Sunday, bloody Sunday

Awww Liz Ty yes i have Millie she is a little bugger. Full of mischief. I am trying i really am and the agrophobia makes it really difficult. I just hope one day i can say yesvit hurts but i can concentrate on something other then holding onto my phone hoping to find some miracle that will take away a bit of the hurt i am feeling. Reading post after post how others are feeling and coping
. Hugs jo xxxxx


You’ll be ok

It’ll still be there but you will learn to cope

Love and a big hug
Liz x x

I feel every single bit of your pain. My husband was killed at work in February. It was a normal day until it wasn’t. The police knocked at my door as I was just about to leave for work. Every single day is trauma, I can’t sleep, eat, or think about anything else. I know what happened, (well, kind of, pending inquest) Yet, the shocking realisation punches me in the face a 100 times a day. I don’t know who I am without my love. I have been doing the same as you with keeping busy, it does help temporarily. If I can give you any advice, and boy I’m struggling myself so it may be wrong advice. But, I would keep hold of your Hubby’s things and put them out of site for now whilst the pain is still extremely raw. You may regret it. Love and hugs.


Ty so much Liro I am really hoping and hugs Jo xxx

JD how awful that must have been . I am hoping you get all the answers you deserve at the inquest. Although nothing will take away your pain. I have put all Gras things into his wardrobe. I aint getting rid of anything as yet as i cant. It feels like i am throwing him away love and hugs Jo xxx

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@jevncute I also suffer from agoraphobia. It is just over 18 months since my husband passed away. When he was admitted to hospital it was a nightmare for me to leave the house to visit him. I would get on the bus and desperately try not to burst into tears. He passed away 10 days later and the thought of ever going out the house again sent me into a panic. I knew if I was going to survive, I would have to make a big effort to get out of the house. No one can help you with agoraphobia. It is something that you have to overcome yourself. I joined a couple of clubs and each time to get out of the house I panicked. Once I got to the club I burst into tears. Everyone was very supportive but it took me months to relax. Even after 18 months, I still get agitated about going out, but I do it. The last 10 days have been hard as I have had covid, so couldn’t go to any of the clubs. The fear about going out has returned but I know I can do it again. Be kind to yourself and don’t push going out. If you have a garden, just try a few steps around the garden. Build it up slowly. I can’t say the feeling ever goes away but I have learnt I am strong enough to do it. Sending you big hugs and stay strong

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Awww bless you Caw. I have had agrophobia for 40 years almost it started after the birth of my son. I know the panic attacks wont hurt me I have them wether I am home or not. Its just the intense fear of not been in control. I have blacked out a few times through panic at that scares me. I use to go out in my husbands car admittedly not far. But since losing him I xant. I take my hat to you and say bloody well done you. I wish i had half of your bravery. Love and hugs Jo xxx

Your post is not negative. Its the reality of losing a loved one. And i can assure you. That your words will have been the words of a lot of people using this platform. When you have loved and lost. We are never quite the same in the same way.
Tom Tom if the platform isnt helping you in the way you need thats ok. Every one does things differently

For my husband.


For those loved ones not here but in our hearts xx


Thanks Rose so lovely xx


Ty Rose wgat a lovely thought xx


:blue_heart: my dad rip. TY Rose. Such a Lovely thought xx


How we all seem to hate Sundays.
I have an idea that I am going to try out
So I am going to save lots of my everyday cleaning, tidying, laundry, food shopping for Sundays. then I will be busy all day Sunday and it won’t seem as bad. Yes it will be quieter outside and the shops won’t be as busy but catching up on housework etc is better than sitting around wishing for something that cannot be.
I will make Sunday my housekeeping day !. Its worth a try at least until we start seeing the light at the end of our horrible dark tunnel.


I’m another whose husband died on a Sunday.
Jevncute are there any support groups near you. I think Mind might do something I’ve put in a link
I know it’s hard (impossible maybe) to go out but could you perhaps find a puppy class to take your little dog to where you could meet others . Or a dog walking group.
Sorry not very helpful suggestions. I do realise how hard it must be for you.


My husband died on a Friday
It’s a bad day for me.
But I still find Sundays difficult so maybe @penny6 has a good idea.
Thats really nice of you @Woolly with your suggestions for @jevncute
I wish I could help her more.

Sending big hugs to everyone :hugs: :heart:


Awww ty Liro that is so sweet of you. Love jo xxx

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Hi Jo

I mean it I do wish I could help you more. But all I can say is we are all here for you.
We will always listen and support you.
Please take @Woollys advice and try that link

Sending you a big hug
Liz x x

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Hiya Liro and wooly i can never ty for the help and support. Of course i will see what mind as to say. I am open to anything that might help. No there are no puppy clubs or anything like that in a close proximity to my home i have looked. Love and hugs too you both xxxx

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My David died on a Tuesday…i think the dislike of Sundays is because it is a day when you would have been together maybe with family maybe just as a couple but Sundays are often a time for leisure and good times even if it was doing the garden together or DIY etc or just watching TV. Sundays are often different to the rest of the week.


Yes @penny6 you’re right.

Whatever else we did in the week we always had the same dinner and a lie down after. And watched the Tv together the rest of the evening
Thats probably why I find Sunday afternoon so hard.
I go to Church in the morning so that helps then

X x

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