
It’s so upsetting and strange Laraine isn’t it, that people expect you to feel better over time, but grief doesn’t work like that, it goes round in never ending circles catching you out with unbearable sadness. I have some good friends and neighbours, but the loneliness is at times unbearable. Xx


Thank you for your kind and understanding reply.


I feel the same. As winter draws in I feel this loneliness and find it harder to go out which makes it even more lonely. If the sun shines a little in the day it makes me feel better. Sending hugs. I find this site a huge support x


@Nel I was thinking of you the other day thinking that I haven’t seen you on here for a while. Hope you are well As can be… big hugs xx

I am not too bad but my life is over. xxxx


I know how you feel. My life is over too. :cry::broken_heart:


Had a really bad day today. Had a meeting with scunthorpe and goole hospital complaints team over the way my gorgeous beautiful fantastic wife sue was treated and they admitted to miscommunication between sue themselves and our gp and ourselves as feeling wiped out after this meeting

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Oh Martin you must be exhausted…so sorry that you have had such a bad week. I also had a bad few days. This grief is such a rollercoaster. I really hope that you will get your answers from the hospital. Take care and big hugs xx

I still wear my wedding ring as well as my husband’s wedding ring. :heart::heart:

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I’m finding it harder to go out and I don’t want to get into that situation. The first year after my husband died I was so busy sorting everything out and the second year I’m finding it extremely hard. I just cannot believe it’s been just over two years since he passed away. Time is flying and people expect you’ve ‘turned the corner’ in your grief. I never know when the sudden abandonment hits me and then I just cry my eyes out.


Hazel 1966 absolutely worn out.teddy n George our two dogs are snuggled up on the sofa one on each side. Plus my daughter is making me rest and my stepson dave plus family are really supportive. Thank you


Please help me if you can. :cry:

Laraine.g1 were all here for each other.i lost my gorgeous beautiful wife sue on the 1st February last year but this forum is a big help.dont be afraid to ask for help

Hi martin how did you get on with your hospital complaint? I know your first anniversary is coming up soon…going to be an extra hard month. Take care xx


Hazel.1966 they have admitted miscommunication and they are looking into it the issues with my prosthetic leg playing up we have found out that i have a bone spur and a crack in the kneecap so more surgery needed. Definitely going to be a hard month xx

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Oh no Martin I am sorry to hear this, definitely going to be a difficult month for you with your op and your first anniversary coming up. Have you got any one to support you after your operation? Xx

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Hazel.1966 got my daughter aderlaide and my stepson dave and family have been a fantastic support. Plus neighbours and my close bike group friends are putting things in place for me. There answer to me when i asked why was you and sue did enough for us now its our turn to help you.xx


Aw that’s good Martin and your Sue will be with you in your heart as well. Hope all goes well with your surgery and after care xx

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Hazel.1966 thankyou xx