Struggling with the loss of my adult son

Cherish your son is absolutely beautiful!! We are all in this together and the last couple days have been mentally and emotionally exuasting with crying so much.its 7 months this sunday with Aaron and that excruciating pain that i feel in my heart soul and mind cripples me. Take one day at a time thats the only thing we all can do xxxx

So sad, our beautiful boys.

Cherish, I’m so sorry you’ve had such a traumatic day, it’s horrible that investigations take such a long time, and every time something comes up, it reawakens the awful reality we have to live with. Thinking of you, and of all the mums on here, and thanking you for being here xxxxx

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[quote=“Jamiesmum2309, post:222, topic:77369, full:true”]
So sad, our beautiful boys.

Cherish, I’m so sorry you’ve had such a traumatic day, it’s horrible that investigations take such a long time, and every time something comes up, it reawakens the awful reality we have to live with. Thinking of you, and of all the mums on here, and thanking you for being here

Aw, I would love to show you my gorgeous Kevin, im an eejit, how do you post a pic?

How gorgeous are those boys! I can tell how much they are still loved xxx

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Penny go onto as if your replying to the right there is like what looks like a television screen click on it then upload a picture xxxx

Im just loving these pictures of these beautiful boys there is so much love on here :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:xxxxx


It took me a couple of goes, the picture showed as a gobbledegook link but when I pressed “reply” it changed to a photo. xxx

Yes mine did as well!! Xxxx

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Aw i tried the tv screen but then what?

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My fault its the one right next to it looks like a microwave :joy: press on it and it will say upload xxxxx

He’s a really handsome guy

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My son Thomas


What a handsome man . Thank you for sharing a picture of him xx


My beautiful angel


Such lovely young men. Thank you all so much for sharing, our beautiful boys :heart:


I’m not posting much but I get so much from reading all your posts. From one mum to another I’m sending you all love. We are 3.5 months in…… it’s brutal.

This is Josh. My life.


Such beautiful boys! Every single one of them. Heaven has the most beautiful angelsxxxxx​:heart::heart:

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Handsome young man

Sorry to but in this is a picture of my beautiful son who I lost in July last year. I am having counselling finishes in a couple of weeks. I come on here sometimes because like you all say losing a child is far worse than losing a parent and people on this site really do understand how you feel as each one of us is trying to cope with the most horrendous of losses. I just take each day as it comes some days are harder than others. My son was very ill before he passed he was bedbound for 3 years before he passed it was horrible for him as he was very athletic and never drank or smoked he was 37 and leaves behind a wife and a 6 year old daughter who we are not allowed to see and me and his wife have never really got on. We expected this but its like losing 2 people. This is my son Luke