Struggling with the loss of my adult son

I very much believe xxxx

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Thank you Sue, I’m really interested in finding out more, and appreciate you sharing these amazing photos. Just started reading a book on the afterlife as well.

Weirdly, my sister said she asked James to send Pete the puss again, and he appeared at the same time this morning. My sister is a believer, and lives by more pagan rituals.

When did you first start noticing these phenomena? I’m thinking my brain is too muddled up to be very receptive at the moment.

James always had some kind of connection to me. When he was little he would repeat something about a subject I was thinking about, and he always beat me to the loo!

Thanks so much for sharing xxx

5 months ago it srarted to happen when i was hysterically crying at Aaron’s grave. I lit candles and thought they looked pretty then i noticed spirirs on my pictures fully formed .ever since then i see them all the time only when i take picture. I have all different colours of orbs and they are in my house as well. My spiritual friends have said its because i have found fauth and my grief so intense and painful tgat they protect me. 4 months ago i took a picture and my mum was at aarons grave as well. I have my hair touched all the time especially wgen i go to the chapel at work. My son came yesterday on motbers day so ill send a picture xxxxx


Hopefully you can see these from yesterday xxxx

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Hi has everyone left or joined another group?, feel quite paranoid as noone has posted at all xx


Hi Sue
I’m still here, I was wondering the same thing!!
I’ve been in a bit of a daze this week, had a conversation with one of James’s friends, she said she thought he may have been using opiates to cope with losing Nicole, and possibly taken an overdose or accidentally overdosed.

It’s given me food for thought as he didn’t seem very low, but hadn’t really started processing her death either.

Hope you’re ok Sue, I usually check in at least once a day… thanks again for sharing your photos the other day… Pirate Pete has been visiting every day since Mothers Day, so I’m taking his presence as a sign from James xxxx

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I’m still here , had Mother’s Day and family kept me busy , was my birthday yesterday another first but I had a lovely day xx

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Thankyou so much for replying back i did start to think if i had done sonething wrong and definitely paranoia was setting in!!!, did you have to go to coroners court with james or is it still ongoing? Aaron had cocaine in his system but not a huge amount to contribute to his,death .my friend is dying now as well so im going to lose someone else that gas been tbere for me. I feel likr im getting worse!!! Just had the biggest breakdown and felt like shit the last couple days!! Im so sick and tierd of peopke saying how yiu doing have you been out much? Like losing your chikd is a quick fix!!! Ive started to say now how would yiu feel if that happened to you!!! Xxxxx

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My birthday is 27thmarch but im forgetting about it. Im so glad you had a lovely day yesterday xxxxx


you know while i was having my breakdown talking away!! I felt like i wanted to write a book called a thief stole my son my in the night stole my joy my happinesd my whole being. The most precious thing to me and he or she is an absolute arsehole!!! And a few other swear words as well!!! Xxxxxx

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It does feel like they’ve been stolen, I’ve used exactly the same expression.

I haven’t had James’s cause of death yet, the coroner’s office say it takes 20 weeks, I’m really hoping there won’t need to be an inquest, it feels too public and I’m not sure I could cope.

My friends at work have been so lovely, went in again on Tuesday and it does keep my brain occupied for the time I’m there.

If it turns out James took his own life, is it better because he chose not to live without Nicole? I know he was never mine to keep, and they would have been together in life if things had worked out, but it’s so hard to think he chose to leave me xxxxx

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I wanted to forget my birthday too . I don’t like birthdays at the best of times but my daughter wasn’t having any of it and it’s not fair to her and the grandkids too as they love spending time with me . She surprised me with a beautiful cake . I was dreading the whole day but it was actually quite lovely and I felt neil was urging me to try to enjoy my day . At least that’s done now for another year !


Yes aarons took about 12 weeks as they wantrd to get it sorted before Christmas. Yrs at first i thought aaron took his own life as previous years he aleays wanted to with the way that he was stopped having acess to his son. But the longer it went on i just knew he didnt and it myst have been something ekse. I hated going to coroners just feel every single one of has and still is going tbrough traumatic chock as well as grieving and feeking so bloody low!!! Im at work tonight mysrlf and im always busy but aaron is on my mind constantly. Cherish what a beautiful cake!!! Im so glad you spent it with your family sending so much love to each and everyone of you xxxx​:heart::heart::heart::heart:


It is a cruel system. Re-traumatises you, and it’s lurking in the background all the time. I like the lights you have around Aaron’s grave and that you visit him every day.

I haven’t had the courage to collect James’s ashes yet. I’m planning to have a tree planted, probably at the crematorium, where all three of us can go. But I think I will wait at least until we know how he died, so it will be an ending to this uncertainty and me wondering.

Cherish, your birthday cake looks beautiful and delicious. I’m so glad you had a good day.

Take care lovely friends x

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Yes i think thats a good idea wait until the coroners court has ended then go from there. .ive alteady booked my plot right next to aaron so ill alwats be at his to work now aending love and hugs to all xxxxxx


Have a good shift xxx

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I’ve been in a black hole the last couple of days. Can’t say that anything has sparked it but I’m crying even more and thinking about letting Thomas go after they told us he was brain dead. The consultant was so callous about it, used his hand to describe it with a wave as though it was nothing.

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Thankyou!! Going to be a very busy night!!!xxx

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Really sorry Lcc, I know what you mean, the sadness just wells up and overwhelms me sometimes, just can’t stop crying. I try and keep thinking that it’s because I loved James so much… it’s just a way of honouring that love, but the physical pain that goes with it is unbearable.
Thinking of you xxx

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Yes Lcc ive been feeling exactly the same. Tge past couple days,ive been in a terrible state like sinking deeper and deeper into this black hole. Ive felt quite angry as well just feels likr ive gone back to the very start again. Sending you love xxxxx