Still cannot believe it.

It has now been 4 months since my dear husband suddenly unexpectedly died and there are moments when i still cannot believe i will never see him again. Does anyone else feel the same about their loved ones? I can visualise him so strongly that it makes me feel physically painful inside. I just have no idea how i am going to have a life without him by myside.
Just needed to share here as maybe someone can understand.


Yes @Mogs1
I understand so well
And so will many others on here.
We are going through the most horrendous time of our lives and nothing is going to change it.
I keep wondering how I’ll get through it. But I know I have to somehow, and so will you. But I’m afraid its going to be hard and take a long long time.
But please know that we do understand your pain.

Sending big hugs

Liz x


Oh yes I understand completely. Its 5 months since i lost my husband.

His car is still on the drive because im not ready to let it go, and when I come home just for that briefest if seconds i think ‘oh great, Jim’s back’. I expect him to walk in the door at other times. Its really hard coming back to an empty house.

Ive just spent the afternoon at the allotment, and i’ve come home keen to tell him what I’ve done. Thats utter madness because if he were still here we would have been working there together.


Thanks Liz, I appreciate your very kind words.

Yes I understand.

Yesterday I was standing at the kitchen sink and I was so certain he was about
to come into the kitchen. I was so sure he was about to walk in.

Big hug,

Rose x

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Hi @Mogs1 I’m so sorry that you’re finding life difficult. It is so hard to carry on without our special person. I can relate to the physical pain. I have it in my chest, like a heavy weight. Also feel physically sick most of the time. I took my dog out for a walk earlier and passing people’s houses I could hear them in the garden enjoying themselves. I could have cried as I thought I have no one to go home to, to enjoy the day and nice weather. It is just over two years for me and I still can’t believe he has gone forever. I hope it helps you to know that others feel the same.X


I often still feel that the whole situation is surreal and that this wasn’t meant to happen to me / us.
Sometimes I think he’s just away on a work trip and he’ll be back soon - but it hurts when that reality sets in.
Sending love and strength xx


Hello Mogs1
I am new to this site, as I just lost my husband 3 weeks ago. I totally understand how you are feeling. I have read it is good to cry as it releases emotion, but the feelings are so painful. It is very true that grief is the price we pay for having loved and been loved. All of us want and need to move on, but it takes time. Be gentle with yourself. Much love.x


Yes I understand you it’s been 10 months since I lost my husband to be he passed suddenly July 19 2023 I’ve cried for 10 whole months the pain never goes away you just learn to live with it as grief is love with no place to go my fiancé was a well respected DJ loved his music etc lived for the moment his passing has really destroyed me never felt pain like this before hoe can he be here one minute then gone the next I have memories and photos which I kiss all the time even cry into his pics saying sorry :cry: I couldn’t save you meaning Steve xx just feel so alone and lost hope you find some comfort knowing they will always be close by


I’m sorry - I feel the same - I sometimes think I’ve had some sort of mental breakdown and have imagined the last 7 months - it all happened so out of the blue I can’t comprehend what’s happened - I have no idea how to cope or what to do next - the first few weeks I think I was in shock and managed to organise things on adrenaline, but I’m really struggling to do things I need to do now x


I think i’m on some kind of autopilot now, at least for part of the time. I play golf and bowls on set days of the week. Those days are fine - I get on with things. Its the other days i struggle with. I can barely work out what to do. I have paperwork to deal with too, and i struggle to make decisions. Its tough sometimes.


I am new to this site too. I lost my beloved partner 4 weeks ago completely unexpectedly and I still can’t believe what happened. It’s a living nightmare. I’m exhausted and wake up with a heavy pain in my chest. Mornings are the worst. I have supportive friends and family but feel so alone. Going out only makes things worse as I come back to an empty house and the silence is unbearable. Everywhere I go I just see couples together and I can’t listen to music or watch television as everything reminds me of what I have lost. All our hopes and dreams were shattered in an instance. It is comforting to know I’m not the only one going through this hell and send my love to you all.


Hello I know how you feel its been 10 weeks since I lost my husband and the pain is just to much it floors me and I cant do anything, can not see a future without him in it x


So sorry to hear of your loss :cry:. I lost my partner at the end of November 2023 and I can’t believe it is almost 6 months since that awful day when she passed. I put on a brave face in front of family who think I am coping but when I am on my own it hits me that i will never see her again. Grief is so difficult but you must remember all the wonderful memories you have and push through every day. Sending positive love and thoughts to you. Keep sharing and talking x


I know - I’m not doing anything as still can’t stop crying at the slightest thing! I’ve started writing lists of things to must do - this helps me focus a bit more - maybe try a to do list? Xxx


Thank you. I know that I am lucky in that I have only happy memories and we were able to live our life to the full until the sudden tragic end, but like Heather15 I am struggling to see a future without him.


It is 11 weeks since my husband died suddenly and unexpectedly.

I believe the shock is fading from time to time so that reality bursts back in. I often think it would be better if I were still in shock as it numbed things.

I understand struggling as well. This is so hard isn’t it?

Sending you a big hug,

Rose x


I understand.

This is definitely not the future I imagined.

I thought we had more years together.

Big hugs,

Rose x

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People say live day by day minute by minute but I just cant help thinking of future. Sorry for you loss x


It is not the future we expected to have, is it?

For me, no one can fill the large hole in my heart and in my life as
no one will ever have that very special bond and relationship with me.

Sending you a big hug,

Rose x

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