
I wonder if anyone has delved into this ? I’ve found myself going down this path. I think maybe we got death all wrong ? maybe death is a upgrade to life in earth. maybe we don’t die ?

I watched a few NDE on You Tube! there’s so much we don’t know. We are very limited even primitive in our thinking. I want to believe mum’s gone to a better place, I even though maybe she was lucky to escape this evil world we live in.
.There’s nothing to be happy about these days on earth. Life in the UK is downright depressing, it’s not the country I was born into. We don’t care or love each other, we care and love ourselves and money nothing else. That’s why we are posting on here because the world does not care about your grief. There’s has to be something better then this sad state of life now.

People need something now just to get through life, religions has its place.

Did a live session with others and a meduim on messenger recentely. I received a message from Grandma then mum sending love and uplifting.

If you search on You Tube for NDE you find loads of videos.

I think it gives us hope if we know death isn’t the end! That can only be a good thing!

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Funnily enough I was also watching stuff about NDEs last night. My Dad and my Brother-I-L both had them; they saw loved ones they had lost waiting for them on the other side and really, really wanted to join them. Apparently it is the most beautiful place, nothing like we ever experience here. I have no fear of death at all, and know my man is in a much better place, waiting for me to join him, no doubt about it.

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If you’re interested in that sort of thing, theres a book by Leslie Kean which has also been made into a netflix series called “surviving death” - shes an investigative journalist who explores various different aspects of the consciousness surviving death e.g. reincarnation, NDEs, mediumship.

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Usefull to know, there’s loads on You Tube!

I think its been a tough year for me, I lost mum in August in 23, last year. June 24 I was diagnosed with Myeloma Cancer.

I do belong to a spiritual group on FB and done a few videos with other people and various mediums. Two weeks ago I got a message from Grandma and then mum. It was my first!

I needed all the help I can get , so I not closing my mind to anything. Besides we live in a such cruel world very uncaring. I’m still effected by the loss of mum 13 months in and I miss her. But we have to deal with death and one day it be our turn. So we have to come to turns with it. Also because I’m now on my own and are going through tough times ie debts and Myeloma too, I feel I need all the love and hope I can get my hands on, and let’s face it there’s not much of that around.

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Hi i lost my 24 year old grandson one year ago tomorrow and although i lost my parents in my mid 30’s the death has knocked me for six. I have started reading about the afterlife and to me it all makes sense. I have always though that the spirit just doesnt die with the body, it has to go somewhere. The book Spirits among us has helped me so much and i keep it by my bed for when bereavement really hits.


Thanks for sharing Kim

Is it by Christy Clark ?

Sorry guys, should have read spirits beside us by chris lippincott. A lot of good stuff in there. Some of it a big unusual but a good read.

I want to believe like you and I’m sure mum is more happier then me at the moment.

Thank You for sharing

I too have been watching programmes on the afterlife and near death experiences. I also attended a medium evening last year. I was very sceptical about it, however the medium gave a spot on description of my nan and things she would do (she passed 15 years ago). I think there are genuine mediums but also some who will take advantage of grief to make money.
Stephen was still alive at the time.,. I went again earlier this year but didn’t get a message on that occasion. I have previously read books on the afterlife, and am personally convinced of its existence…

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I hope you find what you looking for, I wouldn’t close your mind to it. I done a few spiritual video sessions via social media. I don’t know if I’m skeptical ? I got one message from my grandma of love and uplifting. I think you got to be open minded to all possibility. I bought that book but not got round to reading it as of yet.

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Thanks Keith68. I took got an encouraging message from my nan. It was interesting that the medium had a message from her, because if anyone in spirit would want to help me it would be her. I do believe it was her. At the second event I attended by the same medium I attended, although I didn’t get a message myself he did say " I have a Steve here, Stephen" whilst he was working with another person. The person said no they didn’t know one and the medium stepped aside and muttered a little before saying " no that’s not right" It was very curious because I had gone along hoping for a message from Stephen . I knew him as Stephen but to his friends he was Steve. It was quite curious and I would like to believe it was him.
Certainly I would not close my mind to the idea, I do believe our loved ones in spirit watch over us.
I hope things improve for yourself and you find some peace Keith68 …

My daughter has been experiencing some electrical dramas in her flat recently, the sound of an extractor fan although they were both off, toothbrush turning itself on, oven turning itself on then off again. We are very close and she seems to be more spiritual than even I. I think he may be visiting me through her? A couple of nights ago I went into my old bedroom (which I no longer sleep in since he died) and my bedside light was on. I live alone and only go in there to get clothes, the lamp is tucked away in a corner.
Tomorrow evening I will visit the Spiritualist church for an Open Circle. :crossed_fingers:

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Been told spirits can effect electrical! Please let me know how you get on! I got a friend in Scotland that does spiritual sessions through messenger video with a meduim. She also started a Sunday church in Scotland. I done a few sessions but only received 1 messages my grandma came through and then mum. It wasn’t a message more love and uplifting to raise me. The interesting thing is Grandma died in 82, and my mum was close to her. So the fact that Grandma came through followed by mum makes perfect sense. I don’t care what other people think you have to go with your heart and what’s important to you. I never been to a spiritual church so it would be new to me, the whole concept. It’s a interesting to watch mediums work, apparently most people have the gift.

I have been twice before, but years ago. They have guest mediums sometimes. One was very good, the other kept talking about white feathers, “You will know when you see a white feather”, she kept saying. My daughter and I still laugh when we see a feather, as she never explained what we would know…!
Tomorrow is an open circle where we come together to see what happens.

I been told about a open circle by my Scottish friend. I’m still kind of new to it and are dealing with so much on my own.

Well, I went to the church. I took a couple of items that belonged to S, thinking that he might come through, but it was my Dad that made contact! He said that my life used to be filled with colour but now there is a big black cloud hanging over me, and I need to get the colour back into my life now that I am alone. I wake at 2 or 3am each night (spot on!), that’s when he is trying to get through to me so I need to listen to the messages instead of merely trying to get back to sleep.
So glad I went.


I’m happy you got a message from the church. I need to look into it more and do it also.