Someone Help Me Cope Please

My names Jessica and I’m 28, if anyone reading this could reach out and just tell me that everything will be ok, I lost my partner Jason April 21st this year 2020, in March we where on holiday - April he’s gone committed suicide … my Jason died. Kills me even typing this. I physically feel sick every day, wake up with tears in my eyes and anxiety in my stomach. I miss his hands on mine, I miss the comfort he gave me, he was my security blanket and I miss him so much and everything about him even the things that would annoy me I would have back right now every day of the week. The pain is too much and I really do feel that I’m never going to cope and this grief will kill me eventually as how anyone can go through this is beyond me. The emotions are too strong and I can’t channel this anywhere. If anyone can help , anyone at all just done hesitate to reach out please. !

u will b ok , early days yet , just get through hr , that’s how I cope , I lost my whole world 7 yrs ago , my mum died in April 2013 , my partner died 9 months later in 2014 , same wk my dad died , my sister died 2 yrs later as well as my dog , I struggle every day , ur not alone xx


I’m do sorry Jessica. Use this site to express your feelings as that’s what helped me survive.
I lost my wife 28 may suddenly she was 53 I’m 49 we had been married for nearly 23 years. We couldn’t have children so I’m alone. While different circumstances I understand how you feel. Our doctors killed my wife. This has destroyed my life and to manage I’m now on medication.
Somehow you manage to cope but the pain don’t go you learn to live with it.
Keep safe

Hello Jessica, I am so so sorry for the loss of your soulmate. I cannot lie to you, it will be difficult to cope with the assortment of emotions you are facing right now. It’s very easy for me and others to say “Stay Strong” but that is what you must do and in time the pain will become slightly less intense.
Continue to post on here which allow you to express your feelings.
My thoughts are with you at this horrible time.

Hello Marv, you have had a catalogue of bereavements over the past few years which would have certainly floored most people and I admire that you carry on even although it’s bound to be a struggle.
I don’t have to tell you to stay strong because you must have got that message to come this far.

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Thanks al , and I hope u r ok

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Hi all and Jessica it’s very early days for you 4 months since my husband passed we can’t lie to you it’s hard emotions are roller coasters I find it harder now because I’m trying to process his not coming back. We had 36 years. I read posts on here they break my heart but we are all in the same boat and try and help each other by talking. Keep reaching out x

Jessica this makes my heart hurt for you. The fact you have posted on here is a massive step. We all feel your pain and disbelief. Nothing prepares you for losing the love of your life. Just be assured that we are all here for you :blue_heart:

It makes an old man like me very upset to hear about young people dying and their partners struggling to cope. When I say “young people” I mean anyone younger than me but especially those in the prime of their life. When I relate my loss I often feel people will think “He’s had a good crack at life so pull yourself together and get on with it.” But whether you’re 20 or 80 losing a loved one has exactly the same emotions attached to it. Sometimes young ones are luckier because they have more time to rebuild their lives but when you’re older you have less time and inclination to rebuild your life and the memories you have built up become a wall you can’t get over and don’t want to get over.
Sorry for going on but several posts recently about young people have made me very sad and that’s what set me off. Love to all of you, old & young :heart:


True words spoken a long time with your wife as you said we all grieve if 1 year or more. Sorry for your loss x

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Hi Al
So very well said. I used to think that when older people lost their loved ones they was prepared for it. Absolutely not so. No inclination to rebuild your life is so true. When you lose a person that is close and a big part of your life there is no age limit on the feelings of grief.

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Dear Friends and especially you Jessica, I am so sorry to hear of your loss - how I wish I had the magic words to give you the hope you deserve – Unfortunately we all have each other to fall back on. But you’re in good company- as we have all been there, the same as you. Truly, what Al posted, is so very true. It doesn’t matter if you are young, recent or older - we all share each others losses. If it’s OK with you I shall share my brief loss with you. My wife died suddenly in November 2019. She was the kindest and sweetest person I have ever known, Anyway, I live alone at the home we bought together just 6 years ago. I can honestly say that when she died, a part of me died with her, We had plans and hopes for our lives and our home. I still mourn for her almost every day. ln your case, it will take some time, as some say - like I said there are no magic words or solutions any of us can offer you. I offer you my deepest sympathy and all of here share your feelings and loss. Please write back if you need support or even a shoulder to cry on. We’re here to help each other - we know what loss is. Wishing you the best!

Hello Herb, you’re right when you say part of you died, in my case it was certainly the biggest part of me. What’s left is insignificant and worthless…at least that’s how I feel. This is what happens when you lose your very reason for living. I know from your posts that you feel the same emptiness and, like me, you’re trying to hold it together whilst living alone.
Anyway, I also wanted to thank Kim and Pat for their comments and I hope Jessica is ok because we haven’t heard from her since her first post. Let us know your ok Jessica x

Hello Kim, Pat, Al and Jessica, and thank you Al, you seem to have a sense for those of us in bereavement! I guess you are like what I always say these days. Dear Jessica, I hope you’re OK - since you are the latest and younger. No offense to any of you out there, we all are here for the same purpose - just trying to hold it together (Al, I took these words from you for the time being. Thank you Al for your message.

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hi Jessica very sorry for the tragic loss of your partner.
wish I could tell you everything will be ok.i just hope you can find the strength from within to help you cope.for those with partners whether that be wives husbands,who you love with all your heart ,there is nothing worse than losing these people from our lives.
I cannot understand or comprehend why your partner did this or know whats going through your mind.i just hope you can get the help you need.whether thats some sort of counselling ,help from family or friends or some members on here.but please know that members on here do care and are here for you.say what ever you need or want to and know some one will try respond and offer a bit of comfort and support.
please try take care of your self.
regards ian

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