Still miss him terribly

Yes I am still enjoying the island just I wish I was sharing it with my hubby , said to my son this morning when they were all dressed posh for breakie ! My Nick would of hated that ! Even though he always looked nice himself, we had so much pre booked I am such a planner , I just didn’t plan he would die ! Already cancelled our wedding anniversary in September etc but just some other hols I thought I would give it a go! As I work for a coaching holiday company myself and going back to work next week I am going to have to deal with couples on holiday together !

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That will be the hardest Jane as I know you will be thinking ‘why are they still alive’ and ‘that should be us’. Like you I’m a great planner and enjoyed the booking/research process and looking forward to the next adventure. I had all sorts booked for this year but never in a million years did I think I’d be dealing with a sudden death. It’s all so unfair. Please try and enjoy your break. I’ll be interested to see how you feel when you return. You’re a strong brave lady x


I know exactly how you feel! Im nearly 3 years in now. And it does get abit easier. But i still have awful days which sometimes turn into an awful week. And im sure im not the only one. This is how im feeling this week so far started a bad day on sunday and its carrying on so far.
I still havent managed to rebuild my life at all. I still hate the though of anyone trying to take his place and i dont think ill be able to let anyone in however much i dont want to be by myself forever.
I still struggle to go to work be happy and go out with my friends.
I still think about my partner every single day. :confused:


I find the loneliness so hard, even going out shopping can be so hard when you see couples together just feel we had our old age stolen from us. My husband died from an industrial injury which makes me so angry.


I do know what you mean. I never go to the shops on a Saturday anymore because it feels like everybody else is holding hands with their partner or with a group of friends and I’m just alone. At first I was even embarrassed to buy meals for one in the supermarket, I felt that all eyes were on me and would know how sad and lonely I am - silly I know now. my husband went in for a heart operation which has a 95% recovery rate and he was so looking forward to it so that he could be fit and well again but he didn’t survive the operation.


So sorry that happened to your husband

Yeh … same at beginning … felt embarassed just shopping for one :frowning: but you get used to it and nobody notices it really - its just us that do !! so sorry for your loss - its awful when its such a shock and you werent expecting it i know xxx


That is so dreadful for you. Sending a big hug

Thank you for your understanding x

Thank you, much appreciated

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Thank you x

Sending you a very big hug xx

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My husband passed away on May 3,2024
We were waiting for a heart transplant
He was only 62 …, we did not go there to die before he even got a heart ….they put a new heart pump in and it shocked his liver and heart …, he recovered after the surgery and was never the same
They said if he couldn’t get up and walk he wouldn’t qualify for a heart transplant
So he finally passed after a month…I had moved to Houston in February to be with him got an apartment for his nearby so after transplant we’d be ready and he didn’t make it …,. It’s still a shock


Sorry for your loss xx

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Thinking of you sorry for your loss x

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So very sorry. Thinking of you x

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So very sorry for your loss, such a shock and still so new for you. Like me and my late husband we were expecting things to go well and the opposite happened. My husband was so totally upbeat about the procedure ( at least to me although I do wonder now if he truly felt that way) that i never worried too much about the op I was more concerned about how I’d look after him properly afterwards. It’s so very recent for you and believe me it will start to feel less raw as time goes on. Try to be kind to yourself if you possibly can, I know it’s difficult but you will get through it as so many others on this site will tell you. The heartache won’t go away but you’ll find a way to live with it. Take care.

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So sorry :heart:

The pain just doesn’t go away
I miss him soooo much :broken_heart:


That is so true its been 8 months and I feel so alone even when I’m with other people
Thinking off you take care x