Struggling with the loss of my adult son

A beautiful boy Penny, thank you for sharing with us xxxx

Beautiful boy Penny so sorry that you are finding it so hard at the moment but just take each day one at a time if you feel sad have a good cry or come on here and have a rant and get things off your chest it really can help xx


Thank you! Im so sad and tearful. I just want him back. I suppose we all would choose that if we could. Much love, Penny xxxx


If only there was a way to get our angels back with us.Its truly heartbreaking seeing so many of us going through this nightmare,but knowing im not alone on this aweful grief journey gives me hope we can all get through this helping each other x


He is very beautiful penny im sending you so much love and strength xxxxxx

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Thank you for your messages, they really help. Nothing really takes away the sadness and loneliness. It helps to know we all understand what we are going through. Much love, Penny xxxx


Feeling your pain.
I to find it completely unbearable to accept that my beloved son has gone.
All we can do is keep talking and sharing our stories,emotions and feelings.
Much love,
Jayne x


Hi lovely mum’s
I hope today is manageable for you all. I have just been in touch with work as I want to try and go back in March. I only work 2 days per week now, anyway, so have booked leave for one of those for a month, so I only need to go in one day a week to start with.

Now I’m feeling so anxious, thinking that everything I did at work will make me think “ this is before James died”, I just wondered if those of you who have returned to work after losing your boys had any advice….

Sending all my love to you all, I know how every day is such a struggle xxxxx


Hi. I lost my youngest son, James, Christmas eve. He was only 25 and it was unexpected…it still feels surreal at times :broken_heart:I returned to work after a few weeks and I have found it helps me having that distraction. My work colleagues have been so supportive and I have the option to go home if it gets too much for me but I honestly would rather be there than at home surrounded by my son’s belongings and thinking about what life was like when he was here :broken_heart:. All I can say is just take small steps and see how you are there. It helps if you have supportive people around you and an understanding manager.I had a few days off for the funeral but I was relieved to go back. I did have a cry this morning as I have had to collect my son’s ashes today but people were very caring :heart: xx


I just do my 2 nights a,week on acute medical ward. It was not easy at first very anxious. Breakdowns people didnt know what to say to me and they gave me space to let me cry abd go to the chapel whenever i wanted to and i still do now. Ive made myself do it for aaron as he knew just how much i loved my job and looking after the patients. Ive been back 3 months now and i talk to him driving to work and hes constantly on my mind but i inow he would be very proud of me xxxxxx


Thank you both. I feel it will help a little as I loved my job previously ( working with homeless people and their mental health), so I hope I might find some purpose in life when I go back. I won’t know until I try xxxxx


Yes i must admit it does help me alot!! I give all my love care and attention to the patients especially when they have no family . One day at a time .you can do this!! And to take ad much time that is needed. Xxx​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I tried to go back to work but just could cope.Ive set myself a goal of going back 12th March.I need to get back to some sort of normality.Staying in the house which seems to be my safe place just seems to touture me more.I know its gonna be tough but i know ive got to do it :disappointed_relieved:


You should be very proud of yourself to


Thankyou so much really mrans so much xxx

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Hi everyone, sending love to you all. If anyone is particularly struggling please post. Sharing can help xxxxx


Thanks Penny, it really does help, emptying my head on here stops things going around and around in my mind, and hearing from everyone else reminds me that we’ve all been through something so indescribably terrible that maybe I’m expecting too much of myself sometimes.

I’ve had it confirmed I can return to work 1 day per week for 4 weeks, so I hope I can find my feet again. I think at least I’ll know, one way or the other.

Hoping that today has at least been a manageable day for you all, and sending my love xxxxx


Im sure you will do well. You have so much courage to get through this. Work will be easier! Best of luck to you xxxxx


Thank you xxx

Good luck with your return to work . My better days are when I’m kept busy . I retired a few years ago but I’ve seriously contemplated a part time job since losing Neil , I feel I have so much love with nowhere to go , I see to work with special needs adults so I may volunteer