Solo holidays

AHH. So you’ve booked a trip then. Brilliant. You will be fine.:+1::+1::sunny:

It is too hot in July and August, May,June September,October are pleasant .

I went away in May, and the weather wasn’t the best in Bavaria, so hopefully, it will be warmer next year. I still haven’t booked as I need to make sure I book with the intention of having fun and seeing lots of new places. Im doing places. I’ve never visited with Rob, so it won’t bring back memories of our holidays.

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I’m going in a cruise on my own in a couple of weeks and will join the solo group. It’s my first cruise so don’t know what to expect. xx

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I get sea sick so not sure a cruise is ideal for me. Let me know how you get on as fancy yhe idea just not sure if i could cope.

Would love to hear how it goes. It’s something I’m planning on doing next year. Please update us when you get back.
Georgina x


I have just looked at a trip flying to Sicily where you fly then have a coachtrip with lots of excursions included with Newmarket holiday’s. Its about £1700 but is for solo travellers and means you get a full week away rather than coach travel for almost 2 days each way. I just need to work out the gest option. Meals are included as well.


That sounds good. Will look at that. Like the idea of doing coach trip abroad.

I’m going to take sea sick pills with me just in case.

Sounds great, let us know how you get on xx

I thought the fly to destination gives more options of destinations. I need to get some options then compare them. I did a shearings holiday this year, but the travel time has made me look at other options before I book anything.

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Hi Victoria. I’ve done cruises with my husband and was amazing. I met lots of ladies/gents on solo and they lived it. You’ll be well looked after. Go for it. :100::+1:


This time last year was 32 degrees - unbelievable!
Solo holiday can’t be much fun :frowning_face: but we just have no choice!
New lonely life :broken_heart: new horizons :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

yes, finally, after ‘should I?’ or shouldn’t I?’ fingers crossed all will be fine or at least okay :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :sun_with_face:

I have just come back from a cruise, it was fabulous, I went with a friend but would feel safe going on one alone, met lots of people, can’t wait for next one

I have just come back from a cruise, it was fab, met lots of people, went with a friend but would happily go alone as it felt safe


Oh wow, looks great. I’m so glad that you had a good time. Which company was it with?


Thank you it was just what I needed to have a break from grieving. TUI Marella Cruises, it was 42 everyday though so mega hot!


Wow ! Lucky you ! Thought u had been quiet ! Forgot you went on a cruise xx

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“…a break from grieving.” That made me stop and think. Glad you had a good time.


Where did you visit on your cruise. Looks really fantastic. Never wanted to do one, but looking at those lovely pictures. Might just give it a go

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