
I agree with @Karetired that you should not put that pressure on yourself to be the person you were. Be kind to yourself and realise that YOU need looking after - even if it’s you doing that looking after. I know I find I grieve less when I a busy, which is most days, but we do need to also allow time to think of our loved ones and to be upset and shed tears. Maybe letting yourself have time to focus on your husband in between the busy things would be good,

If the busy time is mostly over then it could be the reverse - to give yourself a break from grieving by finding something to get absorbed in, maybe a new hobby.
Sending love xxx


Thank you Karen x

Thank you I find I need advice like this to make me revaluate how I feel x


Yes, @Heather56 it’s difficult when you have always been someone others have relied on to allow yourself to stop. Keep reminding yourself that you have to look after you first, which may seem selfish to someone who always gives but grief is exhausting. I seem to be tired so early every night now and I am going to bed so much earlier than I used to and sleeping more when I’m there as I wasn’t a good sleeper for years.
Karen xxx

Had lunch and visited the cinema with a friend today. – I realised hubby hadn’t been in my thoughts for hours till I came home.
Distraction is definitely the key. Oh so good to be home tho!!

G. X


Glad you had a good day. Your posts on here are such an inspiration to many of us,
Karen xxx