Struggling with the loss of my adult son

My first Mother’s Day without my son Neil and first without my beautiful mum . I’m dreading tomorrow and my partner has to work away . What a lonely Mother’s Day it’s going to be .
I know it’s going to be harsh for all us mums tomorrow so I’ll be thinking of you all xxx


It’s my second Mother’s Day without my beautiful son but last one was a complete blur and so I know tomorrow is going to be even more difficult.
I have to be strong for my daughter as she’s booked us in for a lunch in a lovely pub and I have to try really hard to make it look like I’m great full,which I absolutely am but it’s so hard to celebrate with her whilst missing my son beyond belief.
I know so many will be feeling the same pain and I’m thinking of you all tomorrow.
Much love and thoughts on Mother’s Day xxx


It’s my second Mother’s Day since my son passed, my first was a blur too. I was still in California with my daughter in law this time last year. I will see my eldest tomorrow and chat with the youngest but we will all know Thomas is missing. My Three Musketeers are now two, it’s so painful to think they will never get together again.

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Thinking of you all today, hiding at home away from all the flowers xxxxxxx


Happy mothers day on this super hard day,im sure we are all send lots of love from our boys/girls.Thinking of you all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Sending lots of love :heart::heart:

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It’s so strange, we’d adopted a stray Tom cat in the autumn last year, and he was going to be James’s cat. He had him neutered and microchipped just before he died, but the puss stopped coming in ( I think he’s quite feral, so came in for his food and a warm overnight).

When I first went to see James in the Chapel of Rest, I told him I hadn’t seen Pirate Pete since he’d died; when I got home Pete was outside waiting for food and a cuddle.

I haven’t seen him since, but he’s just pitched up now. I know I’m desperate for signs that James is around…. can’t help hoping he was a Mothers Day present :gift_heart:


I love this story! There is so much to be said about the little signs that happen to give us peace.

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Thank you. It seems such a coincidence that I’m going to see it as a sign from James xxxx

Thats definitely a,sign!! I had geese again flying over tve cemetery as aaron used to call me morher goose and i always know tbats my sign from him. Its just been an emotionally exhausting day have had many tears today just hoping i suppose i could hear him say i love you. Goung to have an early night had 4 hours sleep from my nightshift. Feel like shit so the best thing for me when i feel like this is to go to bed. Sending love to everyone xxxxxxx


Love to all Mums today and not forgetting Dad’s too.
Been a difficult day but had to be strong for my daughter.
Hope you have all coped today in whatever way you can.
Love Jayne xxx


Thanks Sue, I’m glad you had geese flying overhead today too :heart:

I also had an early night, just needed to rest my brain. Big thank you for all the kind messages on here today, the support on here means so much xxx


This really describes how I am, I feel I’m trying to act ok to spare people my tears, especially my husband and sister because I know it upsets them that there is nothing they can do to make things better.

Thinking of you all today xxxx


Cant imagine that torture I keep remembering my daughters last breath then nothing all her organs failed she was breathing on 1 lung all day she just wouldn’t let go she fought cancer for 6 years and lived an amazing life but oh the pain sneaks up on you ever-day yesterday was exhausting she would be the first to celebrate the only thing that gives me any solace is she will be young and beautiful forever and I have so much support around me its really important to talk and express your grief do you have a support network apart from here do you talk to your partner I know its not easy


It’s just so hard losing a child, so sorry that you’ve lost a beautiful daughter, sound like she was a fighter.

I’m having counselling and I do have some good friends, but we’ve said on this forum before that after the funeral people start to drift away. I’ve just returned to work and my colleagues are all very supportive, thank goodness xxx

I wanted to say it is more than a coincidence. I believe our beloved Christian is always looking out for us. My husband and I went out to a cafe. I teased him when he sat down that he always gets the best views of the cafe. So we swapped seats, which he never does :wink:. Anyway, there was a piece of rubbish paper kind of next to me on the table. Now, I don’t play with rubbish but felt compelled to unravel the piece of paper. I promise you when I opened it up it was a receipt order of a cinnamon bagel with the name Christian on it! Cinnamon bagels are my husband’s favourite…I want science to explain this to me…


That’s the thing isn’t it. I so want to believe in signs and that James is around in another world, but my NHS “ need to see the evidence “ self questions everything. I would love to feel confident we’ll meet again one day xxxx

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I hope this,dosnt freak anyone out but you know i said that ive seen angels spirits and orbs since aaron died. I saw these at his graveside and the one where he is ckean shaven aaron passed away with a full beard. Please scroll past if it bothers anyone! This is since ive found faith xxx