Still miss him terribly

It is three and a half long years since I lost Keith - husband over 48 years and partner for 52 years. Was our wedding anniversary yesterday and just feel so sad and bereft - even after all this time. I’ve filled my life with things since he went and keep busy - but it’s all meaningless. I’m just so sad and lonely. Anyone else feel the same?


It’s just been 5 months since Nigel passed away.
I feel the same as you!
I’m doing things, going out, seeing people because that’s what Nigel would want for me.
It does all seem a bit pointless though.
I think of him all the time. And I miss him every day x


I’m only 4 weeks in but struggling to get motivated to do anything. There’s all the admin to do and my beloved partner passed away suddenly and unexpectedly while we were on holiday so had to return home alone. Don’t think I’ve done any housework since my return. Everything just seems so meaningless and I just miss him so much. I keep wanting to tell him little things that have happened but then realise I will never be able to do that again. I see you are both further down the line than me but clearly things don’t improve at all. Thanks for listening x


I agree @jody
I am a bit further on than you, 11 weeks, but knowing that people are still suffering after months and years fills me with despair.
I had hoped for some respite from the constant heartache and knowing he will not be coming back.
Now I don’t know if that will ever happen
I try to keep busy and go out, but nothing really changes, its just going through the motions. I do have some better days and then I think maybe I have turned a corner. Then it all comes crashing down again.
Sorry to be so negative. I miss him so much and I’m really feeling it today

Sending big hugs


I lost my husband 17 months ago and its so hard without them isnt it … i try to keep busy and it helps and made some new friends too but its not easy at all without them is it and i have really rough patches too when i feel so lonely without him … xx


Hi @BarbM I’m so sorry that you are still feeling the way you do. I can totally understand and relate to what you said. It is just over two years since my husband died and if I’m honest I don’t feel any different. People say I’m doing welll but don’t see the real me. I don’t see any point to anything now. No one to share anything with. Can’t talk about things we did as a couple. I am alone and lonely. Never thought this would be the way my/our life would end up. We should still be enjoying our life together. I think I’ve gone on enough now. Take care.x


I relate to everything that has been written.

It’s sad the something that we enjoyed when they were here, now is either a sad reminder or a meaningless activity to fill our time.

I think we all had a vision of how our lives would be. We were going to be those older couples who were happy in each other’s company. The couple who would amaze others with how long we had been together, how much we still loved each other.

Sending love and very big hugs,

Rose x


You can tell him… I talk to Nigel every day, either out loud, in my head or I write to him. It helps…
…also I’ve done hardly housework for 5 months apart from an occasional load of washing and a flick round with the vacuum … it really doesn’t matter, don’t force yourself to do what you can’t manage yet…


4 weeks for me,also my husband was Diagnosed with terminal illness 18 month ago I just feel so lost and lonely,


So very sorry.

This site is a good place to tell people how you feel.

People truly understand.

Sending a big hug,

Rose x


Absolutely agree. I am coping much better than in the early days - but, just sometimes, it all gets too much. Feel as if I’m acting a role - not my true self. My heart goes out to those who are suffering the early days of loss - it’s a hard road to walk.


You are so right. We should be enjoying life together with our partners - feels a bit like pretending we’re ok to the outside world - but inside we are still alone and lonely xx


So sorry for your loss.
We’ll all support you here.
We all really understand.
Just keep posting, anything, your thoughts and feelings, rant if you want. We know exactly what you’re going through, and the pain and despair that goes with it.
It really does help knowing we’re all here for each other.

Sending big hugs


Keep posting at any time. It’s not something I would normally do, but it’s the only place where everyone else is in the same living nightmare and it really is a comfort to know it’s not just me who feels like I do and I’m not going mad. Sending love and support x


Exactly … i would never have needed to go on a site like this before i lost my husband but its such a relief to know there are others like us who are struggling too xx


There has to be some positive way forward. Last 4 months have been so hard and painful since my husband suddenly died unexpectedly. I can relate to all the above messages and agree it is so lonely now. Trying hard to find ways to occupy my time but everything seems empty and feel no enjoyment.
It does help to read how we are sharing similar experiences.
Hoping time will ease the pain.


Unfortunately, this is happening to someone every second of every day. Another life lost and lives in tatters. I have been in the garden today. I try me best but it is not anything like the way my husband kept it. Just trying to keep it tidy. Love to you all.x


Yeh the pain gets easier, slowly and we do start to re- build some sort of a life but its slow and there are a lot of bumps in the road, ups and downs. Im 17 months into this - misding having a husband/partner … its bloody awful tbh … i was never good with my own company! I got a dog and she gets me out and i love her to bits but still its hard without love in your life isnt it ;( xx


Its been 4 weeks, 3 days since i lost my beloved Nick.
Im so heartbroken :broken_heart:
I try and keep myself busy in the week but weekends kill me.
Everyone is busy doing their own thing.
Nick and i loved weekends… walking the dogs, then going to town. Getting lunch, going to an art exhibition, a few cocktails then home. We used to laugh and say… hardly rock n roll going out in the day.
I crave my old life.
I hate this new one :unamused:
Nick was only 54… so fit and active. He had a brain tumour. I watched the man i love deteriorate on a weekly basis and die. we had a lovely life. Ive been robbed of my true love and now im walking round the house lost.
Even walking our dogs makes me cry :cry:


I know … its so hard … dunno what to say really …all i am doing is going to bed now and at least when i sleep i forget :frowning: fight another day tomorrow … xx