Son passed 19th April

I lost my 27yr old son on 19th of April. He suffered with his mental health and was self medicating. The drugs he was using were counterfeit. He was found by his older brother who also suffers with the same issues. I had so many discussions and arguments about his drug taking. He would get into some awful states. I knew it was going to end badly. I miss him so much. We are waiting for the inquest which is in August. I still dont know if he meant to take his own life or was it recklessness.


Hi, I lost my 28 year old son 21 months ago, he died of a drugs overdose. I have no idea if it was intentional, my heart tells me not.

I found him in bed, itā€™s a vision I will never get over, but in some ways Iā€™m thankful, if it had to happen it happened at home.

I completely understand what you are going through. I know thereā€™s nothing I can say or do to make the pain go away but Iā€™m here if you need to talk. Take care x


My son passed away 9 months ago and itā€™s very similar to what happened to you.
I miss him every single day and canā€™t imagine life without him.
He was 31 years old.
He was our everything to us and our daughter is struggling but life was difficult before as you can imagine.
Kind regards


I lost my son 9 months ago and I fully understand where youā€™re coming from.
Itā€™s the most painful and heartbreaking experience Iā€™ve ever experienced in my life and Iā€™m trying to just support my daughter.
Nothing ever prepares us for losing a child,no matter what age.
My son was 31 years old.
I miss him every single day and I know Iā€™ll never get over this.

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Im so deeply sorry to hear of your loss, its a situation no parent ever wants to be in! People sympathise with child loss, but the pain of losing your child compares to no other loss, it breaks you to the core.
Each day is a battle to get through, take it one step at a time and try not to take too much additional pressure on board. My love and thoughts are with you as you approach the inquest, Iā€™m not sure we ever stop questioning ā€˜why?ā€™ however I do hope you can find some sense of closure.
I lost my son 2 years ago, not to an overdose, but the loss of a child is not how life should be, it is just not part of our plan in life and it takes all your strength to get through each day. Be gentle with yourself as best you can, ask for support when you need it, please donā€™t suffer alone when it gets too painful to carry on. And it does get too painful to carry, many times, a day for a long time. I found grief counselling very helpful for the first year and the free Sue Ryder grief support text service has been a light in the darkest tunnel, i highly recommend signing up if you havent already done so.
My love and deepest condolences are sent to you all xx


Thank you for your kind words,it means a lot.
I hurt so much and sometimes feel like my heart will stop beating,but I have to stay strong for my beautiful daughter.
This is not the right way round,no one should ever lose a child of any age.
Again thank you and you stay strong.

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I do understand that this is a very personal decision but I didnā€™t attend my sons inquest, I got all the details beforehand so I knew what was going to be said. My family said they would attend with me as I am divorced from Daniels father but to be honest I couldnā€™t let them sit through some of the details.

The worst thing for me was that it published in our local paper, I didnā€™t want such personal details printed in the paper for the whole world to see, it still breaks my heart now. But I canā€™t sit here worrying about other peopleā€™s opinions.

Unless you have walked in our shoes youā€™re not entitled to comment. Watching your child go through drug addiction is probably (apart from them dying) the worst thing possible. People are very judgemental when it comes to drugs/alcohol addiction xx

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Hi, i am so sorry for your loss. My sons older brother found him in the morning. He had obviously passed a few hours before so like you not a nice thing to see. Im not bothered about anyone knowing it was drug related. If it raises awareness and stop one death ill be happy.x

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Sending hugs x

I get up every day, try to carry on but life wonā€™t ever be the same again. Thereā€™s a massive void in mine and my older sons lives now. My son died when he was 28 and his 30th is fast approaching, not sure how weā€™re gonna get through it x

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Iā€™m in exactly the same situation.
My son was 31 years old and would be 32 in September. I ache every single minute of every day and sometimes tell myself heā€™s just out and not home yet,itā€™s the only way I can get through some days.
I feel for you because I know exactly what youā€™re going through right now.

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Thank you itā€™s so nice to find someone who understands, not many people do x

I really do understand,as Iā€™m experiencing the same pain as you.
I really hope you and I can get through this together.
Take care x

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Hi everybody out there going through the loss of a child.I have not been on the forum for a little while.Its 15 months now since I lost my only son.My heart is broken I still cry every day but I do get out and have little breaks .Coping through each day is so very hard unbearable at times really.I do think if I didnt get out I would be quite capable of curling up and dying.I am a widow my boy helped me through when his dad died.My son had COPD NON HODGE LYMPHOMA DIABETES.Stage 4 COPD caused his death and addictions all his life.His death certificate shows drug and alchohol addiction as final outcome.I have read the posts and god how the comments ring true.You have to walk in somebodys shoes to understand the sad life and ultimate death of somebody with addictions.But what must be realised is our children were still loving caring bright funny and oh so special to us in spite of the hell we all went through at times .I miss my son so much.God bless you all Marg xxxx


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Itā€™s so true, my son was so loving and would help anyone. There was far more to him than drugs. I didnā€™t realise that he was an addict until after he died. He had been clean for so long but now I understand youā€™re always an addict, like an alcoholic.
I dont want people to remember him from dying from an overdose, I want people to remember the kind, funny, loving person that he was :heart:xx


Exactly right Gill my boy was an addict for years tried so hard to come off god love him.Then he got cancer and COPD went into hospital with his COPD and shockingly never came out.I agree we dont want our lovely boys to be remembered for the addiction but for who they really were aside from their addictions.Its unbearable without them Gill.They say there is nothing stronger than a grieving mother who wakes up each day and keeps on going.Its so hard though. Xxxx


I to have to push myself to go out and keep in contact with people.
Itā€™s so hard.
I miss my son every day and still canā€™t sleep,night terrors and flashbacks.
Itā€™s very early days for both of us.
Keep going and pushing forward x

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You too my love xxxx

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We have to xxx

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Hi everyone, sorry i havent replied or commented to posts. Today i am having the wost day ever. I have cried for the last 3 hours. My eyes must look like Pā€¦s holes in the snow. I went to buy a photo frame for his pic. WS fine till i set it next to my chair. With my tiny urn full of hus ashes(We shated them)As soon as i placed it on the table i wS gone. He should be here with measking if ā€œiā€™m awrightā€ wr are scottish. His 5 yr old son goes to his uncles tonight.(my oldest son) . I havent been able to see him since the funeral. He is hus daddies double and it hurts too much. I dont want him around me when im like this. Mums and Dads, im sending you all my love and big hugs at this awful time. I feel your pain. Today its unbearable. XxšŸ’”