
Hi this is my first time on here.
I’m really struggling with the loss of my mum xx

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Hi @Annie26
Sorry for your loss, you’ve come to the right place as we are all unfortunately going through grief, can I ask how long have you not been coping, do you have support?


I’ve been struggling for 13 years

Sorry to hear that, have you tried therapy. I think we will always struggle without our mum’s as we had a special bond with them and the love they showed for us was never ended. She will always live in in your heart, I know it’s a scary world without them at times but reaching out for help is the best way xx

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Me too :broken_heart: xx

I’m waiting for therapy now I have so many other issues too so that doesn’t help. I feel responsible for her death

Just over 6 weeks for me and I’m struggling xx

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Me too @Victoria22
It’s like times just standing still and I’m just going through the motion’s. Such hard work Sending you hugs :hugs: xx


Pixie cat I’m so sorry you are suffering everyone seems to be getting in either lives and I’m stuck with so much guilt.
I’m sending you a big hug :cry::hugs:xx

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Dear @Annie26

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your mum and that you are struggling.

There are resources by Sue Ryder which may be of help to you at this time.

There is a useful Grief Guide that contains information to help you understand and cope with your bereavement and grief. When you feel ready, it would be worth having a look at it.

It might be helpful for you to book and appointment with your doctor to let them know how you feel and to see how they can support you. You may wish to consider one to one Counselling. Sue Ryder offer free online Bereavement Counselling which you may be interested in. It would be worth having a look at it.

There is also a blog on Losing a Parent which may be of help and support to you. You can also connect with members here who have been in a similar situation as yourself.

Grief Coach text service, which sends you personalised text support via SMS. This is helpful for family and friends too.

I hope the resources will be of help to you.

You are not alone, we are all here for you. Please continue to reach out at any time.

Take care.

Peppers x


Thank you so much.
Unfortunately I suffer from mental health problems too so you might not want to help me. Xx

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Hi @Annie26
Please don’t think you wouldn’t get help because of mental health problems, in fact I would think you would be put further up the queue for counselling. Sending you hugs :hugs:

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The texts are quite comforting, I look forward to receiving them x

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Me too as I’m finding that family are moving on and don’t give a dam about me, so disappointed


I’m running out of family, all I have left is my brother, nephew & sister-in-law and they live over an hour away. x

Thank you xxx

Dear @Annie26

Please don’t think you would not get help. If you are unsure about the Counselling, try the the Grief Coach text service, which sends you personalised text support via SMS.

No one is exempt from being listened to or needing help.

Take care.

Peppers x

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Thank you Peppers xx

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It is my first day too, ive read some bits and feel much less alone already. Im here if you want though i need the love too

I’m glad you’ve come here we are all in the same boat. We all need support and to know we are not alone and people care and understand xx

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