Still cannot believe it.

I understand .
I can still see him sitting in his chair as if he was still here.
Wish he was even though I was holding
him as he passed away.


Oh gosh I want a Welsh cwtch so much! One of my husbandā€™s favourite phrases. Crying now!


Yes,thatā€™s what I miss so much too. Angela and I used to love a cwtch- nothing half so nice. But we still have those lovely memories, let them sustain us, not drag us down. Cwtch!

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I read all your posts it will be 6 weeks on Sunday for me. Nobody family etc can understand how much i am hurting i have tried but they just tell me this is my new life and i will get use to it. They have no idea of the depth of lonilness. My daughter gets married next Thursday Gra and I was walking her down the aisle ( he was not her dad) now i am doing it alone. I am dreading it the tears are falling now. I am also struggling as it means going out as i have said before i suffer from agrophobia. I just want zGra here to hold me . Xx


Iā€™ve had this as it was a year Friday the 19 I lost my fiancĆ© he was only 51 Iā€™ve deleted friends and argued with people who asked if I would ever date again I was
Like are you deluded no chance never I sometimes wear his engagement ring with mine and had a ring made with some of his hair when he started growing it x


Not the steps sorry couldnā€™t delete pic

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I must admit I was puzzledšŸ¤”
Lovely ring x

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Couldnā€™t delete x


Thank you xx


Iā€™ve had the same move on youā€™ll find someone new I was like look I donā€™t want anyone else people can be so insensitive sorry for your loss


Totally understand Mogs1ā€¦ā€¦
Itā€™s only two weeks tomorrow since I lost my other halfā€¦ā€¦seems like I will feel like this foreverā€¦
Sending big hugs to you x


Thatā€™s exactly how I feelā€¦.
Lost him two weeks tomorrowā€¦.
I told him Iā€™d be fine and I would be strong so he didnā€™t worryā€¦
Now I feel like my world has fallen inā€¦ā€¦:broken_heart:
Iā€™m glad others feel the sameā€¦itā€™s comforting somehowā€¦
Sending hugs to you x