later, in the year

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I was thinking of trying a few days in London, have been there many times in the past but couldn’t say I know my way around too much but at least I have an idea of where I am some of the time. Not sure I’ll pluck up the nerve to do it but at least it’s a start to even consider going.
I hope you enjoy your trip!

Yes pluck up the courage
If you can. Wish I had done so a bit more sometimes but baby steps work too. Build up to it. Gradually go a bit further.
Says me who is a one for chickening out. I chickened out today. I had my hand on the press button to book and hesitated.
Then didn’t. In short run relieved don’t have all hassle getting it together.
I had ironed the stuff ready first stage. Was about to fill tank with petrol and buy snacks to keep me going but then got distracted and looked at clock and thought a bit too late. Then my son turned up and we swept the side together and I made him lunch and hung his old jacket to dry in sun. Truth I valued having his company more than I relished possibility of a lonely time on my own. Yes might say why not take him but he won’t go.

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Maybe next time you will push the book button. Baby steos sometimes need to move into bigger steps.

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Well yes but I did go to Holywell Bay earlier on and have been on a two day break to Heythrop Park then a one night break to the same place sux week’s later. My son says we can book another holiday at the beginning of September or half term.

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Well no holiday booked as yet as got diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago, had my operation and fingers crossed all is well, and I dont need any chemo. If all is ok, I’m booking the christmas markets and then either Italy or the south of France in the summer. Ive decided I will do Christmas 2025 away as well as I travel to each of my kids over Christmas but fancy a change where its a break from driving 300 miles in one day for me.


Cross fingers for you can do then. I was getting set again then toothache. Go get emergency appointment tick. X ray tick antibiotics tick then no follow up appointment needed in five days unless cancellation to have either filling or extraction and all not want if it means looking even more like Dracula off putting. Then gp tests to check tablets not affecting kidneys all getting in way want to be on holiday.
Then house needs repairs. Legal deadlines not met here we go again. Try to do what I can. Go in garden pretend it is a holiday if sun is shining and flowers have come out. Cat is ok and nuzzles. Baby steps turn into big steps but then like two steps forward three steps back when have pressed go button then set backs. Do you go feeling unwell and winging it?


I hoe you get sorted and you get away on your hoiliday. Xx

I just need to talk to someone… In 2weeks I’ll be on my way to Luton Airport for a 4 night stay in the Algarve, to the resort where me and Jimmy always went, so i know it well and will be very safe. But the anxiety of going alone is getting bad and iv had to get meds to stop my heart pounding! Ive booked myself into the lounge at the airport so i can chill out away from the crowds… and have easy access to the loo :rofl::see_no_evil:… I’m only taking hand luggage and have booked a taxi the other end so seem to be organised. It’ll be emotional when i arrive but i think also healing too as Jimmy wanted me to go back to our 'special ’ place. So… why am i so anxious? It’s the worst feeling and 10 months on since that awful week i feel I’m going back to grieving all over again :man_shrugging:. …i just miss him so much and still can’t believe he’s gone :cry:


You will be fine, you’ve done the hard bit and that was booking the holiday. Now you need to think about all the places you want to visit while away. Remember, he will be with you in your memories, and this is part of your healing process. Visit places you never got to see together so you build new memories as well. It does help, or I found it did as I wasn’t just trying to do all the things we did together as it became emotional. Enjoy we all want to hear how you get on. You are doing a very brave thing always remember this. Xx


You’re very early on in your grief … be kind to yourself … takes time. Im nearly 20 months into this. Takes time to heal and come to terms with it. My best advice is just dont isolate yourself x


I totally resonate with what you’re feeling! I’ve booked myself a 6 night holiday in Antibes. It’s an essential escapism on his birthday in a couple of weeks and I have been so anxious ever since the booking. We usually went to Spain or Portugal as he wasn’t keen on France but I thought I would explore a new territory. I have been to Nice a couple of times since he passed. Antibes, not so far from Nice so hopefully it won’t be too unfamiliar :crossed_fingers:
I hope you will enjoy your break as can be, take care.


Totally agree - go with the flow :+1: I have done so since he passed and it’s coming up to 16 months tomorrow :broken_heart:


Ive gone with the flow too, since ive been on my own. Had a week on my own in South Wales which was OK. 3 weeks time I’m going with a tour group to Sicily. A bit apprehensive, but i’m going to enjoy it for both of us.


Ah thankyou everyone for replying… you’ve made me feel a lot better. Its just incredible how grief can effect you in so many different ways, and i think going somewhere knowing you don’t have that special person to support and guide you is a bit daunting !
I thought i was doing a lot better but obviously it’s taking a lot longer!. I just want to lie on that beach and relax! Xxxxx

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Have a lovely holiday, and just enjoy yourself. We look forward to hearing all about it ehen you get back.

Sending you a hug x

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So great that you feel able to do this and I sincerely hope it goes really well for you and you have a very relaxing time. I’m sure the first time must be the most difficult. I’ve been thinking about taking a holiday on my own and have sent for some singles holiday brochures but haven’t plucked up the courage to do anything about it yet and it’s been just over 2 yrs for me. We always travelled such a lot. I’m thinking I might prefer to go somewhere we hadn’t been together where there are no memories jumping up to haunt me.

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Which company are you traveling with

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