Sometime's it's the littlest of things

Its like saying my mam likes cheese, just because she’s passed doesn’t mean she doesn’t like it, that’s how I’m thinking of it now and if in the future I change the way I speak about her, then I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it, hope that makes sense xx


I can understand that about wanting the service to continue on - I am glad I was able to write a eulogy and even if I can’t speak the words the words are written from my heart.


Sending love for tomorrow @magenta. I’ll be thinking of you. I hope it goes smoothly.

We are stronger than we think and it will probably go quickly. Cry and take all the hugs. Share the beautiful memories. I hope you have support.

My dad’s funeral is in two weeks :cry:

Take care. X


Thank you so much @RobBeat08 I really appreciate your thoughts. You’re right about being stronger than we think. If I think back to being at the hospital on the worst days of my life and all I endured there, it’s an indicator that I will be able to get through tomorrow.

I’ll be thinking of you in two weeks time, and we’ll keep talking on here too. X

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You take care. And we’ll catch up in a couple of days. Sending wishes to you and yours :heart_hands:

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Thanks so much.

You take care too, I hope that you are managing to find some moments to rest and get some sleep. This is such a difficult time. I think this forum is great because we all have a level of understanding, and I don’t feel like I’m burdening anyone by talking about my grief here which is a relief x


There is no time to grief i lost my mam a year ago January 13th 2023 and it has only just starting to feel real now…i cared for my mam for a lot of years so im so lost now , good and bad days . You will start to feel better take day by day i promise it will feel better soon. Take care :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi last mothers day was the first for me i brought some lovely flowers and a rose plant for mam to keep in the house she loved flowers maybe something you could do and also keep busy do something you love doing . Take care :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think I will do something simular.

It is a punch in the gut when you see the cards. I’ve started shutting my eyes as I walk past.

Sending hugs to everyone today. X


My Granddaughter asked my Son if her Great Grandma was in every cemetery they passed ,telling her that she wasn’t eventually my Son took my Grandson and Granddaughter to the cemetery on my Mums Birthday to take flowers they now know that Great Grandma is in Heaven but we can’t go and visit

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