Solo holidays

I’m going with Leger paid a bit extra but hopefully worth it. Solo holiday.

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South of France in May with Leger. All inclusive 9 days.

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  1. I’ve booked for. Can’t face a holiday this year. To soon after my husband died. Should be stronger next year
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That sounds lovely xx

That’s one of my options live the fact its 800m to a beach and lots to visit, that one or Tuscany and Lake Garda, just not sure which as not travelled to either. I might see you on the coach.

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Your post is so inspiring and encouraging, thank you so much!
I lost my angel in May 2023 to a sudden heart attack. We both love travelling so much and went places every year so since he passed away I have been telling him (I talk to him everyday) that I will carry on travelling the way we used to and I will do everything for both of us. I am planning to go to Nice for a couple of days on ‘would have been 36th wedding anniversary’ 1st July - but I am feeling a little apprehensive of going on my own at the moment as I had a very bad experience the first time I travelled alone last year so I am going to leave it until the last minutes to see how I feel then decide. Now that I’ve read your post I am feeling more positive about going solo! Thank you.

So pleased we have given you the inspiration and courage to go alone. We are all dealing with grief in different ways. I feel that my life has to go on otherwise. I wouldn’t be doing all the things we planned and never got too fulfill. I promised Rob I would travel still and make new friends and try new things, i am coming up to a year in July as a widow and it still feels like yesterday but I am proud of what I have and can accomplish.

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Yes. We have to be positive. It’s very hard on all of us we are all addressing our grief in different ways but one thing is for sure is that our loved ones would want us to go on and enjoy life what is remaining. Baby steps.

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You are right, life has to go on! Our love ones would want us to keep going and living our lives.
I still can’t bring myself to associate with the word ‘widow’ it makes me feel really sad and hollow! Same as the ‘d’ word, it’s still too painful for me to link that word to his passing. Too raw and too painful :broken_heart:
Hat’s off to you, you are so brave, strong and positive!

Yes. I dislike the word Widow. So outdated. Let’s all be positive it’s hard so very hard but remember our loved one is all all around us. I choose to believe that my husband is giving me that nudge to get on with it. So I shall but be sure he’ll be with me wherever I go. :sleepy::heart:

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My husband didnt acknowledge he was dying as no one told him.
So we never had a conversation so any messages like to continue or promises were not made. He wanted to believe in hope. So I was trying to say to him that I wanted him to come back.
Telling him missed him.
He was saying don’t worry leave things you can’t do until I get back I will do it. He wanted to be useful right up to the end. He was telling me how to get ice off the freezer as he always did that job.
He was advising me how to sort out the MOT etc. I find it so hard travelling alone. I force myself to do what I can do. But anxiety is huge. I am trying so hard to do the things he used to do. Wish I could just be like I used to be confident to travel on my own but it has got harder as I have got older.


So sorry for your loss. It isn’t easy. No words really. It will get easier in time I’m sure. It’s very hard being alone and doing things in the house that your husband did. I’m having to get tradesmen in for little jobs as I’m not handy. Chin up .

Ive learnt to use a drill, and can now decorate. I need tradesman for major jobs but have gone back to doing things myself i was lucky my dad taught me a few jobs before he paased away aged only 51 and Rob was great at DIY so I picked bits up from him.

Can i ask are you going on tbe 2nd or 3rd May

2nd week in may I think. South of France. Id have to look at my details. :sunny:

Ive just looked at dates but seem to be 2nd or 3rd may for travel. My son thinks would be a good holiday as lots to see

We have a choice of going on holiday, either solo or in a crowd. At social events I have great difficulty, being “lonely in a crowd”. It really upsets me, making me realise that someone (my wife) isn’t there!
I just gritted my teeth and went off on my own. I’ve found shepherd’s huts to be perfect for me. Then I had a lovely time, reading, going to the pub for meals (and chatting to the locals), walking the dogs, playing my guitar and flute to the sheep, doing some mindfulness, etc etc.

I’m far happier being alone than being in a crowd and lonely. I can’t rely on distraction to get me through, because grief still comes back, only worse.

It surprised me until I did it!


We’re all different. Whatever gets you through sad times.

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That must be it then. I tried for April but was fully booked. Yes. It’s the third of may.

yes, I’d like to think he is around, hopefully watching over me. I talk to him everyday telling him of my every move, how my day has been just the way it used to be. I’ve told him that I am now living this lonely life but for both of us, so everything I do, everywhere I go he is always with me by my side - so comforting :heart:
Take care :hugs: :hugs:

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