Struggling with the loss of my adult son

Hi Jayne,

Please don’t feel your messages are not interesting or you are doing anything wrong :heart:. I’m so sorry about the loss of your son and that you feel alone. There are lots of lovely people on here full of support and kind words for each other.
I am fairly new to this community as I lost my youngest son unexpectedly on Christmas Eve. He was only 25 years old :broken_heart:. Feels so surreal at times and I sometimes think he’s going to come home or text me. Sending love XX

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Hi Jayne i I certainly dont want you to ever feel like we are all here for you .please keep posting and we all support each other in the very best we can can. There is a lot of love and support in this group please dont ever feel alone. We got you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:sue xxxxx

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Hi Jayne have you received your messages that that the group have posted? Pkease let us all know .sending you love xxxxxxx

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I’ve also private messaged Jayne as I don’t think she’s able to see our responses

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I agree with you i would hate to think and feel that noone cares because we all do. Just hope she gets in touch with you so we can all offer our support and love xxxxx

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Hi Jayne
I’m so sorry, I hope you can see the replies to your most recent message.

Losing your son so young is traumatising, I’ve found this thread so comforting- mum’s who totally understand how it feels, and how some days grief and pain swamp you.

On here I feel there is always someone listening and I hope going forward, you do too xxxx

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I definitely haven’t seen any messages but now I’m receiving them.
It’s sad that it takes a cry for help to get responses.
I appreciate that we are all suffering and need each other’s help and support.
I hoped that this was going to be a life line for me as so many so called friends have abandoned me since losing my son.
It’s heartbreaking to feel like a leper.
All take care xxx


Hi Jayne - I’ve been on here for 2 years and I didn’t get a response at first. It is a good place to come and be heard, honestly. I found my daughter dead in bed. I thought she was asleep, but she wasn’t. I don’t think there are words to describe how bloody beyond awful it was, my grandaughter was with me too and she was 15 at the time. It left my family in bits and at odds with each other when we should have been together. Two years on and I survived so far. It’s been and still is incredibly painful. But I’m sure you know how world shattering it is. Please don’t be put off by slow replies because you will get support on here. Everyone’s equal we are all in pain and we do all support each other. I hope to hear from you soon. We are all struggling on here and we all want to share. You aren’t alone. Please keep in touch and say anything you like, rant or tears, whatever. Hope to see you on here again soon. I’m thinking of you and send you hugs xxxxx


I totally understand how you feel its been 7 months and 1 week since aarons death and i have noone myself apart from this group .one by one they all went and i have felt so low so abandoned and many times in very dark places. Stupid comments like i should start to move forward the last few days which have taken me roght back to the start again. Just keep tslking on here and share with us exactly how you are feeling and we will all help and support each other the very best we possibly can. Xxxxx


Hi All,
Thank you for all your kind messages,which I have now received,it means so much to personally get support from real people who understand the pain I feel on a daily basis.
I too had my daughter with me watching her Mum trying to save her brother’s life.
We are both completely traumatised by the events of that truly horrific day.
I ask myself every single day did I do all I could in the 46 minutes it took the ambulance to arrive.
I miss my son so very much,his beautiful smile,sense of humour,his bear hugs and the smell of him when he was close.
I too have lost almost all my so called friends and even family are guarded.
Much love to all who need it.
Jayne x


I’ve been thinking of you Jayne and I’m glad you have seen the messages of support and know you aren’t alone :heart:
It’s sad that friends aren’t there for you when you need them. I understand that it can be difficult to know what to say but just a simple sorry or a hug can mean a lot. I’ve had people avoid me like losing my son is contagious.
It’s difficult not to question whether or not we could have done more and I’m sure you did all you possibly could for your son :heart:.
How old is your daughter?
Sending love to you both XX


So glad you are now getting the messages Jayne . It is indeed a lonely road to walk . For me it’s only five months and we are still waiting for a trial to happen . I’ve noticed already friends keeping away but I remind myself if they can do that then they were never really friends , the handful I have are all I need . Everyone on here is so compassionate. We all understand first hand how incredibly hard this is and like you I question everything hoping to find a way I could have prevented it yet knowing I couldn’t . Please continue to post on here . If you are having a bad day there’s always someone listening , we are there for each other xx


We all have each other and when i feel so abandoned by people .and so incredibly low i feel that by sharing ny innermost thoughts and how i feel inside makes me feel that im not alone anymore and gives me enormous comfort knowing that i can reach out to everyone for help and understanding .sending love to each and everyone of you xxxxx​:heart::heart::heartpulse:


Tried to upload a song for all of you but it hasebt worked. Its lean on me by bill withers i thought this was so beautiful and to know that we are there for each other listen to it on you tube and tell me what you think xxxxxx


Sometimes in our lives
We all have pain
We all have sorrow

But if we are wise
We know that there’s always tomorrow

Lean on me
When you’re not strong
And I’ll be your friend
I’ll help you carry on…

For it won’t be long
Till I’m gonna need somebody to lean on

Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow

For no one can fill
Those of your needs that you won’t let show

You just call on me brother when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on

I just might have a problem that you’ll understand
We all need somebody to lean on

Lean on me
When you’re not strong
And I’ll be your friend
I’ll help you carry on…

For it won’t be long
Till I’m gonna need somebody to lean on

You just call on me brother
When you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on

I just might have a problem that you’ll understand
We all need somebody to lean on

If there is a load you have to bear
That you can’t carry

I’m right up the road
I’ll share your load
If you just call me


Oh yes thats the one .so beautiful and i think its so perfect for us all xxxxxx


I have that all the time as well. Even at work someone can see me then all of a sudden shoot into the toilets!! I had so many when aaron died but everyone disappeared one by one after the funeral and left me all alone. And this was family as well so to protect mysrlf from anymore hurt ive closed doors on them now . My counsellor suggested gor me to do that as i kept beating mysrlf up ad well why they all left me. I just take one day at a time and the last few days ive been exceptionally bad with my grief and just didnt want to get out of my bed at times. Sending you love xxxxx


It just adds to the upset doesn’t it… when those closest to you suddenly start ignoring you. I have found people who had never met my son and those who haven’t known me long at work are the one’s reaching out the most. My brother’s fiance waited 4 days after my son died before
sending a message. Didn’t speak to me at his funeral either… I give up trying to understand why because we haven’t done anything wrong. You have to shut the door on those people to protect yourself. It’s hard enough grieving for your son and trying to keep yourself going without giving them any headspace.
It’s 10 weeks today since my son James passed away :broken_heart:. That’s how I’m facing each day too… one at a time. Sending love and hugs XXx


My daughter was 27 years old she’s now 28 and struggling so much with her mental health.
I worry about her so much.
He was her only sibling and she can’t talk about him or that day at all.
It’s heartbreaking :broken_heart:
Love Jayne x


Yes i I totally agree with you.peopke that i least expect always message me or they will come and see me on my ward just to check on me. Its been so hurtful what people have done and they dont even bother putting anuthing down anymore on aarons grave. Its left me feeling more sensitive and not trusting peoole around me thinking that they will only end up doing the same .thats why having people that are going through exactly what we are all going through gives me so much comfort that all of us are now not alone and can reach out to everyone xxxxxx