Still miss him terribly

Thanks rose. Yes they are all good at being there for one another but they are all grieving quite differently.
We all talk about their dad all the time, just in everyday conversation and I think that helps.
There are other sites specifically for young people which I’ve shared with them so they can access if they want to, but it’s hard for them to open up to others who don’t really understand.
No 3 child just back off to bed after needing a hug and a huge cry. I love that they come to find me when they need me but boy it is exhausting.
Hope you’re having a few better days at the moment
Take care - sending a hug back - I know how hard it is xx

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Thankyou and yes at times they are able to be distracted by their own lives and that is a good thing .
I know I need to get some time to grieve but struggle to get that at the moment - does worry me a bit that I’ll be storing up trouble for the future but just have to try take a little time when I can.
Slept badly last night so tried to get to bed a bit earlier tonight as I was so tired but no 3 needed some time. And now it’s early hours as I’m on here which isn’t good but now feeling wide awake !
I look forward to the day when I can look back on this time without too much pain and distress
Take care of yourself too - life is tough for us all at the moment xx


Hi Debbie,
My husband of 54 years died nearly 2 years ago. I grieve so much for him like everyone on here does for their partners. My sons are the same. They don’t like me to talk about their Dad too much and I don’t dare say how much I miss him and feel so lost and they think I should be accepting the “new normal” as they term it. The one son has insisted that I change my profile photo on my phone which was a lovely photo of my husband and me on holiday together in happier times because when he texts me he sees a photo of his dad and it upsets him. So I’ve done that as I don’t want to cause more upset within the family and recently there has been plenty of that due to stress and heightened emotions and I know my lovely husband would hate trouble between us.

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Have you ? Arent you good !! Well im not supposed to be mentioning him but tbh i don’t talk about him all the time ! I think shes bullying me ! All my kids have bullied me since i lost him ! And they wouldnt have dared if he was here either !! X

It is good that you are all there for each other.

I think you are being a marvellous, supportive mum!

It must be very, very tiring for you.

Sending love and of course hugs,

Rose xx

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Oh thanks rose. I’m trying my best but I know I don’t get it right all the time. And I miss my husband telling me I’m doing great as a parent as he always did - even when I didn’t !
There’s no one there now to share that responsibility and that feels quite overwhelming a lot of the time.
Hope your day is going ok. I’ve been out doing stuff and my kids are here but really just want to curl up in a ball and have a good cry ….
We must keep trying though.
Sending love and strength. Xx


I feel exactly the same, two years yesterday. Cried myself silly, then pulled myself together to go out with Oldfields best friend. Had a lovely time with him and his wife, when they dropped me off home I walked into the house, then sat down and cried all over again.


Yep my husbands been gone over 6 years, was together 30 years. & i still find it hard without him.


As we do. When we go back into our empty homes, that was once so full of love & laughter.


Does this never get easier?
My husbands only been gone 13 weeks, but it feels like forever.
I miss him so much. I’m trying to carry on, as he wanted me to, but its so so very hard


It is very hard 7 months in I’m hoping it will get easier even if only a little
All I keep doing is going for walks just so I don’t have to sit at home for hours on my own x


I think most of us put on a brave face for the world but nobody knows the heartache inside that’s always there and that we only let loose during alone times.
I live in constant apprehension even fear on occasions wondering what will happen next, what will the next problem be, what will break down, who will I be able to get to fix it etc and as for anything technical like laptops, ipads and phones or anything connected to banking or savings I just don’t know where to turn. Make me feel such a fool.


It happens 2 most of us, when we r grieving it makes it alot worse.


I know exactly what you mean. I’m lucky.
I only have to call on my son-in-law with any problem and he’s there.
But now I find myself worrying about what I’ll do if anything goes wrong while they’re away for 2 weeks :confused:

Big hugs x

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I’m adding to my list of trusted people, handy lady, electrian, boiler repair man, etc. a specialist garage for the Morris Minor, the one we’d been using folded, and the back up man retired, so I had to find a new one, I’ll let you imagine how long that took me. I recently added a local man with a van to help get rid of stuff and pile of scrap on the drive… Worth every penny.


Try not 2 over worry, as it wont help u.

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Thanks, I know.
I just want them to have a good holiday. I don’t know how I’d have got this far through without them.


It’s 7 weeks for me , and my husband and I booked the is holiday in Jersey because we have never been ! I am now here with my son , and I thought as we had never been here with the hubby it wouldn’t be as hard “wrong “!! I keep crying thinking he would of loved it etc etc !! But thought I would go with my son as to my to make it easier when o start back to work next week ! How wrong was I ! Miss him more


Oh no I’m so sorry for you. I’m 6 weeks in and supposed to be going to Devon in 2 weeks time. We had planned to meet up with friends so I told them I would come just for 4 days to try it. Perhaps it would have been better to cancel. I do hope you can at least enjoy having some time with your son. I’m sure he understands. You should be very proud of yourself. You are so brave x


I3m so sorry. I’m sure I’d feel the same.
I’ve been upset this evening and iv3 only been to our local. I can’t imagine going away without him.
Big hugs for trying.
Try to enjoy your time with your son

Love and hugs to you x x

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