Sunday, bloody Sunday

I do think we need to find a different routine to change our mindset, me and David always went for a long walk on Saturday mornings, i tried to carry this on alone but it made me so sad, I do other things now and walk for my health during the week, just changing the day has made it easier and not as heart breaking. I guess i am starting to own things that we once shared. The memories will always be there though.


Yes thats the one thing weā€™ve always got, and no one can take them away
X x


You are right, the ground has shifted, an earthquake in our lives and there is no going back. I was with my partner for 47 years then the world collapsed and she was gone. Itā€™s tough and yet we have to go on. Bizarrely it helps for me to regard myself as still having my partner - in life or death she canā€™t be taken away she is still with me. I will defend her, support her, praise her now as i did - though she is gone she will always be with me. I canā€™t and wonā€™t let her be taken. We were strong together - invincible - and we will see this through totether. Love is stronger than death.


Love this :purple_heart:


Oh@ Lapizt,
That is a great way of thinking.
Thank you

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This life is full of surprises. My wife was in a car accident one month ago, and she instantly died. I miss everything about her; she was my support and motivation in life. Now I have to do it alone. I will always honor her wishes, keep listening to her advice, and make sure she is always in my heart. She was the pillar of my life, the reason I could find peace. Now I am alone again. We need to be strong and accept the pain and sorrow. We will flourish again, for sure, with the scar in our minds, but I believe that our hearts will be fulfilled with love again, including the biggest love Iā€™ve lost, my Mariya.

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Hello mattie i lost my husband al.ost 5 weeks ago a d i hope we do find happand love again. I can invisage living the rest of my life alone. Love n hugs Jo xxx

Hi, thank you so much for your message. Donā€™t worry life we guide us in the right direction and when we are ready new love will arise. We should not be afraid of anything, love is in our hearts and in our soul. If you want to talk you can always talk to me.

Hiya Mattie ty that means alot this lonilness is a killer i hate the nights when i think everyone is sleeping. I have never been alone before. I darent go to bed so i lay on the sofa. Xxx

Everyone who lost someone is alone. And we need to process the grief alone for about 90%. We will need to find the support from others to make life more soothing and less painful. Try to control your mind by meditation or calming exercises for your brain. Never forget that the person you lost is always with you, maybe not in physical form but in spiritual form. Remember that your husband is in your hearth and you need to find him there. Once you find him he will give you the strength to go on and to find peace inside you. Donā€™t be afraid to be alone. Your husband is always with you.

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Awww bless you Mattie. I hope so . I just want to feel like me again not this mess of a person i have become. Its so lovely having the support ofvall of you but those empty hours are a killer. I miss been a couple sharing all life throws at us. He was my stength. He supported me in everything. Xxx

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