Solo holidays

What ? I was stuck in the end of the phone then cut off. Easier said than done
After much stress never got enough information today to book week away so decided to just do late booking two days this Wed ten miles away same problems really stressful. Finally got it to book with help of autistic son getting fed up when their computer crashed. No idea if it had gone through. Gave up then suddenly an email to confirm.
I feel exhausted. I just hope I can manage it on my own.
Just have to wing it.
Hope for best.

Where are you going and when

Finally, Iā€™ve plugged up the courage and booked a couple of nights in Nice for our ā€˜would have been 36th Wedding Anniversaryā€™ on 1st July :+1:
Letā€™s hope nothing will go wrong like the last time I went solo (Storm/cancelled flight/UK traffic control Chao/cancelled flight again-all in 4 days) :frowning_face:


Fingers crossed it will be hot and sunny so you can relax and see the sights.

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Excellent. I adore The South of France. Antibes is lovely. Very expensive. So thatā€™s why Iā€™ve booked a all inclusive for next May. Hopefully not to hot. Lovely warm day here in Gloucestershire makes a change to ones mood when the sun is shining. I feell full of hope for moving on without his endless sadness that surrounds me. Have a great day allā˜€ļø


Just been reading all the posts about solo holidays and I think you are all so brave. Im not at that stage yet , need to work on my confidence which seems to have deserted me since my husband passed away in Nov 2023. I am having a holiday but with my daughters. My husband loved holidays so it will be very strange without him but I do hope at some point to be able to do it on my own.

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You will know when you are ready to venture on your own. I dont have friends that want to go away on holiday to the places I like and find I need to try new things. Have a lovely holiday with your family.

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Your right. I couldnā€™t even consider going away this year alone. Iā€™ve visited my friend in Kent in march but that was because my husband had passed the month before and hated being in my apartment alone. I have a voluntary job at a military museum which gets me out. All very sore at the moment but thinking positively about life hence a holiday next year

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Well after 18 months it doesnā€™t get easier on your own.
But I went last year with my son taking me. Trying to sort it again as I said. I do not know anything about these agents people talk about. Travel agents all closed round here.
Got out of that years ago.

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Even though I consider myself brave and positive, it was still 12 months until I felt strong enough to go away on my own (except for my two dogs, who made a huge difference!)
It was my first trip into a shepherds hut in Carmarthenshire. I had my emotional moments, because Penny and I had several holidays in a cottage on the same farm. I talked to her often, about memories of those earlier trips. So I wasnā€™t really alone, and by the end I could say ā€œI can do this!!, Iā€™ll be okā€

And I am!!

Its funny isnā€™t it because going away with your partner is last thing you think you will miss :frowning: i cant go away by myself ā€¦ i dont really want to ! I think it would make me feel even worse than i already feel :frowning: but each to his own ā€¦ cant force these things can you !!

Indeed. We are all different. like the gentleman before, I talk to my husband always and still have his Ashes until I decide what to do with them so they are a big comfort to me. Iā€™m just getting on with it. Thatā€™s all I can do. We both enjoyed our holidays together and will be heartfelt going it alone but I have my books, imagination, and memories At least the sun is shining.

Where are you trying to go? Maybe we can help you sort the holiday or suggest who yo call to get it booked. Have you got no travel agents in your local town, that can help.

It seems sad you want to go away but having issues trying to book it.

You can go online to Leger solo holidays and request a brochure. Thatā€™s what I did. I looked through all theyā€™re holidays between 24/25. Then choose the holiday I wanted, phoned the company and was all booked in Twenty minutes. The brochure took two weeks to arrive. Good luck.:+1:

I guess it depends on the type of holiday @Enorac is trying to book.
Most companies will let you book over the phone its a shame she is having such difficulties sorting something to make life enjoyable.

Itā€™s only a phonecall. They do the rest for you direct. The leger holiday company phone number can be found via Google. :sunny:

yes fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

I havenā€™t been to Antibes so will check it out! I love an all inclusive holiday but in the past years we went all inclusive to either Mallorca or Ibiza now perhaps itā€™s time for a change!
True, sunny weather is so lifting, unfortunately London weather in June this year feels like April, rain and cold :cold_face: We are so hopeful for the proper summer weather :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

TBH I am a little shaky but putting on a brave face and keeping my fingers crossed I will be okay once there :crossed_fingers: and if it is it will be a good start and the next trip will probably be easier :slightly_smiling_face:

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Weather same in Gloucester. Cold windy wet. Well some of us can look forward to a holiday , sadly solo, but new horizons Beckon. :sunny::sunny:

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