The funeral was today

My fiance’s funeral was this afternoon. I’m in Spain and his family chose to bury him in one of those slide in tomb things as we didn’t know what he wanted.
We played two songs that he wanted for our wedding songs.

Now I can’t stop thinking I’ll never see him walk into the house again, I’ll never hear his voice, see his smiling face. It seems like I’m in a bizarre sort of movie but it’s not…

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Yes see what you mean about being in some sort of film.

Heartfelt sympathies to you, it’s all like some bad dream that you are living through, but unlike a dream you are not going to wake up. Try to take comfort from remembering the good times you had together, you will never get over the loss but hopefully learn to live with it :mending_heart:

You are not alone, I lost my beloved husband on 23rd November 2024 to cancer, everything is not the same without him and the silence and emptiness is unbearable. I have to listen to a video on my phone so I can hear is voice and i read the texts messages on my phone and i sleep cuddling his t-shirt every night to feel him with me.
I would give anything to have him back.
So sorry for your loss

Im so so sorry for your loss its never easy i felt like i was in one of those dreams that you are so relieved when you wake up and realise its a bad dream but this is an absolute nightmare bless you if you want to chat when your ready i will always be there for you

Thank you, the same for you too.

The one person I would talk to is the one person who’s not here, he always knew how to make me feel better, he would say " hey baby do you need a hug". I would give anything to hear that again

Try and keep that thought it will comfort you in a small way theres nothing better than having a good hug anytime of the day.
He sounds like a lovely old fashioned romantic that made you feel safe and secure.

Hi poppet, it’s strange but comforting to know that people do the same things as I do, I have his tee shirt next to my pillow in bed and I still read all his text messages, they make me laugh and cry, he died from cancer in July and I miss him more every day, not less :broken_heart:

To poppet and Burnsie
Its all the beautiful moments that bring them to the forefront i miss my wife more than life itself . I have 2 of the best pictures we ever took i have a very small bottle of her Ashes and a lock of her hair which i kiss and tell her i loved her endless.
But then i Ask the big question WHY.
Then i look at her pics and videos and i wish i could be stood right next to her and every things ok again meanwhile even though its been 4 years i still miss her like every second every minute every hour of the day

I ask the same question myself “why”
We had so many plans and dreams for the future and now there gone.

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Hi yanko, easy answer to why? It’s because you love her and always will and hope that somewhere out there, she is looking at you and smiling, sharing that love too, I believe that this is what will help so many of us get through the darkest days 🪽

Hi Burnsie
Yes your right its comforting to think of your loved one in that safe place and them all being normal again back to their old self as you picture them but they have a smile on their face .

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Everything since my husband died has seemed surreal. Like I’m looking at a film and he’s not really gone. It’s only just hitting me
after nearly 4 months. I still have all his things around me. Can’t face
removing them.

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Hi Catladyspain
My Jacquie’s funeral is tomorrow. I have cried at various points throughout the day today. I am dreading the funeral with every ounce of my soul. I am burying her without fully accepting she has gone, which is hard.
I don’t know how i will hold up during the service and commital, but i know that it needs to be done.
She never understood just how much she was loved, her kindness touched a lot of people, and talking to her just reduces me to tears. I feel that i am quite a strong person, but i am struggling badly today.
I hope i am strong enough for her tomorrow.

Hi jacrobthorn, tomorrow you will find a hidden depth of strength for your beloved Jacquie, you will feel it so much more afterwards, try to focus on the good memories, eventually they may make the loneliness a little more bearable.

You will find the strength because you have too for her and just because your a strong person so am i but believe me you have every right to break down and let it all out . Dont do what i did and tried to just muscle through it but it broke me completely and hear i am reaching out for councilling to help me.
You must let yourself greive it it means crying for days then do that believe me i wish i had done.

To bumblebee
It sounds a bit like i was saying before its like Time lapse and you keep thinking its one of those dreams where your gonna wake up and everytime is normal keep reaching out to get help i wish i had done earlier

Exactly. It’s very hard to get help. I’m getting a monthly phone
call from Cruse and I’m hoping to go to a bereavement cafe but
getting out of the house is a real effort at the moment. I’m so

Where is that cafe if its the same one as i was gonna go to we could help each other its my first time trying it and your first time trying it so we could motivate each other

The one i was looking at is on the 1st and 3rd wednesday at Trinity church is that the same one