Solo holidays

I wanted july but got told weather in south france and italy would be very hot. I just need to book so ive something to look forward to. So many places to visit and pick from.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve chosen May. Iā€™ve been to the south of France in July and was boiling. Canā€™t take it anymore. It will be very strange going solo has never done it before except once and that was when I was in my 20s. Iā€™m sure it will be fun with like minded people and something to get me through this year without my Darling Husband. I know heā€™d want me to enjoy life as he told me to do so. Easier said than done as itā€™s only been nigh on 4 months and still awfully sad and heartbreaking without him. Got to be strong and enjoy life.

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Yes Book. It will be something to look forward to and give you enough time to except that we are all alone now in our grief and only time will heal that. :cat2:

Ive already done 2 holidays this year i did 2 days in york on my own then Bavaria. Its trying to decide where and what month for me. Iā€™m trying to do places we never went to together so it doesnt bring back memories.

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Thatā€™s great. Sounds like your trying to get a grip on this awful term Griefā€¦Try and enjoy yourself. I hope you made some nice like minded people to have fun with

Yes I get being alone and why. Sounded good mix to ration when with other folk.
I am not only one here having difficulty figuring out how to find the right holiday.
I was at the fun day today that was happening in the park just up the road from where I live.
In many ways it felt like being on holiday.
People watching, chatting to the different stall holders and watching the dog show. The weather was glorious. I took my fold up seat in an old buggy and my thermos flask. I got these comments but I donā€™t take much notice. I had somewhere to put my plants I got from the bio diversity stall.
It was good just to walk up the road. Sadly it is the last one now. I had hoped my family would join me but didnā€™t. But I guess have to get used to it.
I got asked how I was doing. I didnā€™t say depressing just said muddling along response was yes suppose that is all can do muddle along.

Weā€™re all different. I canā€™t imagine taking myself of solely alone like the previous gentleman posted but works for him and I get it. Equally I donwant to be amongst people that are like me very sad only want to be with happy people. That may sound unfeeling but Iā€™m trying to heal and to get out and about and not being miserable. I can be all things alone with my thoughts of my Darling Husband. Try and enjoy your Sunday. Itā€™s hard I know but at least the weather is dry and good walking weather. :sunny:

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Today tried yet again to book something as my son tried to help but found it exhausting trying to figure it all out.
So in the end took some of my husbandā€™s clothes to a swop event. I had planned to visit open gardens locally as well but I took too long looking at the swops. But I got myself some different clothes I could use on holiday and so enjoyed chatting. There was another woman in the same boat as me who is an artist with grown children like mine so it was worth sticking around. Learnt about other swop events. Better than wasting money and getting nothing for donations. These days people canā€™t afford to do that it is part of move to not throw things away.
More spending money for holidays or days out then.

Interesting to read everyoneā€™s stories. My wife passed away just over four months ago. We loved our trips together even though it was becoming more and more difficult for her, Iā€™ve vowed to carry on albeit solo. Iā€™ve done a few short breaks staying in hotels on my own but have usually met friends or family. Next week Iā€™m off for a week to Italy totally on my own to a place that weā€™ve been to together before. I have a mix of anticipation and dread but am determined to ā€˜enjoyā€™ it as much as I can. Iā€™ll still be incredibly lonely but at least the scenery will be better!


Why donā€™t you phone the booking agent. They do it for you. Just give them the holiday you want then good to go

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Excellent. Well done. Itā€™s hard to carry on but your still enjoying life as your wife would want so go on holiday knowing that your wife is near you giving you courage to carry on. :pray:


Who are you trying to book your break with? They might have an issue with the website its worth calling them to book direct.

I booked my solo holiday with Leger Direct. Paid a deposit and Door to door service to coach. They were very helpful and only took 20minites.

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They are quick to book with. I wondered if @Enorac could call her company to book with. I hope she gets sorted.

I had a solo holiday with leger in April to Italy and thoroughly enjoyed. Got picked up 10 minutes from my house and didnā€™t have to plan anything as it was all sorted out by the company. Iā€™ve now booked a longer one in Italy next July with them again, plus Iā€™m going on a Christmas market one to Germany with them in December. Everything is so well organised and we were well looked after. Enjoy your trip

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I did shearing this year to Bavaria. The coaches are not as comfortable as Leger so I am deciding which holiday to book via them although Newmarket holidays do fly then coach trips which are not badly priced as well. Its just picking a place. I do fancy South of france with Leger but fancied later in the year. I looked at Christmas market solo one gor 2nd December as well with them so if you are on that I might see you.

Iā€™m going on the Christmas Market on the 2nd December with Leger.


Hope your trip goes well.
I only did coach trip to Scotland, but it was 1st holiday without hubby. It was really good, but scary at the same time. I loved it. Looking forward to next adventure. Itā€™s all about learning to live as a single unit. Hard, but has to be done.
Hope you going to post some pictures

Yes. Sadly it does. Life has to be lived as itā€™s far to short


Thatā€™s my philosophy!