Sudden death

Thank you I have two sons one is married with two children 13 and 7 and the other is pre divorce with three children 17, 16 and 10 so they are tied up and busy with their own families all I have to do is ask and they help as much as I need but I don’t like being a burden on them as they are missing their dad also. I want to go to bed pull the covers over and never wake up.

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I completely get the wanting to go to bed and not wake up - this feels like a living hell


its a couple of months since i lost my hubby of 35 years .Christmas is going to be really hard for me too . Its like your body is working but your brain is elsewhere stricten with tears and a broken heart …sobbing on the dog walk away from everyone…everything he ever worked for hes now not here to enjoy things …so sad and only 56. Ive lost motivation and going through " whats the point anymore," stage lost and emotionally lonely. Ive lovely family to support me but they are knocking and im not in basically.I feel your pain. Keep going but at your pace . Take it slow. Eat,rest do bit each day my love and thoughts go out to you and all who are dealing with bereavement xx