Still Struggling

Missed this when you posted. I’m so sorry for your losses. I’m not entirely alone, as I have brother, but he has his own life and my life was with dad in later years, so it’s a huge difference in how we grieve. Plus he didn’t have a close relationship with dad. I don’t have any advice, I’m afraid, I feel like I’m just existing too and barely that, but I wanted to reach out and say I understand. :heart:


Yes it is good. I lost my dad nearly 40 years ago and I was very close to him but I was only 19. I’ve had all these extra years with mum and even 10 weeks after I lost her, it only truly struck me this week that I won’t see her again and I sat on the floor and just cried. It really doesn’t seem possible does it. I was at university when I lost my dad and I suppose I had things to distract me, and I wasn’t at home. Now she’s everywhere. Good days and bad days I guess.

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I have always lived with my parents and my sister as we were a close family. I’ve never really had much luck with relationships and friendships so, was happy to be at home. Then my parents fell into ill health as they got older, I would never have left them. Although my sister and I live in the same house together she has a boyfriend so will go back to spending the weekends and holidays with him. I don’t mind at all. At 44 years old I find myself having to find a new way of living and venturing out into the world in my own. It’s a scary prospect that I’m putting off until I come to terms with everything that has happened over the last few months. Maybe we should discuss our adventures in here?!


Yes, let’s, that would be nice. I do have two children (grown up) and am married, but have no other family, no siblings or cousins. I’m 57 which sounds ancient but of course you never feel that old inside. :smile: It’s good to be in contact with other people on here. Hope everyone is not feeling too down today.

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You are not old! You are lucky to have a husband and children I am sure they are a comfort for you. They have suffered a loss too and will feel it so, you are in this together. I am off to a massive undercover car boot sale tomorrow with my sister and her boyfriend. I know it’s not something I am doing on my own but, it is something I am looking forward to. The last few months have been a rollercoaster with mums health. Sometimes we had hope then mums AML had other ideas and slapped her in the face. I have not had something to look forward to in a long time. I am excited to see what everyone gets up to. We need to take baby steps, I am nowhere near ready for a sprint yet!


Enjoy the car boot sale. Let us know if you buy something or are just looking! We are going to Wales for a few days next week so doing a bit of packing. I am lucky to be going, I know, but feel very down at the moment as we have a lot of worries around one of my children too. Am hoping a few days away will help. Hope @Wanderers100 and @Ulma are ok too this weekend

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I love old teddy bears. My mum and I bought quite a few from online adoption places, some needed a bit of stitch or a growler replacing. Going to see if I can find any rescues at the car boot sale. I’ll let you know what I find. I am so glad you are getting a break for a few days. It will be good for you to get a change of scenery too, no reminders. Let us know how it goes and if it has helped you. Hope everyone is doing ok too

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I hope everything is ok with your child too, we are here for you if you need to talk x


Thank you :blush:

Hope you found a bear or two!

Sorry to hear you have worries about your child. I hope it works out ok and that the trip helps!

Thank you. It’s been pretty bad for me lately and doesn’t seem to ease, so I have to attempt some distraction this weekend.


I hope you found something nice to do @Ulma


No bears found!

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Sorry the bears were hiding today, but hopefully you had a nice time anyway!

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It was a lovely day thank you. It was a bit strange as normally when I was out without mum I’d still be texting her to tell her what I was up to. I hope everyone else has had as good a day as possible. If it’s been hard for anyone, I’m sending you a hug


I went out for a walk in the forest, which indeed was nice!


Hi Malcolm and everyone in this particular chat.

I relate to your comments as I too lived with mum for her last 6 years.
She was still fairly mobile but hadn’t left the house since late 2018 which was the year my brother died. He had Downs Syndrome and my parents devoted their lives to him. After he’d gone mum gradually deteriorated over the next few years. I’m pleased she was alive when my brother passed. That may sound strange but Downs people have a shorter life expectancy so mum died knowing he was safe. As I’ve said on here I’m really struggling with my own mental and physical health and it’s nice to make a few friends on here. Do you think you’ll stay in your parents house Malcolm? I know mum always assumed I would. I made the mistake once of saying I’d probably get a bungalow in the future and mum wasn’t happy! Logically though, I don’t need a 3 bed house so it’s a difficult one. Anyway be nice to keep our chats going . Love to all💙

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I definitely echo your comments. Mum would have loved watching the DDay stuff on TV. Dad even more so. It’s nice that we are keeping our chats going on here. :blue_heart:

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Thank you. I haven’t tried the bereavement counselling but it could well be something to to do. To be honest I’ve lost all confidence. I haven’t driven for 8 months and I don’t leave the house and can’t work. I just exist. Mum and dad were who I filled my spare time with.

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Thank you :blue_heart: